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Politics Donald Trump supported Javier Milei after his time in Davos: “Make Argentina great again!” - Infobae


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Donald Trump supported Javier Milei after his time in Davos: “Make Argentina great again!” - Infobae


January 19, 2024

The former president of the United States published a message on social networks to highlight the “hard work and against all odds” of the Argentine president, who replicated the text on his X account

The former US president highlighted the legacy received by the leader of La Libertad Avanza (Gettyimages)

Donald Trump today gave strong public support to Javier Milei with a strong message: “The new president of Argentina, Javier Milei, who he really loves his country, he is working hard.”

In a post published on the Truth social network, the American businessman and politician highlighted that the current Argentine president is “making great progress” (written all in capital letters) and that “he inherited a ´total disaster´”, regarding the Argentine socio-economic situation.


“But it is MAGA (Make Argentina great again!) - also in capital letters and in a play on words with ´< /span>´- works very hard and, against all odds, he will achieve it. I hope to help you in the future!” he closed the post. Minutes later, Milei reposted the former president's message on her social networks. Make America Great Again - He works very hard and, against all odds, he will make it. I hope I can help him in the future!", he closed the post. Minutes later, Milei reposted the former president's message on his social networks.
I am not too sure that a close relationship with Trump is a great idea.

I am a little preoccupied with how Trump has dealt with his personal and corporate taxes as well as realtionship with his emp`loyees, especially female emplyees.

Its not so much a freedom and liberty thing. More, I am above the law thing and everyone can go to f**k themselves if they dont like what I do.