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Food & Drink Fogón Asado - An almost unique experience


New member
A truly special experience that showcases the delicious meats of South America. Everything we encountered was of top quality, from the attentiveness of the staff to the food itself, which consists of an 8-course menu paired with special beverages from start to finish, including a delightful coffee and dessert.

The only critique I have is regarding the cleanliness of the bathrooms. I believe that an experience of this caliber should pay attention to such an important detail, especially considering that they only accommodate up to 24 people per night by scheduled reservation—it's not even a high-traffic location.

Aside from that aspect, the rest of the experience was fantastic. 👌🏽


Yes, this is my favorite place for steaks in Buenos Aires. I actually think it's much much better than Don Julio and definitely better than La Cabrera which is totally overrated. Most tourists are suckers and gullible and are sheep and will follow the herd. I just hope this place doesn't become like Don Julio. I can still get it a week or so out most times I go.
Thanks for posting! Great to see so many great things. Wow! I went to that Tripadvisor link and there are over 1,200 reviews. Making reservation now.