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Donald Trump Assasination Attempt today - July 13, 2024

Just horrible. He is very fortunate. He turned his head at the last second which saved his life. The bullet would have hit his head if he didn't turn. How did the Secret Service not catch this? Makes you wonder if the government was involved. I hope the head of the Secret Service is fired.

This interview from the BBC makes the Secret Service seem like idiots. This witnessed said he was pointing at the shooter for 2-3 minutes before he shot Trump.

I'm not a big Trump fan but wow that was incredible after he got shot and not scared and still firing up the crowd. I can't see this guy losing the election.
No way Trump will lose now. I want to hear more details about the shooter. The entire thing smells strange. Local police reported this guy as suspicious from the very beginning. Something doesn't seem right about this.
This guy is a fighter! I have a lot of friends that don't respect Trump but you can't help but watch his actions after almost getting killed and being proud to be an American watching him.
Agreed. He showed a level of courage that this country hasn't seen in a while. If Trump is smart he will change his rhetoric and win the hearts and minds of most Americans. Democrats won't waste a chance to put up some future star that can't beat Trump now. Better to let Biden go down in flames.
Who was Trump's assailant? Do you believe he acted alone or was part of an organization?

He was supposedly a registered Republican but remember that could be so in an attempt to disrupt the primary. One of the snipers had a clear view of the the assailant and could've taken him out sooner. What happened more than likely, is he wasn't given the green light by who ever it was in charge until after shots fired.
He was supposedly a registered Republican but remember that could be so in an attempt to disrupt the primary. One of the snipers had a clear view of the the assailant and could've taken him out sooner. What happened more than likely, is he wasn't given the green light by who ever it was in charge until after shots fired.
The entire thing is wierd. You would think that you wouldn't need a green light to shoot someone that had a gun pointed at the former President. The sniper could have taken him out much sooner.
The entire thing is wierd. You would think that you wouldn't need a green light to shoot someone that had a gun pointed at the former President. The sniper could have taken him out much sooner.
It's still government and bureaucracy where there's some chain of command unless there's some sort of standing order. The fact that they failed to act at all is a failure in of itself. If they weren't willing to take out the assailant immediately, they could've done more to protect Trump and the attendees, but chose to do nothing until shots were fired.
It's still government and bureaucracy where there's some chain of command unless there's some sort of standing order. The fact that they failed to act at all is a failure in of itself. If they weren't willing to take out the assailant immediately, they could've done more to protect Trump and the attendees, but chose to do nothing until shots were fired.
Also, maybe complicating things might be the fact that some states allow people to carry guns around. I think this is the case where this happened. Open carry policy? Still, I agree with you @FuturoBA, it makes no sense that there would be a gunman with a rifle at an event like this and they would allow him to take the shot.
It's still government and bureaucracy where there's some chain of command unless there's some sort of standing order. The fact that they failed to act at all is a failure in of itself. If they weren't willing to take out the assailant immediately, they could've done more to protect Trump and the attendees, but chose to do nothing until shots were fired.
Honestly they should have had secret service detail on that roof. That seems to be one of the most dangerous spots and it was highlighted the day before as an area of concern. Seems a major coincidence how did the gunman know that no one would be on that building?
Donald Trump turning his head like that at the last minute some are saying was divine intervention. He probably feels like he has a new lease on life. I read he said he changed his entire speech and going to take a different approach. Hopefully so.