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I'm suppose to fly out of EZE the morning of April 6th, which is the same date of the general strike. I'll obviously call the airline as the date gets closer, but has anyone ever had any experience with this? What are the chances I can leave that day? Are all flights usually cancelled the day of general strikes?
I sell tickets for a living.

Most intl. flights, especially long-haul, end up departing after midnight. Domestic and regional flights may pose a problem.
Thanks Ben! My flight is scheduled around 11am to Panama City, so I guess I'm looking at departure early morning on the 7th.
But didn't Macri really get strict with people blocking the road to the airport? IIRC, the last time he had the police/army shooting rubber bullets at people that were blocking the highway to the airport. No?
I said to hell with going through the hassle of a 6 April departure from EZE, so I changed my flight to the day before. I'm fortunate that I could change because my ticket is mileage award travel, thus no change fee, etc.