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Politics Following the ratification of Milei's veto, the teaching unions announced a total strike in all universities for tomorrow - Infobae

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Following the ratification of Milei's veto, the teaching unions announced a total strike in all universities for tomorrow - Infobae​



October 09, 2024

The measure was announced by the University Trade Union Front, which called for consolidating the plan of struggle in defense of wages and the budget for higher education institutions.

The strike was announced by the University Trade Union Front

After the Chamber of Deputies voted to uphold Milei's veto of the university financing law, teachers' unions announced a total strike for this Thursday in all universities in the country.

The measure was announced in a statement by the National University Trade Union Front , which called for consolidating the plan of struggle in defense of salaries and the budget for higher education institutions.

The popular will has been defrauded and democracy has yielded to the anti-republican handling of governing by decree of the National Government,” begins the text released just a few minutes after the legislators cast their vote in the chamber.

He continued: “A political alliance was formed that is incapable of being moved by the suffering of the great majority, by the demand of all sectors to sustain what is fundamental: the public university, public education .”

In light of the parliament's majority decision to uphold the President's decision on the rule that increased salaries in line with inflation retroactively to January, the teachers' unions emphasized: "This Trade Union Front once again expresses its will to fight to defend public universities, public health and education, decent pensions, protected children and an egalitarian country. Quality public universities for our people and decent salaries for teachers and non-teaching staff who support them."

The statement from the teachers' unions after the ratification of Milei's veto

Milei's veto was supported in Congress after several weeks of tensions with his allies and frantic negotiations with unions and governors. On Wednesday, the libertarians finally got 84 votes in defense of the veto , while the opposition could barely muster 164 to insist on the original project . Given that the Chamber of Deputies needs two-thirds of those present to reject a presidential veto, absences and abstentions played a key role.

Mauricio Macri 's intervention was crucial in putting the PRO bench in order, which was experiencing strong internal tensions. Some considered that the crisis with the teachers' unions had escalated due to a lack of negotiation and also understood that the cost of 0.14 of GDP did not really put fiscal balance at risk. Finally, despite repeatedly clarifying, before and during the session itself, that they were defending public education , the block led by Cristian Ritondo supported the Government by a majority with 35 votes. Only the Larretistas Álvaro González and Héctor Baldassi voted with the opposition , while Héctor Stefani was absent due to health problems.

Just a few minutes after the session began in the House of Representatives, the rector of the UBA, Ricardo Gelpi, sent a letter to the National Congress and asked the legislators to insist on the sanction of the law.

In the document, Gelpi explained that maintaining quality standards in higher education requires sustained investment and commitment from the authorities. In this regard, he warned that, if the situation continues like this, a point of no return will be reached and the educational system of higher education institutions will stop working as it has until now.

Gelpi's letter to the National Congress
“Our country’s public university system is unique in the world, combining massiveness, academic excellence and unrestricted admission. The University of Buenos Aires has long been part of the elite 1% of universities around the world. We are leaders in the region, however, maintaining quality standards in the public system of scientific research and higher education requires sustained investment and the commitment of all governments,” said the highest authority of the University of Buenos Aires.

In this context, Gelpi reproached the President for having vetoed the law despite the insistence and the conversations for him to reconsider his decision and placed the responsibility and hope that the law will go ahead on the deputies. However, after 3 pm, the chamber finally decided to support the decision of the head of State and maintain the veto.