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Economy Electricity and gas: September comes with an increase and almost 2 million households may lose subsidies - Infobae

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Electricity and gas: September comes with an increase and almost 2 million households may lose subsidies if they do not complete the registration - Infobae



August 29, 2024

These are households that were automatically included in the subsidy for having a social rate but did not complete the required registration. The data required to request the bonus on the bill


Person, inflation, stagflation, economy, economic problems, salaries, wages, expenses, energy savings, home, house, apartment, building, bills to pay, debt, services - (Illustrative Image Infobae)

The government has decided that electricity and natural gas rates will increase again in September . The increase will be 4% on average throughout the country, as Infobae anticipated on Wednesday. In addition to this impact on users' pockets, those who receive social rates but did not register in the Registry of Access to Energy Subsidies (RASE) - about 1.7 million households - will no longer have subsidies on their bills and will pay more for energy starting next month.

The National Energy Secretariat explained to Infobae that the Rase will remain open indefinitely, but those who did not complete the registration before September 4 will lose the bonus on their bill. “If they do not register voluntarily, the State considers that they do not need it,” they stated. It is not necessary for households that have already registered to register again, unless they want to update their data.

Official estimates show that 1.7 million users receive social tariffs and did not register to continue receiving the subsidy. This possibility was opened in June for 60 days and was extended for another 30 days in August. When asked by this media, the Ministry of Energy did not specify how many did the process and clarified that they are in a period of processing the data.

Javier Milei's government is moving forward with a "clean-up" of the beneficiaries of tariff subsidies. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

The Government of Javier Mile i is moving forward with a "cleansing" of some beneficiaries who, they believe, do not need to receive assistance from the State to face the payment of their bills as part of the fiscal adjustment roadmap. This is one of the missions that the Secretary of Energy , Eduardo Rodríguez Chirillo, and his team are in charge of.

In 2022 , Alberto Fernández 's administration launched the tariff segmentation, whereby all users had to register in the RASE or they would lose the subsidy. There, households were divided into high income (Level 1), Low income (Level 2) and Medium income (Level 3). The latest official data show that N1s are 5.3 million, N2s are 8 million and N3s are 2.7 million.

Energy Resolution 90/2024 states that those who do not comply with the procedure will be classified as N1 and, therefore, will lose the electricity subsidy

Despite the many information and search campaigns in the territory, many sectors that qualified to receive assistance did not register due to lack of resources or ignorance. That is why it was decided to automatically include, every month, the beneficiaries of social rates, national or provincial, within the rate criteria that govern the universe of low incomes, that is, Level 2.

Energy Resolution 90/2024 states that those who do not comply with the procedure will be classified as N1 and, therefore, will lose the electricity subsidy. In the case of gas, the regulatory body (Enargas) has more information because the subsidy is granted at a national level, so the Government has more tools to "clean it up."

Required data

Regarding the RASE, the residential user in charge must complete a sworn statement and, if the procedure has already been completed, the person can update the information. Before starting, it is important to have on hand:

  • The meter number and the Customer/Service/Account/Contract number or NIS that are on your electricity and natural gas bill online.
  • The last copy of your ID.
  • The CUIL number of each member of the household over 18 years of age.
  • The out-of-pocket income of each household member over 18 years of age.
  • An email address
The National Institute of Statistics and Census (Indec) recently reported that the Total Basic Basket (CBT) , the parameter used to determine the poverty threshold, increased in July to $900,648 for a household consisting of two adults and two minors. Current regulations stipulate that, in order to request access to subsidies, families must have an income that does not exceed 3.5 times the value of a CBT. This means that, currently, the maximum income to be able to enter the RASE is $3,152,268.

For those households located in the district of Patagones (Buenos Aires), Chubut, La Pampa, Neuquén, Río Negro, Santa Cruz or Tierra del Fuego, the total monthly income to not belong to the highest income segment must be equivalent to or less than $3,845,766 per month.

Do I have to register if I receive an allowance, pension or retirement?

Yes, everyone must register, including those who receive a retirement pension and/or are beneficiaries of social programs such as the Universal Child Allowance, Progresar and Potenciar Trabajo.

Can I keep the subsidy if I rent or live in the property?

Yes, even if the beneficiary is not the owner of the property, he or she will receive the subsidy as a user of the services. If the bill is not in the name of the tenant, the application can still be made as a user of the services, indicating that the beneficiary is not the owner.

What happens if I have more than one electricity or gas service in my name?

In this case, you will only need to complete the service details for one address.