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Politics During an interview, Javier Milei announced that José Luis Espert formally joins La Libertad Avanza - Infobae

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During an interview, Javier Milei announced that José Luis Espert formally joins La Libertad Avanza - Infobae​



March 12, 2024

The President added the deputy to a note he gave in his office at the Casa Rosada with Crónica TV. “I am happy to accompany Javier,” said the legislator.

José Luis Espert formally joined La Libertad Avanza

Yesterday there had been the dismissal of the Secretary of Labor , Omar Yasín, and now it was the formal landing of a new member of La Libertad Avanza: Javier Milei once again took advantage of a television interview to surprise with an announcement that he makes to the day-to-day life of his Government .

The President announced today that deputy José Luis Espert formally joins La Libertad Avanza. The economist, who in practice already worked as one of the Government's strongest allies in Congress, will thus once again share political space with Milei.

During an interview with journalist Chiche Gelblung on Crónica TV in his office at the Casa Rosada, Milei surprised by adding “Professor Espert” and announcing him as a new member of LLA.

I am happy to accompany Javier in this change that he is making for all Argentines . I have a lot of confidence. What is happening with Javier gives meaning to what we started in 2019, continued in 2020 and ended up materializing with the presidency,” Espert said after an emotional hug with the president.

Espert continued with his gratitude and stated that “ in five years, liberalism went from not existing in political matters to having a liberal president. Liberal-libertarian. What matters is that he is clear about what needs to be done for Argentina and we are going to support him to transform the Argentines.”

Espert was one of the people who inspired Milei to make the leap into media and politics. They both have known each other for 10 years. She united them through economics, a common profession, and liberal ideas. The libertarian decided to create his own space in 2021, La Libertad Avanza, and informed his colleague that he chose to follow his own path.

José Luis Espert, Javier Milei and Victoria Villarruel in Congress, in a photo from 2023. Photo: REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian

Since then, there was a certain distance between the two and the dialogue lost frequency. There was talk of a fight, although neither of them validated it in public. However, after the runoff that consecrated the victory of the libertarian, Espert and Milei got closer again , and that good harmony materialized on December 10. In fact, the deputy is president of the Budget and Action committee in the lower house, key to the ruling party's legislative plans.

On November 29 of last year, Milei was proclaimed President of the Nation during the preparatory session that took place in Congress. That day served as a meeting point between the two liberal economists. “Do you remember, bald, when I met you 10 years ago, that I wanted to be like you but with hair and bad manners ,” the libertarian leader told Espert after sharing a hug in the Lower House chamber. They both laughed, turned the page and restarted a relationship. On December 5, the national deputy went to visit the President-elect at the Hotel Libertador and there was speculation about a possible landing in the Libertarian Cabinet, which was later denied.

Last year, Espert had joined Together for Change, allied with Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, as a candidate for national senator for the province of Buenos Aires. The Buenos Aires mayor lost the PASO with Patricia Bullrich and Espert was left without the possibility of accessing the Senate. He then added his support to the candidacy of the Minister of Security. When JxC was left out of the runoff, he expressed his support for Milei and commented on his approach to La Libertad Avanza, although without abandoning his identity.

During his militancy with Larreta, Espert had had some critical definitions towards Milei. “Milei's thing is not liberalism,” said the economist, who had formed his Avanza Libertad bloc in the Chamber of Deputies, at some point. During those months he also warned that the now President had “serious problems with the Constitution.”