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Real Estate Sales Everything that a real estate advertisement should avoid in the publication if you want to sell the property at a good price- La Nacion Propiedades


Everything that a real estate advertisement should avoid in the publication if you want to sell the property at a good price - La Nacion Propiedades


August 29, 2024

The value at which it is put on the market, the content of the advertisement and each of the things that muddy the playing field in which the sale of your property is played.

By Nicholas Bal


How information and photos are presented in apartment listings on real estate portals is key to closing a dealGaudiLab - Shutterstock

Beyond the everlasting aspects that, at this point, are like an ABC of what cannot be ignored - among which are listed the good structural and functional condition of a property , for example - the content and assembly of an advertisement for the sale of a real estate turns out to be a decisive element in the process that characterizes this type of commercial operations. And as the most common errors that are committed in this procedure are diversified, a mistake as basic as it is exponential occurs when not completing the publication 100%, since, precisely, "real estate portals order the results on the basis of completeness" , clarifies Santiago Magnin, founder of the site deinmobiliarios.com .

And even if you pay a certain amount of money to have that ad stand out, “if it is 85% 'filled' it will appear on the last pages.” A bad post can cause, for example, on a portal with a vast offer such as Zonaprop , with more than 100,000 properties for sale, to have to give in more than necessary to a possible counter-offer and end up “wasting” a property for a price “that you should not have reached if you had marketed it well,” says Magnin.

In fact, the main mistake is the lack of information: publishing a home that does not describe its dimensions, rooms and other characteristics “will significantly reduce the chances of it appearing as a search result on the web or when applying filters ,” specifies María Franco, Director of Operations at Mudafy.

On the other hand, in a scenario marked by technology, it is vital to take advantage of tools such as 360º videos to make virtual visits, have a more fluid interaction and generate a network of reviews between clients that serve as allies. In other words, you have to create an advertisement that does not omit any detail, “giving buyers all the answers to their questions is key to achieving a good transaction,” explains Leandro Molina, Country Manager of the QuintoAndar Group for Argentina and Peru.


A listing for a property for sale should provide buyers with all the answers to their questions, which is key to achieving a good transaction.Shutterstock

Unforgivable mistakes that prevent a good sale

To begin with, beyond the motivations that an owner has when selling, the price of a home has to respect the market value, whose average in August in the city of Buenos Aires was US$2,301/m² , according to Zonaprop. For this reason, “those who need to do it quickly and are willing to negotiate should consider establishing a price that aligns with this sense,” clarifies Franco. In this way, an appropriate analysis prevails to avoid publishing overestimated values whose purpose is to obtain better closing prices. If they are high, potential clients “will skip your ad,” clarifies Molina. Conversely, “if they see it too cheap, it will generate distrust.”

Another mistake is “putting approximate prices for the property and not updating them frequently. A listing that remains the same for a long time, without modifications, creates a feeling of inactivity,” says Ezequiel Wierzba, founding partner and CEO of Clicks Aparts. And among the mistakes highlighted in an advertisement is also the mention of a neighbouring neighbourhood with greater demand, instead of indicating exactly where the property is located, believing that this will bring greater attention from the public.

A separate paragraph is worth clarifying when the “prospects” begin to visit the property: in situ, another significant fallacy worthy of prevention often occurs: that anyone can visit it. Not qualifying the clients is a waste of time, even if doing so offends, since it leads to showing the property to someone who, most likely, will not be able to acquire it. A clear example is that of a potential interested party who “buys with credit, but does not yet have pre-approved credit, or a person who has to sell in order to buy and does not yet have their property reserved,” Magnin explains.


The first filter that people make when browsing a portal is the visual one. Shutterstock

Other tips to avoid scaring away potential buyers

Specifically, an ideal post is one that includes a detailed description (at least 300 characters are suggested), with the details of the responsible agent, without omitting the main characteristics ˗surface area, orientation, rooms, bathrooms, garages and service costs˗. But it is also advisable to include an impactful and descriptive title that “makes a good first impression, and that combines creativity, honesty and persuasion,” exemplifies Molina. And, in addition, detailing information about the area and nearby services “can help the potential buyer make the decision to inquire,” he adds.

Immediately after, the first filter that people use when browsing a portal is the visual one, “so it is very important to have a minimum of 10 quality photos, in horizontal format, with good lighting (ideally, natural light), that show each room and common areas, if there are any,” Franco explains. However, no images “taken with a cell phone, or without editing, because they are messy, do not allow you to appreciate details and make the publication unattractive,” warns Wierzba.


An ideal listing is one that includes a detailed description (at least 300 characters are suggested), with the details of the responsible broker, without omitting the main characteristics of the property.shutterstock - Shutterstock

In itself, the ads have to be descriptive: “For sale 3 rooms in Recoleta with garage”; because the title must be SEO-friendly “so that Google indexes it and appears in the search results” , explains Fabián Achával, founder and CEO of the real estate agency of the same name. “The rest is useless, at all”, he says, unless “(the house) has something very particular, like a terrace or something else different. Anything that is added beyond that shows desperation”, he admits.

This group includes the classic headlines that scare customers away: “Sell, swap or finance” which, far from provoking a desire to buy, the end of all advertising, even if it is a side ground floor with no natural light, limit the market. In general, “those who want to buy in swap are looking to sell high and buy low. Even if there is a difference in price, there is always a virtual appraisal of how much the properties are worth and that is where the problem arises,” Achával explains.
