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Politics Deputies open the venue to debate a new retirement formula and seek to “strain” the security emergency for Santa Fe - Infobae

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Deputies open the venue to debate a new retirement formula and seek to “strain” the security emergency for Santa Fe - Infobae​



March 12, 2024

The We Make Federal Coalition bloc has the support of UxP and a sector of radicalism to have a quorum tomorrow. Thus they seek to enable a special session to summon the commissions to debate a new mobility formula. Internal in radicalism due to the security emergency for Santa Fe

By David Cayon

Miguel Ángel Pichetto, Emilio Monzó and Nicolás Massot from the We Make Federal Coalition bloc

The We Make Federal Coalition bloc is preparing to open the chamber of the Chamber of Deputies . This afternoon he will have a new meeting to adjust the details but he hopes to have the necessary number to be able to carry out the special session where he seeks to discuss a new formula for updating retirements and pensions scheduled for tomorrow at 12 noon.

“So far those who are not going to provide a quorum are La Libertad Avanza, the PRO and the most militias sector of radicalism is in doubt,” they explained from within the bloc commanded by Miguel Angel Pichetto .

The quorum is assured, at least at this time, and this afternoon there will be meetings of the blocks regarding how they will act. The PRO meets at 6:00 p.m. and we form a Federal Coalition a few hours before.

The project presented by the Civic Coalition deputy Juan Manuel López that will be brought to the venue aims to modify the retirement mobility formula and establishes that benefits will be updated monthly “ according to the variation of the General Level of the National Consumer Price Index ( CPI)” prepared and published by INDEC “ corresponding to the second month immediately preceding the month of the benefit to be updated.”


The deputies resume the debate on Milei's "omnibus law" (EFE)

It also establishes a caveat, which in this case will be the “ splicing ”, which is the step of the current formula that updates retirements on a quarterly basis taking past indices. The project indicates “ it must be complemented with a general increase in benefits of 20.60%” - which is equivalent to the inflation of January 2024.

But the HCF bloc does not have the necessary support to be able to approve it since, since the project did not pass through the commissions, it needs two-thirds to obtain half a sanction, which means achieving the support of 171 of the 257 deputies, something that seems unlikely.

Faced with this, and taking into account that the PRO and the UCR want to advance along the same line - María Eugenia Vidal presented a project and the radicalism negotiates with LLA the “junction” - what they are going to look for tomorrow in the precinct is to vote the summons to commissions to debate the issue.

“It is going to be proposed to summon the Budget and Finance and Pension commissions so that within an established period the issue can be debated and ruled on so that it can quickly return to the premises,” they explained from HCF.

In this scheme, Pichetto and company hope to also add the radical deputies closest to Javier Milei to come down to the premises and accompany this location.

The Budget and Finance Commission has already been formed and the call for the Forecast Commission still needs to be made. The summons seeks, among other things, to accelerate the deadlines for that call.

The governor of Santa Fe spoke after the string of crimes related to drug trafficking in Rosario

What HCF has “insured” are the 23 own deputies to which it will add the presence of the 99 that today make up Unión por la Patria. The four members of the Left Front would be added to this group

On the other hand, in the block meetings they will discuss preparing a declaration on the state of affairs that Rosario is experiencing in the midst of an exponential growth in drug crime.

In radicalism there is a lot of internal discussion on this point since deputy Mario Barletta presented a bill to declare a security emergency until December 31 for the province of Santa Fe. There is a sector that pushes the possibility that be voted on tomorrow in the special session in order to give tools to the radical governor, Maximiliano Pullaro.