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Politics Foreign Minister Diana Mondino spoke about the crisis with Spain: “This is an anecdote, it does not affect the relationship” - Infobae

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Foreign Minister Diana Mondino spoke about the crisis with Spain: “This is an anecdote, it does not affect the relationship” - Infobae​



May 21, 2024

The minister referred to the escalation between the governments of Javier Milei and Pedro Sánchez. “The personal relationship that may or may not exist between leaders cannot and should not affect the relationship between societies,” he said.

Foreign Minister Diana Mondino spoke of the diplomatic conflict with Spain: "It is an anecdote that should not affect the relationship for the next 20 or 30 years"
This morning, Foreign Minister Diana Mondino described the diplomatic escalation between the governments of Javier Milei and Pedro Sánchez , of the Kingdom of Spain, as “ an anecdote ,” and considered that “the personal relationship that may or may not exist between the leaders is not It cannot and should not affect the bilateral relationship .”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs spoke this morning at the Argentine Institute of Finance Executives (IAEF) and referred to the most complicated issue facing her management. “ This is an anecdote that we have with Spain . It is a very particular case where the personal relationship that may or may not exist between the leaders of a country cannot and should not affect the relationship between society, the community,” said Mondino.

Javier Milei and Pedro Sánchez maintain a tough diplomatic counterpoint

“I don't need to tell you what Spain is for Argentina, it really is of monumental importance . This is a strictly internal, political issue. From the point of view of foreign relations, (the ties) are like electrocardiograms that go pip pip . “It shouldn’t be something that affects (the bond for) the next 20 or 30 years ,” she assured.

In that sense, he confirmed that the clash between the presidents of both countries, in his opinion, does not affect the relationship with Spanish companies and highlighted that the companies "have called for harmony." “ Investments are managed in a different way , because they are very long-term investments,” considered the minister, in the first public statement, after the strident diplomatic clash between Sánchez, who is a member of the socialist PSOE, and Milei, who is the main reference of the right-wing Freedom Advances.

“Spanish companies have had a lot of activity over the years. The Argentine community in Spain and Spanish in Argentina is enormous . This is an issue that I really have to say surprised me because it was a very lateral comment where no one in particular was named ,” Mondino stated about Milei's statements referring to, but naming her, the wife of the Spanish president, Begoña Gómez. “There is a single phrase that does not deserve anything, it is not an insult to Spain and it is not even an insult to a person in Spain, it is a comment,” he stated. And he considered: “Each one interprets as he wants.”

Diana Mondino spoke about the diplomatic clash with the Spanish president, Pedro Sánchez

The diplomatic escalation​

The clash between Milei and Sánchez originates in an old rivalry that has been going on since the presidential campaign in Argentina. Last year, the Spanish president had spoken out in favor of Sergio Massa, the candidate of Unión por la Patria, an endorsement that was expressed through a video even before the runoff. Furthermore, in public speeches the leader of the PSOE harshly punished the libertarian leader.

But in the last two weeks the fight has increased over aggressive statements by the Spanish government, with officials who treated Milei as a “substance user,” as a “fascist,” and as having positions contrary to democracy. The Argentine president's reaction was to remember, without mentioning, the judicial accusations for alleged corruption against Begoña Gómez.

In the last hours, the clash of statements led to a diplomatic escalation. Sánchez summoned his ambassador in Buenos Aires, María Jesús Alonso Jiménez , for consultations, and this morning the socialist administration confirmed that he will not return. Between last night and this morning, Milei himself redoubled his questions to his counterpart. He called him a “coward” and that he needed “psychological assistance.” A story that has not yet written its last chapter.

More definitions of Mondino​

On the other hand, the head of the San Martín Palace defended the commercial relationship with China , highlighting that that country "is our second trading partner and has an importance that we cannot underestimate." In addition, she said that she never had “a harsh comment” against the Chinese and highlighted that “we have the possibility that there are Chinese investments that were suspended during the previous Government.”

He also trusted that the swap with that country can be renewed and guaranteed that Argentina “must always comply with all its financial commitments.”

Regarding Mercosur, he indicated that “we have to give this bloc a little polish and include issues, because it is not just the tariff issue. There are many issues that need to be moved forward quickly to make life easier.” Finally, he admitted that he has “hope” that the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union can be finalized.