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Real Estate News Fashionable and functional: Why there is a dome construction boom in Argentina - Infobae


Fashionable and functional: Why there is a dome construction boom in Argentina - Infobae



October 28, 2023

In 2023, it is estimated that more than 2,000 will be built in Argentina. Domes are used in a variety of applications, from Glamping to hospitality, mixed uses and housing. Costs vary depending on size and materials, ranging between $800,000 and $11,000,000 per unit.

By José Luis Cieri


Sometimes they are installed on terraces and are a complement to hotels and residential buildings (Photo Courtesy: Domos Baires)

The global trend towards the expansion of the use of domes, also known as geodesic domes, does not go unnoticed in Argentina. At a local level, its use is becoming increasingly common, finding applications in the world of glamping, a model that merges the services of a hotel with the experience of a luxury camp. Furthermore, these domes are used for special events, and it is surprising to see how a growing number of people choose to reside in them. Their versatility allows them to be erected in various locations, whether on natural terrain or on the terraces of homes and buildings, which adds a distinctive element to this constantly growing architectural trend.

To date, it is estimated that by 2023 more than 2,000 domes will have been erected in various parts of Argentina. Experts point out that this construction trend has spread significantly, spanning from Misiones in the north to Jujuy, passing through Cuyo, the Pampas region and Patagonia. In practically all the provinces of the country, a marked expansion in the construction of this type of structures is observed.

It is estimated that in 2023 more than 2,000 domes will have been erected in various parts of Argentina
The domes have their origin in two main sources. One of them relates to the vision of Richard Buckminster Fuller, an influential American inventor, architect and designer born in 1895 and died in 1983. Fuller is internationally recognized for his innovations, including revolutionary housing designs and automobiles known as “Dymaxion,” an abbreviation of the words “dynamic maximum stress.”

He was a pioneering activist in promoting environmental conservation. His main objective in creating his inventions was to contribute to the construction of a more sustainable world, reducing pollution and waste of resources. He had a deep understanding of the limited resources available on our planet and promoted a fundamental principle that he incorporated into each of his inventions: the idea of doing more with less. In his view, recycling discarded resources and materials had the potential to be transformed into valuable products, improving the efficiency of the process as a whole.


The geodesic dome is basically a sphere structured with triangles. As the number of triangles contained in the sphere increases, the number of bars in this polygon increases, which tends to resemble a sphere.
The other side attributes the creation of the geodesic dome to Walther Bauersfeld, a German physicist and engineer born in Berlin in 1879 and died in 1959. After the First World War, in 1923, he designed the first geodesic dome to cover a planetarium in the workshops of Carl Zeiss, a German company related to optics. This landmark was named The Wonder of Jena due to its location in the city of Jena, 250 kilometers from Berlin. Many consider it to be the first geodesic dome derived from an icosahedron, which is a polyhedron with twenty triangular faces.

Different types of constructions​

There are different methods to build them and in Argentina they are made of various materials.


They must be well insulated to protect against weather damage both in cold weather and when high temperatures prevail.

“We use Wood Frame technology. Translated it means wooden structure or frame, a construction technique that uses wooden structural profiles and plates to create houses and buildings of up to 4 stories. The structures are made with personalized designs that are developed through preliminary projects. We exclusively use approved and certified materials,” Eloy Gualda, CEO of Domo Baires, explained to Infobae.

The domes are installed on wooden decks or concrete platforms and are distributed throughout Argentina, in remote and difficult-to-access areas, even in the Argentine Antarctic. These structures are used in various applications, from Glamping to mixed uses, tourism and housing.
Experts point out that there are two predominant material approaches in the construction of domes: steel and wood, each with its own characteristics that must be defined according to the project.


Between manufacturing and assembly, they can last between a few days and four months, depending on the footage and finishes that are made. In this case the structure is made of galvanized pipes (Photo Courtesy: Domos Argentina)

Matías Konstandt , from Domos Argentina, stated that there are various models that can be manufactured with both materials, as well as customized options for specific projects. “The covers of these domes are made of tear-resistant canvas that adapts to the climatic diversity of Argentina,” he said.

Wooden domes are made with reforestation products, mainly using certified pines, which implies a longer manufacturing process compared to steel domes.

“In this context, the importance of using galvanized steel is highlighted, since it guarantees long-term corrosion resistance, minimizing the risk of collapse of the structure,” Konstandt said.


The bathroom, similar to that of a house.

The construction of a geodesic dome can be adapted to various bases, such as concrete platforms, decks or piles, depending on the characteristics of the soil and the environment where it will be installed. These structures are earthquake resistant and have the ability to withstand extreme conditions, including polar snowfall and hurricane force winds, making them highly versatile in terms of location.

The construction time of a geodesic dome may vary depending on the scope of the project. According to Gualda, “for an average dome with a diameter of 8 meters, the construction period is estimated at around 4 months, starting from the signing of the contract.


Built in the heart of the city of Buenos Aires as an extension or complement to a home.

The dome structures are manufactured through an end crushing process using special dies, ensuring that the edges are perfectly rounded and smooth. Crushing is performed briefly to ensure optimal structural verification. In some companies, more than 10 structures are produced per day.

Konstandt expanded: “The main time is dedicated to manufacturing the covers, which can vary from 1 to 4 days depending on the size of the dome. Smaller domes can usually be assembled with the help of two people, a simple ladder, or scaffolding. To speed up the process, the use of a telescopic mast is recommended. The largest domes, with surfaces of 170 or 270 square meters, ideally require the use of a crane and the collaboration of 5 people in the assembly.”


On a building in La Plata (Photo Courtesy: Domes GLAM)

Who uses them and types of domes​

They are primarily used by people looking to build large geodesic residences. They are chosen by those who seek to live in a special place in harmony with sacred geometry and nature.


Present in the Innovation Park, in Núñez, in front of the River Plate club.

Gualda also highlighted that geodesic domes are ideal for people who practice holistic therapies, meditation and yoga, in addition to their use in multipurpose rooms, event rooms, projection rooms, gyms, school classrooms, exhibition centers, shelters. high mountains, among other options.

“In the hospitality and tourism industry, these domes have become a global trend due to the unique experience they offer, with 360° panoramic views and energy efficiency that can be up to 50% higher than that of conventional domes. conventional housing.


Construction in the mountains.

Domes are available in a wide range of dimensions, from 11 to 270 square meters. It is important to highlight that they can be combined and annexed to build homes. In cities such as Buenos Aires, Villa Gesell, San Carlos de Bariloche, Córdoba capital, Neuquén, La Plata and Mar del Plata, among others, homeowners with terraces or air space available have expanded their homes by incorporating domes on top.

“They can be equipped with electricity, water and gas services. The process of assembling a dome involves a team of approximately 10 people, including carpenters, electricians, plumbers and finishing professionals. The materials used for the main structure are woods such as pine and eucalyptus, while the coatings can vary both inside and outside, using OSB boards (oriented fibers and its acronym stands for Oriented Strand Board), phenolics, plasterboard, among others,” added Gualda.


Near the sea, they are also made in several cities just steps from the beach.

Construction and rental costs​

The construction value for a Wood Frame dome varies depending on the materials and finishes chosen by the client (starting from a base of USD 700 per m2).


Bedroom in the city.

In general terms they start from $800,000 (those of 11 m2) and scale up to $11,000,000 per unit, those of 270 m2. Those for housing with galvanized steel climb up to $1,220,000 for up to almost 60 m2.

And if they are rented, they can range from USD 30 per night to more than USD 100 per night.


In the middle of assembly, verifications of the structures are also carried out to check if they are viable and what materials they need depending on whether the area is very windy, receives snow or seismic.

Pablo Sierra, partner of Domos GLAM together with Diego La Rocca, explained to Infobae that the structure of the domes is typically manufactured with pipes, PVC canvas and screws, using exclusively national products.

The cost of construction and rental varies depending on the location and assembly conditions.

“Logistics play a fundamental role, and the price can be influenced by the duration of the rental,” Sierra concluded.
