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Politics Diplomatic crisis with Spain? How does it affect Argentina if the president of Spain withdraws his ambassador?

Presidents and heads of state like Milei should not act like this. He is antagonizing our trade partners. Many citizens from Argentina are originally from Spain. Milei is not acting like a leader.
So many Argentines in Spain. And also probably some Spanish fans of Milei. This was the scene of Milei in Spain today.

Another day, yet another award Milei has won around the world.

Another day, yet another award Milei has won around the world.

Another day, yet another waste of taxpayer funded trip for Milei outside of Argentina. No hay plata.
@Avocado, On this occasion, I am in full agreement with you.

I wonder what Milei would do if any European politician came to BS As to accept an "award" from Kiciloff.....
I agree with you too @GlasgowJohn. Some trips would be necessary but flying around the world to accept awards every 2 weeks is not a good look when you are laying off 100,000 employees with the claims of no hay plata.

One week from Zelensky another week Spain. Just needs to be careful because If things don’t go well later this year they will probably being up all these trips.