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Travel Entry/Exit fee at Aeroparque?


New member
Hey all,
I'll be flying to Uruguay for a month this summer, and was wondering if Americans have to pay the entry (and a rumored exit) fee at Aeroparque or if that's only from Ezeiza. It is an international flight, obviously, but not from the international airport. I am overstayed, so I'll have to pay the fine, but should I expect any additional fees coming or going?
You don't have to pay the entrance fee at Aeroparque. Only at EZE but there is an exit fee to fly to Uruguay. I think it was $18 US the last time I flew out. I fly to Montevideo and Punta del Este quite a bit and they do charge a "regional departure tax". So keep that in mind.

I'm not sure where you pay the overstay fine at Aeroparque. I've only heard of it at EZE but I'm sure they must have some area where they check that and you can pay. It's better not to overstay your visa as you can jeopardize your chances of entering to Argentina in the future. I have a friend that works in the government that said they are trying to get a better handle on tourists that overstay their tourists visa and stay in the country illegally longer than permitted so keep that in mind. And true to these comments she told me...I've talked to Americans I know that had a hard time after crossing back from Uruguay only for the day. They were warned they are going to start cracking down on it.

Hopefully they don't go the route of Brazil and severely limit the # of total days per year you can stay in the country. In Brazil it's something like 180 days and they are VERY strict. I know Americans that have gotten deported from Brazil and forced to leave as they were overstaying their visas and illegally living in Brazil. Argentina could go the same route.