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Politics Deputies ask the Government to prevent a decree that deregulates benefits for people with disabilities - Infobae

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Deputies ask the Government to prevent a decree that deregulates benefits for people with disabilities - Infobae​



May 28, 2024

They did so after a draft was circulated. They presented a project prepared by Eduardo Valdés, from Unión por la Patria, which was signed by more than 30 officials, including Miguel Ángel Pichetto and Ricardo López Murphy.

The national deputy Eduardo Valdés presented the project to ask the government to annul the draft decree

More than 30 national deputies presented a project in Congress asking the Government not to move forward with a draft decree to deregulate benefits in favor of people with disabilities . The document was prepared by Eduardo Valdés , from Unión por la Patria , and accompanied by other officials, including Miguel Ángel Pichetto and Ricardo López Murphy , from Hacemos Coalión Federal .

This is a draft that circulated through social networks and has already been signed by the executive director of the National Disability Agency (ANDIS) , Diego Orlando Spagnuolo.

If the deregulation of tariffs takes place, people with disabilities will be left in a state of absolute vulnerability .” Indeed, if this draft decree comes into force, access to health for people with disabilities will be more difficult , since many providers will lose interest in offering their services due to insufficient remuneration for their professional work. This is so, since there are no tariffs pre-established and updated by the regulatory authority, the Social Works and other health providers can arbitrarily set said tariffs to the detriment of fair recognition for the service provided,” states the document presented.

Deputy Ramiro Gutiérrez also supported the project

And he adds "that by mandate of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in force in our country by virtue of Law 26,378 and with constitutional hierarchy by virtue of Law 27,044, it is the obligation of the State to promote the full exercise of the rights of people with disabilities.”

In turn, the project emphasizes that on February 7, during a National Emergency Disability Day, carried out by the Permanent Forum for the Promotion and Defense of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the problem faced by the sector today. “The serious situation faced by PWD was raised there, as well as all those providers who provide health, education, rehabilitation, recreation and transportation services. In this framework, a request was sent to the head of the National Executive Branch,” highlights the text signed by the deputies.

Ricardo López Murphy, deputy of We Make the Federal Coalition (Photo: Nicolas Stulberg)

And in this sense, he explains: "Consequently, if the Executive Branch moves forward with this measure, the emergency situation already reported in February by the Permanent Forum for the Promotion and Defense of the Rights of People with Disabilities will deepen." Disability".

For his part, Deputy Valdés stated: “Law 24901 was passed in 1997. Today the current nomenclature states that all providers have the obligation to cover benefits at the same value. This means that everyone can access quality benefits. It allows people with disabilities to have health and education to be able to self-sufficiency, which is the key to having a better life, who often do not have family members or economic resources. “This decree would mean a huge step backwards.”

Miguel Ángel Pichetto, another of the deputies who signed to prevent the decree from being issued

And he added: “If they move forward, they would be making it possible for there to be people with first-class disabilities, who have the economic capacity to pay for a prepayment, and then people with second or third-class disabilities, according to the extent of the coverage they have. , if he has it.” Then, he pointed out: “A decision like this leaves a universe of 15 million people in our country unprotected. This must be a cause of the entire political arc, beyond party affiliations, for it to be a State issue.”

In addition to Pichetto and Lopez Murphy, those who accompanied the initiative were: Martin Soria, Tanya Bertoldi, Roxana Monzon, Ernesto Daniel Gollan, Ricardo Herrera, Maria Eugenia Alianiello, Juan Manuel Pedrini, Lorraine Pokoik, Eduardo Toniolli, Julio Pereyra, Ramiro Gutierrez, Nancy Sand, Jorge Romero, Ariel Rauschemberger, Jorge Araujo Hernandez, Hilda Aguirre, Blanca Osuna, Liliana Paponet, Sabrina Selva, Pablo Yedlin, Pablo Todero, Roberto Mirabella, Micaela Moran, Gabriela Pedrali, Aldo Leiva, Natalia Zabala Chacur, Maria Gisela Marziotta and Mario Manrique.