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Politics Deputies rejected the elimination of privilege retirements - Infobae

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Deputies rejected the elimination of privilege retirements - Infobae​



June 05, 2024

Miguel Ángel Pichetto had requested that the article be deleted from the project. However, he did not gain the necessary support; Likewise, the article did not obtain the votes to be approved

Debate on retirement mobility in the Chamber of Deputies

After approving the half-sanction for a new retirement mobility formula , deputy Miguel Ángel Pichetto requested to delete article 11 of the project; which sought the elimination of privileged retirements . However, the request was rejected due to the lack of agreement, but it still did not reach the necessary votes.

The request to eliminate privileged retirements for Presidents and Vice Presidents was put to the vote but did not obtain the necessary endorsement. In this way, in its particular treatment, the article in question obtained 111 negative votes, 109 positive votes and 15 abstentions. This point sparked a heated debate about the closing of what was a long day in Congress.

It all started with the proposal of Pichetto, who stated: “I am going to ask for the deletion of article 11, they are turning the issue around and no one is saying it. This determines the suppression of the presidents' retirement or pension, it is prohibited, it is limited that presidents from now on do not have any benefits from the State."

In that sense, the legislator from Hacemos Coalión Federal maintained that “ whoever thought this has a very perverse vision of antipolitics ; "He fundamentally believes that politics is for drug traffickers, marginalized people, criminals, people who have no interest in defending Argentina and thinks that the President, when his term ends, has to go ask for a job in a factory." “That's what he thinks in his stupid head,” he said.

Miguel Ángel Pichetto, from We Make the Federal Coalition (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)

Thus, he requested that the Chamber of Deputies "not break this principle that recognizes the figure of a President of the Nation and a right", for which he also clarified that "all those who are recognized, all those who already have presidential retirement They have it and they can't get it out .” “The problem is for those who are in office, for the current president and those who come,” he explained and considered “really damaging” to the rights of those who occupy this position.

The questions did not wait. The first to oppose Pichetto's request was the head of the PRO bench, Cristian Ritondo , who announced that the only thing that the yellow party would accompany is precisely article 11 of the opinion that proposed eliminating privileged retirements. “It was within our project, we asked for it in the Bases Law, so that article our bench is going to vote positively,” he clarified just before the start of the particular vote.

Then, the head of the Radical Civic Union (UCR) bloc , Rodrigo De Loredo , spoke out, who assured that the legislators of his same political force share Pichetto's arguments from the institutional perspective, by recognizing the hierarchy of a former president of the Nation, for which he admitted that there were differences found within the bloc itself. However, he cited the case of Cristina Kirchner when stating: “It is extremely irritating that even in the economic and emergency stages of the Argentine Republic, a former president of the Nation receives a remuneration that exceeds 9 million pesos, when a pension asset basic is 240 thousand pesos, including bonuses, president.”

“I know that it is a request that I would strongly say is the only one that Unión por la Patria has requested to accompany our opinion,” he expressed when recognizing the negotiations that were established between the blocks of Unión por la Patria, the UCR, We Make Federal Coalition, Civic Coalition and Federal Innovation. Likewise, he made it clear that they would not support the proposal. Ultimately, the article was not deleted, but it did not reach the necessary votes in the particular vote.

Cristian Ritondo, head of the PRO block in Deputies
This was the only point of agreement between the PRO and the UCR, since during the legislative session the strong discrepancies between both parties were evident. In fact, De Loredo closed his statement with a direct message to the bench led by Ritondo. “Welcome the friends of the PRO who return to the path of the projects that they previously accompanied and that now hide their hand. And I congratulate, President, the reporting members of La Libertad Avanza who have argued with passion, solvency and technicality the position of LLA. I predict that in a short time they will no longer need the PRO to support their projects,” he indicated.

The initiative, which will be sent to the Senate , proposes a monthly update based on the latest data available from the Consumer Price Index (CPI ). In addition, an extra compensation - or "splice" - will be included with 8.1%, given that the Government granted 12.5% that does not cover the 20.6% inflation in January (the month that is left out of the update ). The minimum amount would guarantee coverage of the basic basket for the elderly (which would be around $260,000).

Likewise, President Javier Milei has already announced that he would veto the law if it is sanctioned, since he considers that this new retirement mobility formula would affect the public accounts of the State. Minutes after the vote in Deputies, the President expressed himself on his social networks. “I am not going to deliver the fiscal balance in any way. “I will defend the fund with a pure veto if necessary ,” he assured and added: “A pure fiscal deficit impoverished the country, so in no way am I going to allow this to be repeated.”