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Politics Drug violence in Rosario: Patricia Bullrich confirmed that Javier Milei will travel to the city in two weeks - Infobae

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Drug violence in Rosario: Patricia Bullrich confirmed that Javier Milei will travel to the city in two weeks - Infobae​



March 11, 2024

The Minister of Security made the announcement a few hours after the formation of the crisis committee due to the escalation of drug crimes. “He wants to give an imprint to the fight against drug trafficking,” she commented about the President.

The president will travel to Rosario, after the formation of the crisis committee to contain the violence in that city (Gustavo Gavotti)

President Javier Milei will visit the city of Rosario in two weeks, after the escalation of violence that occurred in the last five days, with four fatalities . The arrival of the head of state was confirmed by the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich , who coordinates the emergency operation that was mounted after the attacks carried out by hitmen.

“The president comes because he wants to give the mark we want for security and the fight against drug trafficking,” commented the official. This Monday, federal forces arrived to join the patrol in the neighborhoods where the drug trading points set up by criminal gangs are located, according to national and provincial authorities.

Bullrich also said that he received calls of solidarity from all the country's governors to collaborate with the crisis that broke out in Santa Fe. Among them, he received a communication from the former Buenos Aires security minister, Sergio Berni , who expressed his intention to help. government led by Axel Kicillof in the province of Buenos Aires.

“We have received help and gestures of solidarity, the former Minister of Security of the province of Buenos Aires called me and told me that they are willing to help. Other provinces are also supportive. Berni offered me help on behalf of the province of Buenos Aires. I understand that Governor Pullaro also received a solidarity call from the governor of Córdoba (Martín Llaryora),” said the head of the Security portfolio on a TN mobile phone from the city of Rosario.

(Farid Dumat Kelzi)

The national government and the provincial management of Maximiliano Pullaro were shown working together throughout the day, after the four crimes that hitmen committed in the last five days and left two taxi drivers, a bus driver and a beachgoer dead. of a service station . “It is an image of brutality, of terrorism, it gave me a lot of anguish. I walked Rosario and people approached me with fear. They can't go out, go to school, they can't go out. These four deaths generated a profound social commotion,” Bullrich said.

In that context, he explained that the president is monitoring the situation and that he plans to visit the city of Rosario in the next 14 days. Within that period, the government hopes to have obtained the first results from the deployment of federal forces.

Governor Pullaro , for his part, was satisfied with the support received from the Casa Rosada. "It's very important. Today we had a meeting with two ministers like Bullrich and Petri and there is a commitment from the national government in this fight that belongs to Rosario society against a few violent people who have clearly reacted in an extreme way to break a decision that the government made, but since prisons stop committing the crimes that are committed,” said the local leader.

Credit: Leo Galetto

Indeed, both the Nation and the administration in the province of Santa Fe believe that the criminal reaction in recent days against innocent people was due to the joint measures that were applied in the first two months of the new administrations. They aimed to stop the logistics and operations that were set up by the imprisoned drug lords. From there, the gang leaders ran the business, according to authorities.

The limits to this situation, the government maintains, was what provoked the criminals' response. “It was a cowardly reaction. We decided to cut off businesses from prisons, and if they confronted the State they would lose, but they seek to break this decision with small, spasmodic actions,” Pullaro lamented.

Earlier, the president had listed some achievements of the measures that his government adopted in conjunction with Pullaro's management and admitted that the response of the drug traffickers was due to this. “The measures are agreed upon with the governor, step by step, for the moment we are taking this solution and we believe we can solve it,” Milei considered.

“It's them or us and it's going to be us,” Milei had stated from his X account, condemning the crime of Bruno Bussanich, the 25-year-old murdered in cold blood while working at a service station in Santa Fe.