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Economy Electricity increases: in the public hearing Edenor requested an increase in rates of 89% on average - Infobae


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Electricity increases: in the public hearing Edenor requested an increase in rates of 89% on average - Infobae


January 26, 2024

The AMBA distributors presented this Friday at the first public hearing called by Enre. They hope that the tickets will be updated monthly in line with the prices of the economy

By: Agustín Maza

The distributors presented their requests at the first public hearing called by Enre in this administration. (Grosby)

The electricity distributors of the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) presented this Friday their income requirements for the year 2024, within the framework of the public hearing with which the Government will begin to shape the next increases in the bills of light that reaches homes. On Monday it will be the transporters' turn and then the National Electricity Regulatory Entity (ENRE) must make a report open to the public with the new tariff tables .

Edenor , the country's main distributor, with influence in the northwest of Greater Buenos Aires and the northern area of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, made an income requirement of $521,303 million to cover its deficit. The company detailed that this implies an average increase of 89% in the final bill for 80% of its clients . For those with the highest consumption, the jump will be 140% on average, “well below the increases registered in other areas of the economy, or even in other mass consumption services such as Cable TV or Internet,” as mentioned by the company.

According to the information presented, 80% of the distributor's clients (2.3 million users out of a total of 3.3 million) will receive average bills of $7,619 , while for 10% of high consumption the average will be of $33,771 and for the remaining 10%, with the highest consumption, it will be $68,425 on average. The calculations take into account that each segment maintains its consumption level.

How Edenor's final invoices will look with the income requirement for 2024 that the distributor made to ENRE.

“With Edenor's proposal, 8 out of 10 clients would pay per month the equivalent of 8 liters of gasoline, ¼ kilo of ice cream or 750 grams of meat. This is an average of only $246 per day,” the company stated.

On the other hand, they mentioned that they do not receive subsidies from the national government. Specifically, the distributors function as a collecting agent and issuer of the invoice that reaches users, although they receive 29% of the total. The rest corresponds to generation (47%), taxes (23%) and transportation (1%).

With the new proposed amounts, they stated, Edenor will receive only 2,209 pesos per average invoice. Between June 2019 and November 2023, its rate increased by 371%, while salaries increased by 1,078% and inflation according to the INDEC CPI by 1,467 percent. To avoid future sudden jumps in billing and provide predictability to users, they proposed a monthly update system, in line with the inflationary process facing the country.

For its part, Edesur requested revenues of $330,000 million but did not specify how that request would affect users' final bills. The distributor operates in the south of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the parties-municipalities that are located to the south and southwest of the AMBA.

“Of every 1,000 pesos that the user pays, Edesur has only 270 pesos to pay the salaries of its staff, its contractors, buy materials, pay its taxes and make investments. In 2023 we receive only 47% of the income necessary to provide the service. In order to cover the 53% not granted during 2023, Edesur had to borrow from CAMMESA and request loans from shareholders,” the company noted.

“Revenues must be sufficient and timely to cover operating, capital and tax costs. It is necessary to resolve pending issues from previous periods. In the future, the rate should consider the necessary investment in the resilience of the networks, and in the development of the High Voltage network with multi-year planning, analyzing the creation of regulatory instruments for specific purposes to guarantee the execution of these works,” Edesur concluded.
The key word is it used to be! Rates are going to skyrocket.
I think if you don't use the AC they are very cheap. I pay my electricity bill on my rental per the agreement with my landlord and I don't usually use the AC and it is very cheap. Like dirt cheap. But this month I have used it a lot so I will see what it will be. But my landlord said rates are going to go way up.
I am scared how high it will go
if they stop being subsidized (which they should stop, since electricity isn't a Natural Right), they'll go closer to normal rates paid by people around the world. with de-regulation your life will become overall cheaper with the State off your back, even if some costs go up. use-based costs are fair; the person cranking their A/C at 16C all day with leaking windows and open doors should pay more than someone who is conservative and puts up insulating devices, etc.
Rates are going to skyrocket.
and if nuclear power finally is allowed to flourish, and rates become super cheap in a few years, will you shut up with your idiotic end-of-the-world-ing? every post you make in this forum makes our lives worse, and you add nothing of value. why don't you take your negativity to another place, and leave us Expats alone?