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Politics Distanced from Bullrich, Macri waits for the approval of the Bases Law to differentiate the PRO from Milei and resist a merger - Infobae

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Distanced from Bullrich, Macri waits for the approval of the Bases Law to differentiate the PRO from Milei and resist a merger - Infobae​



May 29, 2024

The former President wants his party to collaborate with the Government, but is committed to strategic autonomy. The Minister of Security will strengthen PRO Libertad, its political side linked to La Libertad Avanza. Ritondo and the party mayors will meet this week to launch a new provincial table

By Robertino Sánchez Flecha

Distanced from Bullrich, Macri waits for the approval of the Bases Law to differentiate the PRO from Milei and resist a merger

The PRO is still in a critical situation . The tension between Mauricio Macri and Patricia Bullrich generates internal noise that prevents the coordination of an order and new strategy. The party lost its compass in the 2023 elections and its leaders intend to find a new roadmap . That motivated the former President's decision to formally assume the presidency of the space that he created two decades ago. But he faces resistance from the Minister of National Security, who moves with loyalty to Javier Milei and seeks to bring the yellow seal closer to a merger with La Libertad Avanza .

The last chapter of that political novel took place yesterday. In the midst of the catastrophe unleashed by the departure of Nicolás Posse from the Government and his replacement by Guillermo Francos , a statement was circulated in the PRO that stirred up tensions internally.

With the encouragement of Bullrich, a group of legislators from the province of Buenos Aires communicated the decision to break the PRO block in the Buenos Aires Legislature. “PRO Libertad is born in the province of Buenos Aires: an unwavering commitment to change,” says the header of the statement signed by Buenos Aires deputies Fernando Compagnoni , Sofía Pomponio , Florencia Retamoso, Abigaíl Gómez , Oriana Colugnatti and Senator Daniela Reich .

Statement from PRO Libertad, with legislators Patricia Bullrich and Diego Valenzuela
In this way, the PRO bloc, which until yesterday had 17 members and was chaired by Agustín Forchieri (deputy who answers to Diego Santilli ), lost several members for the legislative debate.

The statement signed by the bullrichismo legislators indicates their “ full support for the resounding change and the effort to carry it forward that the national government” of La Libertad Avanza is carrying out.

Ritondo's move​

As anticipated by Infobae , the decision came as a reaction to the move led by Cristian Ritondo , supported by Mauricio Macri , to facilitate the resignation of 24 of the 33 members of the PRO Board of Directors in the province of Buenos Aires. It was with the objective of removing Daniela Reich from the presidency , the legislator and wife of Diego Valenzuela , mayor of Tres de Febrero, who played that role.

Cristian Ritondo, national deputy (Gustavo Gavotti)

In turn, Ritondo's move had occurred a week after Bullrich, together with Diego Valenzuela, led an event in Esteban Echeverría together with Sebastián Pareja , owner of La Libertad Avanza in Buenos Aires, under the trust of Javier and Karina Milei.

Movements that occur in the midst of the PRO's discussion about whether to fully merge with Milei. Or, as Macriism proclaims, provide collaboration but with equidistance and autonomy , so that the party is not subsumed.

The spinoff will have another move soon. This Thursday, Ritondo, who is heading to preside over the Buenos Aires PRO, will meet with a group of mayors and legislators from the party. As Infobae learned, the communal leaders Juan Ibarguren (Pinamar), Soledad Martínez (Vicente López), Guillermo Montenegro (Mar del Plata), Jorge Etcheverry (Lobos), Fernando Bouvier (Arrecifes), Marcelo Matzkin ( Zárate), and Pablo Petrecca (Junín). In addition, Diego Santilli , national deputy and leader of the party, and the presidents of the PRO blocks in the Buenos Aires Legislature, deputy Agustín Forchieri , and senator Alejandro Rabinovich .

Mauricio Macri, former president of the Nation

As this media learned, the meeting will be the kickoff to establish the new PRO Board in the province of Buenos Aires. The absence of strong mayors of the party is striking, such as Valenzuela himself or Ramón Lanús , from San Isidro. However, close to the organizers they pointed out that they are communal leaders who " today are playing with Patricia ." The case of Lanús is particular, given that he also has a good relationship with Macri.

This same Thursday the resignations will also be accepted and the call for elections to elect the new authorities will be formalized . Ritondo will present his list. Bullrichismo and Valenzuela have not yet defined whether they will present an alternative candidacy against the national deputy. In that case, there will be internal ones. If not, the list of the head of the PRO bench in the Lower House will be imposed.

In this context, Bullrich spoke yesterday on TN about the issue and said that the deputy had carried out a “ coup d'état ” to the PRO of the province of Buenos Aires to change its authorities. He alleged that Daniela Reich had a mandate until 2026. The national deputy came to the crossroads from his official In Buenos Aires there was a massive resignation of leaders because no one felt represented by the person who took over the presidency a year ago. Elections will be called as established by the Statute in a strictly legal manner. Within the law, everything.”

Macri seeks not to intervene directly in the brawl in the province of Buenos Aires. However, he follows it closely and encourages nearby leaders to act. He intends to isolate Bullrich and ensure that the minister will not take away his power in managing the party seal. A precaution that he adopted to avoid tug-of-war in the closing of lists and the 2025 electoral setups.

As Infobae learned , Macri will remain in Argentina for the last few hours, although with a low profile . He waits for the Bases Law to be approved, which he supported last week on his social networks, and then resume his public activity.

Once the Bases Law is approved, Macri will lead the PRO to strengthen party identity . Meanwhile, he will begin to mark differences with the Milei Government on those points that he does not agree with. Despite providing collaboration on the bulk of the issues, Macrism intends a scenario of “ discussing law by law .”

Javier Milei, Karina Milei, and Patricia Bullrich

In that sense, he considered Posse's separation from the Government as positive, given that he had questioned him before Javier and Karina Milei about the treatment given to him by the now former Chief of Staff and due to problems in the execution of policies.

At the same time, Macri plans to hold an event to commemorate his inauguration as president of the PRO. But it doesn't have a date. He is also waiting for the approval of the Base Law to decide details.

And meanwhile he remains active privately, with constant meetings with businessmen, legislators, mayors, national officials and governors. Last week he received Nacho Torres (Chubut), Jorge Macri (CABA) and Rogelio Frigerio (Entre Ríos). There, Torres from Chubut slipped his idea of holding an upcoming meeting of the PRO National Board in Chubut with Macri. Something that has not yet matured, but whose plan will try to materialize.