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Politics Diana Mondino spoke about the diplomatic crisis with Spain: “The reaction has been exorbitant” - Infobae

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Diana Mondino spoke about the diplomatic crisis with Spain: “The reaction has been exorbitant” - Infobae​



May 26, 2024

The chancellor questioned Pedro Sánchez's decision to withdraw diplomatic representation in Argentina and considered it “a mistake” to turn a personal issue into a problem between States.

The chancellor assured that the conflict will be resolved
In the midst of the diplomatic crisis with Spain , Foreign Minister Diana Mondino considered the decision of Pedro Sánchez 's Government to withdraw her country's ambassador from Argentina as “exorbitant. ” In that sense, she reiterated that this is a “personal” issue that should not become a conflict between States.

During recent weeks, the tension between President Javier Milei and his Spanish counterpart has only grown after a strong verbal back and forth. For this reason, the Senate summoned the chancellor for next Tuesday, in an attempt to find out what the priorities and pillars of management are in matters of foreign policy.

Last Monday, the Spanish Government withdrew its ambassador to Argentina, María Jesús Alonso Jiménez , from the country, sending a clear message to the national government. “ The reaction has been exorbitant , it was so disproportionate that it is surprising,” said Mondino during his participation in “ La Noche de Mirtha ” (El Trece), the program hosted by Mirtha Legrand .

Faced with Spain's decision, the national Executive decided to maintain its diplomatic representation in the neighboring country. On this point, Mondino assured that "it is not appropriate" to remove the ambassador, which is why he stated that " there is a notable confusion between a person and the State ." “In no way can the two things be confused,” he added and clarified: “On our side in Argentina, we have no problem.”

The minister pointed out that, from her point of view, it was an initial mistake to confuse the personal with the diplomatic and "instead of backing down, unfortunately Pedro Sánchez doubled down."


President Javier Milei (Franco Fafasuli)
The rivalry between President Javier Milei and Sánchez began during last year's campaign, when the Spanish head of state openly spoke out in favor of Sergio Massa .

However, the situation became more complex due to a series of aggressive statements by the Spanish government, with officials who treated Milei as a “substance user”, a “fascist” and as having positions contrary to democracy. The president's reaction was to remember, without mentioning, the judicial accusations of alleged corruption against Begoña Gómez . Consequently, Sánchez demanded a rectification. What followed then was to remove diplomatic representation.

Faced with this scenario, Mondino alleged that “In Argentina, no one would have known what Milei was referring to with his words and I think it was the least offensive because the information exists.” “Associating a State with a person is not common, it is a storm in a teapot. There is no reason for a comment to become a matter of state,” Mondino said on this occasion.

The president of Spain, Pedro Sánchez (EFE/Chema Moya)

In this way, the chancellor reiterated what she stated at the Argentine Institute of Finance Executives (IAEF) days ago, an event in which she stated: “This is an anecdote that we have with Spain. “It is a very particular case where the personal relationship that may or may not exist between the leaders of a country cannot and should not affect the relationship between society, the community.”

“I don't need to tell you what Spain is for Argentina, it really is of monumental importance. This is a strictly internal, political issue. From the point of view of foreign relations, (ties) are like electrocardiograms that go beep-pip. It should not be something that affects (the bond for) the next 20 or 30 years,” she expressed at that time.

“Spanish companies have had a lot of activity over the years. The Argentine community in Spain and the Spanish community in Argentina is enormous,” he indicated a few days ago, which is why he ruled out that this conflict directly affects the existing commercial relations between both nations.