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Politics Enthusiasm, uncertainty and “wig” merchandising at the entrance to Luna Park: all the color of the run-up to the Milei event - Infobae

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Enthusiasm, uncertainty and “wig” merchandising at the entrance to Luna Park: all the color of the run-up to the Milei event - Infobae​



May 22, 2024

The President presented his latest book and there was a line since the morning to get tickets, as well as affiliations to make La Libertad Avanza grow. “Inflation is already going down,” say its followers

By Juliet Roffo


Among those who lined up to see the President, there were hopeful until the last moment who managed to get in and others who left due to uncertainty. EFE/ Juan Ignacio Roncoroni
With his chest pressed against the metal fence that separates him first from several Infantry officers of the Federal Police and then from the Luna Park stadium , Alfredo, a 57-year-old man who came to Bajo Buenos Aires from Escobar, asks one of those officials something that hundreds of people have already repeated over the last three hours: “Are they going to hand out more tickets? “We came from far and early . ” He walks along the ledge where anger, resignation and the hope coexist that when the event he came to see is close to starting, they will finally let him in.

A few meters away, against that same fence and almost at eight at night, a man in civilian clothes, one of those who enter and leave the stadium, brings a pile of access tickets to another and says: “Line up your people so they go.” going". A possible reading: the caste organized by some Conurbano leaders has guaranteed entry to witness the event in which President Javier Milei presents his latest book, Capitalism, socialism and the neoclassical trap , in an event that also includes the head of the Executive Power singing - with band and everything - their version of Panic show , the La Renga song that played throughout their campaign much to the defiance of the Mataderos band.

When the columns of Pilar, Hurlingham, San Martín, Morón and Berazategui , among others, have secured their place in the stadium, Alfredo will also enter. The same will be done by all the others who stayed in Plaza Roma, diagonally to the Sports Palace, after the thousand tickets that were made available to the general public who had come there since the morning were sold out in half an hour. . Alfredo is one of those who had patience and faith, and not one of those who got tired of waiting for someone to answer them if they would distribute more tickets, beyond the first thousand or, failing that, if they would install a screen from which to follow the act in the street. Those, those who left because no one gave them certainty, were the majority.

La Libertad Avanza set up tables to join the party and urged its followers to complete the process so as not to depend on outside seals. (Photo: Gustavo Gavotti)

“I arrived at ten in the morning to be sure I could get in,” Mariano, an Economics student who lives in Saavedra, tells Infobae . He spent all those hours wrapped in a large yellow flag that says something that is already a certainty and not a proposal: “Milei President 2023″. “I came because we have to put up with this Government and this President. These are tough times but Javier is doing everything he said he was going to do and the economy is going to recover. Inflation is already going down and the important thing here is that all the jobs of those who governed us for a long time are being discovered , such as what happens in the dining rooms,” he explains.

He was one of at least two hundred pre-affiliated members who approached the tables of La Libertad Avanza to leave their personal data so that the Electoral Justice can add them as members of the political party led by the head of the Executive Branch, and one of the thousands who heard the organizers of those affiliations explain what the call was about: “Do you want to join? We are doing it so as not to depend on other political labels .” Although this Wednesday the age diversity of the audience was one of the certainties of the call, the majority of those who came to join were young people. “If you see it, join,” says one of the signs near the tables arranged for that purpose.

Yamil works in a textile workshop that makes T-shirts and lives in Parque Avellaneda. He has followed Milei since he started talking about running for a seat as a deputy, a position he obtained in 2021, and arrived at Plaza Roma with his partner and his one and a half year old baby. They got three of those thousand tickets that were distributed to the line formed early and it came “because you have to bank the adjustment.” “Milei is doing everything she said she was going to do, so I am confident that, although activity has regressed, it will rebound . I noticed it in my work: everything stopped, I was left with nothing, but I held on, and now it started to pick up little by little. They called me again to start manufacturing, so you have to trust; “You have to bank the adjustment ,” he reflects.

The biography of Milei made by Nicolás Márquez and Marcelo Duclós was sold for 15,000 pesos in the vicinity of the stadium. Its usual price is 28,000 pesos. (Gustavo Gavotti)
Lucrecia is retired and traveled from Quilmes. He charges, he says, a little less than 300,000 pesos a month. “My children help me because if not, I won't make it. It was difficult for me before but now it is more difficult for me. But I believe Milei. I believe that she is going to put things in order and I believe that she is not going to steal , and that all of this is going to leave us in a better situation,” she says. She arrived from the south of the Conurbano with an Argentine flag hanging on her back and, for a thousand pesos, she bought a black flag with a yellow lion. She says that she takes it to her grandson: “He is 17. He was the one who brought Milei to the family. At first he seemed like a screamer but he convinced me.” This movement, that of adolescents and young people bringing the economist's word to their families, was already seen in 2022 , when - that time - Javier Milei appeared at the Book Fair and his audience was already of different ages, from different geographies and of diverse incomes.

“I made them a wig to sell them here. A handmade work with brown wool,” says a street vendor. In a basket, he offers kawaii ducklings - that accessory that is fashionable and that is worn, above all, attached to the head - but adapted to this libertarian public: for 2,000 pesos, several buy his “Ducky Wig” . Some prefer to allocate the money they brought to Plaza Roma for a flag with the name of the current President or with the legend “Long live freedom, damn it!” , and others opt for keychains with silhouettes of a lion or books. One stall sells copies of some of Milei's frequently cited economists: Murray Rothbard and Friedrich Hayek , among others. And he sells, for 6,000 pesos and wrapped in cellophane that protects them from the passage of time, copies of the newspapers that announced the electoral victory of the current President after the November runoff last year.

The "Patito Peluca", adapted to the libertarian public, was sold for 2,000 pesos in the vicinity of the stadium. (Franco Fafasuli)
“I bank this adjustment. Inflation is already going down and it seems spectacular to me that we are having a surplus instead of a deficit ,” says Lucas, who is 20 years old, works as a programmer, came to Plaza Roma from Vicente López, and was one of the patients who trusted that there would be tickets. enabled on time to access Luna Park. This was not the case for Pamela, who stood in line for almost five hours, but she decided to leave due to the lack of certainty: “If I don't know if I'll be able to get in or if they're going to broadcast it out here, I'd rather watch it at home. I don't want to miss the President even if it's on TV. "I wanted to see him sing, especially since it was rumored that he was going to sing 'El revelde', which I have loved since I was a teenager." He talks about another La Renga song. Which became the most popular cut of the album that the band released in 1998. The one with a star on the cover inspired by the one Che Guevara wore on his beret.