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Finally, soon you will be able to leave tips/gratuity at restaurants with your credit card!

This is great news. Many locals and even some tourists mostly from EU don't tip as they complain they don't have cash on them. This will make it much easier to leave the recommended 10% tip. These poor servers don't make much money at all and really depend on the tips. This should help them now.
Agree this will make it easier for people to pay their servers. Everything is moving to electronic here just like in the USA. When I am home I almost never even have cash on me. Everything is electronic there. I just hope that Argentina doesn't go the way of the USA where all the servers expect 20% now. Also, just about everywhere I go there is a screen to leave a tip. I doubt that will happen here.
This is a good example where one person says something and they say it won't be obligatory and by the next day it already changes and it's probably going to be obligatory. Automatically adding tips is a horrible idea because the service is sometimes so horrible. Tips is the only thing incentivizing staff to provide good service.

This is a good example where one person says something and they say it won't be obligatory and by the next day it already changes and it's probably going to be obligatory. Automatically adding tips is a horrible idea because the service is sometimes so horrible. Tips is the only thing incentivizing staff to provide good service.

This went from good news to bad news quick. Even waiters say it bad idea to make it mandatory. Also, people will probably stop eating if they make high tip like 18% like come countries.

This time I agree with you Larry and Avocado. It went yesterday from just being able to leave a tip for convenience with a card and NOT mandatory to making it possibly mandatory and not sure on the %. I always leave 10% but if they made it 18% I probably would go out less frequently.

Also, if it does become the 14% to 18% which they are throwing out which is more than the standard 10% now, I would want to find out if the employees get all of that or if the union will get some kick back. Does their official salary amount go down? I'd want to see the details of who wins and who losses.
In my opinion, making tips mandatory is not a good idea. I think they should just add the option to pay them with a credit card, but not make them obligatory like the table service charge that many places have. Additionally, we can’t be sure that the money actually goes to the servers. A friend’s daughter works at a well-known bar in Palermo, so I asked her how the tipping system works. She told me that at the end of the night, they gather all the tips, which are in cash, and divide them equally among the servers. She also mentioned that since the 10% tip is not mandatory and not regulated, very few people leave exactly that percentage.
This is a good example where one person says something and they say it won't be obligatory and by the next day it already changes and it's probably going to be obligatory. Automatically adding tips is a horrible idea because the service is sometimes so horrible. Tips is the only thing incentivizing staff to provide good service.

I don't think this is correct. Sturzenegger has come out and said that it won't be obligatory. Who knows how things end up though. But the government has come out and said they are making it so it is NOT mandatory.
This time I agree with you Larry and Avocado. It went yesterday from just being able to leave a tip for convenience with a card and NOT mandatory to making it possibly mandatory and not sure on the %. I always leave 10% but if they made it 18% I probably would go out less frequently.

Also, if it does become the 14% to 18% which they are throwing out which is more than the standard 10% now, I would want to find out if the employees get all of that or if the union will get some kick back. Does their official salary amount go down? I'd want to see the details of who wins and who losses.
Don't worry. The government said it's voluntary. Sure this could change but the idea of the mandatory tipping was from unions which most likely will NOT happen. At least I hope not.

Here in Argentina you have to be careful as the version of the truth that ends up happening is sometimes different than what you read about. Also the problem sometimes with introducing something like this is it's a Frankenstein and turns out different than how government imagines. Mandatory tipping is not a good idea in the middle of a recession. I am not sure what % of locals don't tip but I have some waitress friends that tell me not all locals tip or if they do it's not always 10%.

I am not against places adding a top of 10% but what I worry about is if the employee will get all of it and also the already poor service will be even worse.
I’ve only been in BA for a few weeks, and I was just wondering about this. What great news! :)
This will probably take some time to get implemented. Nothing moves quickly in this country. So I wouldn't expect it coming any time soon.

I don't think this is correct. Sturzenegger has come out and said that it won't be obligatory. Who knows how things end up though. But the government has come out and said they are making it so it is NOT mandatory.
I know that is what they said but you never know with the unions here. I do think if you get good service, you should tip well. The salaries here are very low. Tipping more than 10% is a personal choice but if service is excellent I often times leave more than that because salaries are so low. My local friends hate when I do that however.