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Real Estate News Expenses: Are you paid the same in gated communities and in CABA apartments? - La Nacion Propiedades



Expenses: Are you paid the same in gated communities and in CABA apartments? - La Nacion Propiedades



January 22, 2024

In the current real estate scenario, there are similarities in the values of expenses between GBA gated communities with amenities and their own land and city buildings with apartments.

By Candela Contreras


The economic disparity and the constant increase in prices due to inflation means that in gated communities with high-maintenance amenities and their own lots, owners pay the same expenses as in an apartment in a CABA building.

What you have to know​

  • Expenses in the City of Buenos Aires have experienced a significant increase in recent months, increasing by more than 60% in some cases.
  • The gated communities of the Buenos Aires suburbs have similar or even higher expense values, due to the amenities and services they offer, such as private security.
  • In addition to maintenance and security expenses, owners of gated communities must also pay the real estate tax of the province of Buenos Aires, which has generated complaints about high costs for undeeded properties. ARBA has implemented measures to facilitate access to deeds and tax responsibility.

This summary was carried out by artificial intelligence under the supervision of LA NACION editors.

A neighbor from the Caballito neighborhood , in the heart of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA) , lives in a 60-square-meter apartment located in a building that is more than four decades old; She paid around $30,000 in expenses before October , she started paying $52,000 at the beginning of this month , that is, more than 60% in just four months . A property without amenities, garage or manager.

This particular case reflects the reality of many residents of CABA who perceive how ordinary expenses have skyrocketed in recent times . According to data from Consorcio Abierto , the average expenses on buildings (not including debts) in the city corresponding to the month of December were $83,958, while in November they were $76,418. This shows an interannual increase of 160.99% compared to the last month of 2022, in which the value was $32,168 on average.


Expenses in CABA had an interannual increase of 160.99 percent in 2023

As examples, the values of expenses in various buildings, with different characteristics and locations, are presented below :

  • A 170-square-meter apartment located in a 50-year-old building without amenities in the Paseo del Ángel area in the Belgrano neighborhood pays $178,000 , while two months ago it paid $100,000 . A 110 m² unit in the same building paid $110,000
  • In a building without any services, in the Tres de Febrero and Juramento area , one block from the Barrancas de Belgrano, a 100 m² unit paid $34,000 in October , an amount that shot up to $48,000 in November and reached $51,000 in January. .
  • A three-room unit in Jardines de Libertador , in Núñez, steps from Avenida del Libertador and General Paz , pays $150,000 , while in November the price was $113,000.
  • An apartment of 110 square meters in a 13-story building with 25 units, also in Núñez, with a manager and security by viewer (totem), pays $80,000 and two months ago $60,000.
  • On average, in Núñez an apartment of 130 square meters with physical security costs around $100,000 and $150,000 for expenses , when the buildings are older with security and units that exceed 150 square meters can reach $180,000.
  • In the northern area , a three-room, 100-square-meter unit in Jardines de San Isidro , the 25-year-old condominium complex, with amenities and 24-hour security, paid $120,000 in November 2023 and $162,000 this month .


Pedro Goyena Avenue in the Caballito neighborhood is one of the most expensive properties in the area

The values of expenses in gated communities​

But, if a comparison is made between the values of the expenses in the apartments with those paid in closed neighborhoods of the Buenos Aires suburbs , the contrast does not have a great impact and there are even similarities in the prices between both, when analyzing the amenities and services. that the latter offer.

Gated communities are considered to offer a different quality of life at a higher cost . And the big difference is that 50% of the cost corresponds to private security , which represents the plus that these types of projects have with a permanent surveillance team at their entrances and at points on the perimeter.

For example, in Tigre, a house in the La Damasia neighborhood, located steps from the Panamericana, three months ago paid $85,000 in expenses, the owners are now paying $115,000 . The situation is similar in El Aromo , a neighborhood in Loma Verde, Escobar, with soccer fields, tennis, basketball, volleyball, swimming pool and multipurpose room, where the expenses for the lots went from $145,000 in November to $177,000 paid in January.

Another example is the Villanueva area , on the border of Tigre and Escobar, where a house of 175 square meters built on a 790 m² plot of land in Santa Catalina , has expenses that went from $135,000 in December to $150,000 in January.

In another nearby neighborhood, San Marco , also in the Villanueva area, a property of 100 square meters on a 1000 m² lot, paid $160,000 in expenses in October and today they shot up to $210,000.


Most of the gated communities in the northern area are paying between $120,000 and $200,000 in expenses per month.

In the case of expenses with higher values, in the Carpinchos neighborhood , one of the latest launches in Nordelta , a 207 square meter house on a 550 m² lot has expenses of $250,000.

While in Haras Santa María , in Loma Verde, Escobar, a property overlooking the golf course, with amenities such as a swimming pool, two multipurpose rooms, sports fields and St. Luke's College, involves a monthly outlay of $260,000.

A neighbor says that in 2020, due to the pandemic, she decided to rent a larger, green home with her family in a gated community in Escobar . “When the quarantine ended, we returned to the Capital and we started using that house on the weekends. Now, to renew, they ask me for US$1,000 in rent per month and the expenses for the last year have been increasing a little each month, they are at $175,000. I can no longer afford that for a weekend house, so since the three-year contract expired in November, I extended it for the summer and at the end of February we left the house,” she explains.

How the 200% increase in real estate tax will impact the expenses of gated communities​

In the expenses of the private neighborhoods located in the province of Buenos Aires, in addition to the costs derived from maintenance, repairs, private security, among others, is added the real estate tax collected by the Collection Agency of the province of Buenos Aires ( ARBA ).

In this sense, in February increases ranging from 130% to 200% of the tax will begin to arrive , proposed by the governor of the province , Axel Kicillof. Given this increase, residents of the Pilar del Este neighborhood reported through the change.org platform that since they do not have the subdivision of their land, they will pay “disproportionate taxes” for the size of their houses. “With the new increase, the amount we are going to pay is around $90,000 per two months ,” they argue in the petition.

They report that for their properties , which mostly do not exceed 150 square meters on lots of around 500 m2, they are paying close to $30,000 per two months, while those who have a 300 square meter house on lots of 1000 m² but in a neighborhood which is subdivided pay $5000 per month in ARBA. This occurs because since each lot is not deeded, a much higher amount is applied. They insist that "the developer's delay in approving the technical approval procedures, subsequent subdivision and therefore deed, means that we have to pay figures that harm our economy."


ARBA property tax increases range from 130% to 200%

Faced with this complaint, ARBA reacted to the “protest” of the neighborhood owners. Cristian Girard , executive director of the organization, warned that it is the developers who " due to non-compliance, do not assume the payment of taxes in their business equation and transfer them to the buyers through the expenses ."

But also, the government agency affirms that within the framework of territorial planning, they implemented a series of measures to expedite the procedures linked to the tax responsibility of housing and to facilitate access to the deeds . That is to say, they enabled the option so that the land can be subdivided into plots with pre-existing debts of the Basic Real Estate. “We allow notaries to process the update of tax liability and we regulate retroactive disconnection with the sole presentation of the sales receipt,” said Girard.

Given this conflict, the Chamber of Developers (CEDU) held two very important meetings last week: one to meet the new team of the Provincial Directorate of Urban and Territorial Planning and the other with ARBA. “Both organizations were very willing to continue working together in order to try to improve the difficulty and times of the procedures, for various reasons such as the number of files, multiple provincial organizations and dual instances, municipal and provincial,” said Mali Vazquez, of the CEDU and added that they aspire to continue with periodic work tables with the sole purpose of shortening times to reach the writing, an objective of all parties, owners, developers and public organizations, without losing focus on the importance of urban development that generates a relevant impact on investment, employment and tax resources.
