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Extremely noisy neighbors! Can anything be done about excessive loud music next to my Airbnb?


Well-known member
I just got back into town after being away for a few months. I am in an Airbnb in Belgrano and the apartment next to me has music blasting both day and night. I work from home so it is extremely difficult. I already complained to the owner of my Airbnb who said he talked to the neighbor but the music continues. I don't know what is going on. I knocked on the door several times to plead with them but they never answer the door. I spoke to the doorman and he said the owner rented out this unit and is in Spain now.

If I call the police will they intercede and help me? I contacted Airbnb to complain but they have been no help as of yet. This is a long term lease so I want to see what can be done. I really like this property besides the excessive noise.

Please help!
Porteños can be inconsiderate with noise. Buenos Aires is a loud city. My first apartment here was a PH and I had a large rooftop balcony and so did my neighbor. He would always have tons of guests over every night and they would be playing music loud and smoking pot and laughing and talking all hours of the night until 4 AM. It was very annoying. I talked to him and he did seem to try for a few weeks but then it just went back to normal.

There was really nothing I could do. I had to suck it up and had to use earplugs at night but if they are doing this during the day and you need to work you should record it and send it to Airbnb and I'm sure they would let you out of the lease. A pity that you like the apartment besides this issue.

Really push your Airbnb owner to resolve this. Tell them if it can't be resolved, you want out ASAP and a refund and send him a recording of the noise and tell him you will leave a 1 star review if he doesn't resolve this ASAP. That might help.
This makes me angry. I had a neighbor like this but I kept calling the Direction General de Control Ambiental or Justicia Contravencional y de Faltas. You can call on the phone 147. It is open 24/7. Or toll free 0800-333-47225 and they will send someone to your place. You can also file online: Ruidos molestos provenientes de actividades comerciales e industriales

Usually once you call a few times the neighbor will finally stop. It the only way.

This can be annoying. First try talking to the neighbor. It sounds like you tried this. Also, maybe leave a note for him/her and tell them that you want to settle this peacefully but if it continues you must call the police. Sometimes they won't care. I had this happen to me before. My neighbor got high all day and I could smell marijuana and he never answered the door.

I had the building administration get involved. Enlist the help of your doorman and also contact the building administration. Most of them have rules against excessive noise. Also, try calling the noise police that is listed by Avocado. Just keep in mind once you do that, things can escalate very quickly. I did that once and they would ring the doorbell in the middle of the night and wake me and my family up.

Also, ask the doorman if they have the contact info of the owner so they can also let the owner know and maybe that will help.
I am having the same issue except it's from a renovation. Can I also call the police? I asked my doorman and he said there isn't anything that can be done.
Nope on the renovations as long as they are working during the normal hours allotted there isn't much you can do but wait for it to finish. I answered in more detail on your other thread:

This sort of thing happens more here vs. other areas I have lived. People here party into the wee hours of the night. Really need to try to talk to the neighbor and get the administration and the owner of his apartment involved to force action.

Has anyone actually had experiences with calling the police or that #?
This can be a horrible problem in Buenos Aires. The worst is when you are next to a restaurant or a bar. This past summer a rental house that I was going to stay fell through and I was stuck at the last minute renting another house for my family. I needed a bigger place since I have 3 kids and the only house available in Palermo where I needed to be due to work and meetings was next to a nightclub.

It was in Soho near Plaza Serrano and I literally had to rent another place on the weekends. The noise was horrific. The walls were literally shaking but there was nothing I could do as there was a business next door. I called that # but they couldn't do anything as it was a business. The worst thing was it was blasting until 4 AM on Thursdays, Friday's and Saturday nights.

The owner did give me a good price and warned about the noise but even with earplugs it was too much. I liked the house otherwise but I was renting other apartments over the weekends which is crazy if you think about it.

Apparently many neighbors were complaining but not sure there was anything anyone could do and there were For Sale signs on literally every property next to it. Many people in Palermo are trying to ban these kind of businesses that are too loud. You should be careful what you rent and see what business is next to it.

Typically working with the building administration you can make progress with the owner and it can't hurt to call that #. I don't have any experience with anyone that actually called that number and got results. But it certainly can't hurt. I would also contact the owner of the Airbnb you are staying at and just move. It's not worth it staying if you have to work and need peace and quiet.