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Politics Diplomatic conflict: Spain made official the withdrawal of its ambassador in Buenos Aires - Infobae

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Diplomatic conflict: Spain made official the withdrawal of its ambassador in Buenos Aires - Infobae​



May 29, 2024

Through royal decree 506/2024, signed by King Felipe VI and the Spanish chancellor José Manuel Albares Bueno and published today in the Official State Gazette, the “removal” of María Jesús Alonso Jiménez as representative in Argentina is provided

Archive photo. Argentine Foreign Minister Diana Mondino and now former Spanish Ambassador to Buenos Aires María Jesús Alonso Jiménez (Foreign Ministry)

Through a decree published in the Official State Gazette, signed by King Felipe VI and the Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares Bueno , the government of Pedro Sánchez today made official the “cessation” of María Jesús Alonso Jiménez as ambassador in Buenos Aires . Thus, the diplomatic representation of Spain in Argentina is definitively reduced to an “ ad interim ” charge d'affaires.


The royal decree published in the Official Gazette of the State of Spain

On May 21, and following President Javier Milei 's criticism of Sánchez and his wife, Begoña Gómez , whom he accused of being corrupt, the Spanish government had ordered Alonso Jiménez to leave the diplomatic headquarters and return to Madrid as a means of protest. He also demanded a public apology from the Argentine president, something that did not happen.

Since his participation in the Vox event organized in the Spanish capital, to date, Milei escalated the diplomatic tension with Spain and with Sánchez , accusing him in several interviews of being a “coward” and “totalitarian” for believing himself to be “owner of the State.” In addition, and through social networks, she shares news and publications about the progress of the investigation against Begoña Gómez .

The diplomatic conflict between Argentina and Spain began earlier this month, when Spanish Transport Minister Óscar Puente suggested that Milei consumes “substances.” Then the Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Diana Morant, spoke out, accusing the Argentine president of representing a “ denialist model ” that “ attacks democracy itself .”

Several days later, Puente acknowledged his mistake . “If I had had the slightest notion, and this is perhaps my big mistake, that it was going to have the dissemination and impact that it has had, I would not have said what I said,” he said.

Spain and Argentina: internal repercussions​

The president of Spain, Pedro Sánchez , justified last week the decision to withdraw the ambassador in Buenos Aires. “It is a practice of diplomatic relations as an act of formal protest,” he said in a presentation before the Spanish Congress, and assured: Far from rectifying, Milei ratifies the insult .”

“Our fraternal feeling towards the Argentine people, those who live with us, and economic, cultural, and academic relations will always be a priority for our government , it has been from the first minute. It is true that affections are free between governments, this government has nothing to do with Milei's government. Affections are free, but respect is not, it is inalienable, and above ideologies are education and patriotism,” the Spanish president stated at that time.

Isabel Díaz Ayuso supported Javier Milei in the conflict with Pedro Sánchez
For her part, the mayor of Madrid and opposition leader, Isabel Díaz Ayuso , defended Milei and assured that the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) “ have defamed him and have not respected democracy .”

In a legislative intervention, the president of the Community of Madrid questioned the position of the Spanish socialists for “ not respecting the will of the people of Argentina ” who “freely at the polls” elected Javier Milei during the runoff on November 17, 2023. , something that “gives him hives,” he reproached.

In the midst of the campaign for the elections for the European Union parliament, Ayuso criticized the proposal of Pedro Sánchez's PSOE, for claiming that "the Peronist drift that they have brought to Argentina is what they intend to do in Spain." “ That is why they attack this president so much (by Milei), they have defamed him and they have not respected democracy ,” he stressed.

On the other hand, national deputy Máximo Kirchner questioned the criticism of several Sánchez government officials of Milei , despite their public differences and repeated criticism on political and economic matters. “He is still the president of my country, even though he doesn't agree on anything or almost anything. Now that the Minister of Transportation of Spain says that he consumes substances, it is not the best way to have better relations ,” admitted the national deputy of Unión por la Patria and president of the PJ Bonaerense.