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Politics Deputies: the libertarian bloc asks to see Milei and redefine strategies after the fall of the Omnibus Law - Infobae


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Deputies: the libertarian bloc asks to see Milei and redefine strategies after the fall of the Omnibus Law - Infobae



February 19, 2024

The libertarian legislators met with the head of state at the beginning of last January, when the debate on the now failed project began. They seek to seal fissures and stop a curious internal

By Mariano Casal

The head of the ruling bloc in Deputies, Oscar Zago

The block of deputies of La Libertad Avanza requested a meeting with Javier Milei to redefine the political and legislative strategy for the start of ordinary sessions on March 1 . The request comes after the fall of the omnibus law and a curious internal debate in the libertarian caucus due to a lack of prominence and places of relevance in the lower house committees.

As recognized by the ruling party to Infobae , the meeting does not yet have a date and the definition is in the hands of the general secretary of the Presidency and sister of the president, Karina Milei . The deputies already saw the head of state in the Casa Rosada at the beginning of last month, when the discussion of the failed project began.

Last week, this medium told how a group of legislators took advantage of the failure of the vote in particular on the omnibus law to stir up ghosts and push for a fracture in the bloc led by Oscar Zago . They also targeted the head of the lower house, Martín Menem , although the Casa Rosada ruled out any type of modification in that regard. At least, for now.

Days ago, a source with direct access to Deputies and the Casa Rosada acknowledged to Infobae: “Instead of helping, they aggravate the issue. This occurs because a couple of legislators asked to remain on the commissions that debated the initiative or even preside over them , and they were not even consulted. The unusual thing is that, after what happened with the omnibus law, they want to hit the ruling party itself.”

Those who know the internal situation in depth point to one person in particular, of the five or six now critical, who has already “picked up the bad habits of politics” and demanded a commission for when the regular sessions open as a condition for staying on the official bench. . They even trusted that, in his supposed area of knowledge, he left “a lot to be desired.”

Libertarian deputy Gabriel Bornoroni with José Luis Espert (Franco Fafasuli)

The information arrived late to us. Sometimes we didn't know what we were about to discuss or what had been negotiated. There was a lot of disorder ,” they stated days ago from the conglomerate that is distanced not only from Zago, but also from Menem. Karina Milei appeared with the Rioja deputy over the weekend. They watched together a tennis match by the Spaniard and world number two, Carlos Alcaraz , which he lost.

Of the three commissions that intervened on the omnibus law, the Casa Rosada gave the order to give José Luis Espert - an official ally of Avanza Libertad - the Budget and Finance commission of the lower house, while Menem lowered the order on the other two. . One of these is the General Legislation, which went to Gabriel Bornoroni from Córdoba , who was exposed in front of his colleagues and the rest of the opposition .

Meanwhile, the group that defends Zago expressed that it was very complex to decipher, in the midst of simultaneous negotiations, the messages that officials from the Casa Rosada sent from time to time such as the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos , or the presidential advisor himself. , Santiago Caputo . “It was difficult because not even we had the information. There was no concealment, but there are issues that were settled with governors and we found out late,” they detailed from the ruling party.

To have a dimension of what happened, the day before the particular vote that ended in a harsh defeat for La Libertad Avanza, the legislators of the “dialogue” opposition had at least five versions of each article or subsection in dispute, a panorama of almost impossible solution within hours of the meeting , which ended with the return of the project to committees and the discussion to a clean sheet.