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Former President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández celebrated New Year's Eve in the luxurious Four Seasons Hotel in Madrid


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Oh, here's a heartwarming tale for you! The ex-President of the Nation, Alberto Fernández, bid farewell to 2023 with a humble gathering at the Dani restaurant in the Four Seasons Hotel, right there in the capital of Spain. How quaint! The New Year's Eve dinner was just a steal at 1,000 euros. Oh, and don't forget, that price tag doesn't cover the first-class flights from BA to Madrid.

Now, folks, gather 'round and ponder: Is this the pinnacle of socialism, or are we witnessing a masterclass in penny-pinching? I mean, who needs equality when you can have a grand old time at the Four Seasons, right? Cheers to socialism, where the champagne is flowing, and the bills are someone else's problem!

Oh, remember that juicy rumor about him owning a hotel in Spain? Whatever happened to that gem of a story? I guess it's playing hide and seek with the truth.

I've got a hunch that one day, Argentines are gonna unwrap the gift of honesty and find out that good ol' Albie wasn't exactly the poster child for truthfulness. Brace yourselves for the revelation: Honest Albie might be hiding a few honesty issues up his sleeve. It's like a soap opera plot unfolding, but with less drama and more Tango music in the background. Stay tuned for the next episode of "Albie's Adventures in Honesty"!

Oh, here's a heartwarming tale for you! The ex-President of the Nation, Alberto Fernández, bid farewell to 2023 with a humble gathering at the Dani restaurant in the Four Seasons Hotel, right there in the capital of Spain. How quaint! The New Year's Eve dinner was just a steal at 1,000 euros. Oh, and don't forget, that price tag doesn't cover the first-class flights from BA to Madrid.

Now, folks, gather 'round and ponder: Is this the pinnacle of socialism, or are we witnessing a masterclass in penny-pinching? I mean, who needs equality when you can have a grand old time at the Four Seasons, right? Cheers to socialism, where the champagne is flowing, and the bills are someone else's problem!

Argentina has never had a communist or socialist President.

Alberto Fernández assumed the presidency as a representative of the Peronist ideology, a political paradigm tracing its origins to European Fascism and Latin American Corporatism, constituting a unique "third way." Notably, Argentina has never elected a president subscribing to socialist or communist principles, a fact that is likely already within your purview.
Argentina has never had a communist or socialist President.

Alberto Fernández assumed the presidency as a representative of the Peronist ideology, a political paradigm tracing its origins to European Fascism and Latin American Corporatism, constituting a unique "third way." Notably, Argentina has never elected a president subscribing to socialist or communist principles, a fact that is likely already within your purview.

Ah, Peronism, the chameleon of ideologies. Menem's tangoing on the right, while Kitchener and Fernandez decided to salsa on the left. The Peronist socialist fiesta brought us maximum interventionism, fiscal acrobatics, and a dash of monetary irresponsibility that made Argentina do the Macarena straight into a reserve-less central bank.

Their "XXI Century Socialist" shenanigans unleashed a money party, and boom, local currency got obliterated. It's like a Marxist telenovela – just ask Venezuela's Chavismo squad. Kitchener and Fernandez, in true socialist style, played currency Jenga, wrecked the economy, all for some political spending extravaganza. Welcome to the economic wasteland, compliments of classic socialist/marxist playbook. It's like they took a crash course in "How to Turn a Country into a Chaos Carnival 101."
Oh, hold up! What an enlightening read. So, because the gang tossed a few crumbs, accidentally hitting both the poor and mostly rich on the way, we're slapping on the "socialist/marxist" label? Bravo, folks, for a stellar performance in pure populism – no need for pesky ideologies here. Argentina, the land where socialism never dared to tread, apparently.

And for those genius minds thinking the economic rollercoaster, deficit, and inflation were caused by throwing a bone to the poor, well, that's just next-level brilliance. Because nothing says economic disaster like a bit of pocket change for the less fortunate, right?

Let's wrap up this fairy tale, shall we? This narrative's got to take a bow, 'cause it's doing a bang-up job covering the real troubles Argentina's juggling. Round of applause for the distraction, everyone!
Ah, Peronism, the chameleon of ideologies. Menem's tangoing on the right, while Kitchener and Fernandez decided to salsa on the left. The Peronist socialist fiesta brought us maximum interventionism, fiscal acrobatics, and a dash of monetary irresponsibility that made Argentina do the Macarena straight into a reserve-less central bank.

Their "XXI Century Socialist" shenanigans unleashed a money party, and boom, local currency got obliterated. It's like a Marxist telenovela – just ask Venezuela's Chavismo squad. Kitchener and Fernandez, in true socialist style, played currency Jenga, wrecked the economy, all for some political spending extravaganza. Welcome to the economic wasteland, compliments of classic socialist/marxist playbook. It's like they took a crash course in "How to Turn a Country into a Chaos Carnival 101."
Oh, got it! So, my suspicion's confirmed – you're not really up on what Marxism, socialism, communism, and all that jazz actually mean. Just here for some good ol' crap posting fun, huh? Well, knock yourself out then!
Argentina has never had a communist or socialist President.

Alberto Fernández assumed the presidency as a representative of the Peronist ideology, a political paradigm tracing its origins to European Fascism and Latin American Corporatism, constituting a unique "third way." Notably, Argentina has never elected a president subscribing to socialist or communist principles, a fact that is likely already within your purview.
@Avocado , please describe Alberto's politics without using the word Peronist.

Many thinks in advance!
We keep writing about him because he is still spending the money he stole from all the Argentine taxpayers and the money that CFK gave him, that she robbed from the Argentine taxpayers.
Exactly! It's a travesty to justice just how much the Kirchner's stole from Argentina. I have a friend from the South that grew up with her kids. He said they didn't have much money growing up. It's a miracle that some how their family got so wealthy in a relatively short amount of time after they became President. It's a wonder she isn't in jail for all her crimes against Argentina.
i really have struggled to read 15% of the posters here on this forum. i can't tell what's 'off' about it, but it feels like ChatGPT or Grok (on Twitter/X) edited someone's post. here are some good examples, just on this thread:

Oh, and don't forget, that price tag doesn't cover the first-class flights from BA to Madrid. Now, folks, gather 'round and ponder: Is this the pinnacle of socialism, or are we witnessing a masterclass in penny-pinching? I mean, who needs equality when you can have a grand old time at the Four Seasons, right? Cheers to socialism, where the champagne is flowing, and the bills are someone else's problem!
these posts all have the tone of a public address. i can read @GlasgowJohn's writing, and it feels like a normal person posting without any strange formatting or 'voice' - but then i read:

Ah, Peronism, the chameleon of ideologies. Menem's tangoing on the right, while Kitchener and Fernandez decided to salsa on the left. The Peronist socialist fiesta brought us maximum interventionism, fiscal acrobatics, and a dash of monetary irresponsibility that made Argentina do the Macarena straight into a reserve-less central bank. Their "XXI Century Socialist" shenanigans unleashed a money party, and boom, local currency got obliterated. It's like a Marxist telenovela – just ask Venezuela's Chavismo squad. Kitchener and Fernandez, in true socialist style, played currency Jenga, wrecked the economy, all for some political spending extravaganza. Welcome to the economic wasteland, compliments of classic socialist/marxist playbook. It's like they took a crash course in "How to Turn a Country into a Chaos Carnival 101."
...and it's sort of like the voice of a public lament, or a distant person opining on a faraway place. or:

Oh, hold up! What an enlightening read. So, because the gang tossed a few crumbs, accidentally hitting both the poor and mostly rich on the way, we're slapping on the "socialist/marxist" label? Bravo, folks, for a stellar performance in pure populism – no need for pesky ideologies here. Argentina, the land where socialism never dared to tread, apparently. And for those genius minds thinking the economic rollercoaster, deficit, and inflation were caused by throwing a bone to the poor, well, that's just next-level brilliance. Because nothing says economic disaster like a bit of pocket change for the less fortunate, right? Let's wrap up this fairy tale, shall we? This narrative's got to take a bow, 'cause it's doing a bang-up job covering the real troubles Argentina's juggling. Round of applause for the distraction, everyone!
...and this is the most bot-like. compare to @earlyretirement's writing that is written like a normal sentence. why are several people posting on this forum in the form of riddles and eloquent speeches that sound like a Greek Republic Senate oratory in the 600s BCE?

here's how AI edits @Vince's post, for the feeling i'm pointing-out:

"Buenos Aires politics has been a rollercoaster ride of contrasting opinions, with a dash of humor and a pinch of irony. Let's take a tour through the city's political landscape and explore the colorful characters that have shaped its history. We'll start with the infamous quote, 'Let them eat cake!' attributed to Marie Antoinette, which can be humorously applied to some of the city's political figures. Take, for example, the controversial duo of Alberto and the CFK's (Cristina Fernández de Kirchner). Critics have accused them of not truly caring about Argentina, but rather being more concerned with enriching themselves. As we continue our tour, we'll delve into the contrasting perspectives on these political figures, examining their actions and policies to better understand their impact on the city and its people. Along the way, we'll uncover the rich tapestry of Buenos Aires' history, and perhaps even find a few laughs in the process." -Grok

i find it interesting that the 'voice' i read in my girlfriend's blog, edited by ChatGPT for anonymity, feels so similar to how a handful of the people here post. anyone else dizzy from the riddles?
i really have struggled to read 15% of the posters here on this forum. i can't tell what's 'off' about it, but it feels like ChatGPT or Grok (on Twitter/X) edited someone's post. here are some good examples, just on this thread:

these posts all have the tone of a public address. i can read @GlasgowJohn's writing, and it feels like a normal person posting without any strange formatting or 'voice' - but then i read:

...and it's sort of like the voice of a public lament, or a distant person opining on a faraway place. or:

...and this is the most bot-like. compare to @earlyretirement's writing that is written like a normal sentence. why are several people posting on this forum in the form of riddles and eloquent speeches that sound like a Greek Republic Senate oratory in the 600s BCE?

here's how AI edits @Vince's post, for the feeling i'm pointing-out:

"Buenos Aires politics has been a rollercoaster ride of contrasting opinions, with a dash of humor and a pinch of irony. Let's take a tour through the city's political landscape and explore the colorful characters that have shaped its history. We'll start with the infamous quote, 'Let them eat cake!' attributed to Marie Antoinette, which can be humorously applied to some of the city's political figures. Take, for example, the controversial duo of Alberto and the CFK's (Cristina Fernández de Kirchner). Critics have accused them of not truly caring about Argentina, but rather being more concerned with enriching themselves. As we continue our tour, we'll delve into the contrasting perspectives on these political figures, examining their actions and policies to better understand their impact on the city and its people. Along the way, we'll uncover the rich tapestry of Buenos Aires' history, and perhaps even find a few laughs in the process." -Grok

i find it interesting that the 'voice' i read in my girlfriend's blog, edited by ChatGPT for anonymity, feels so similar to how a handful of the people here post. anyone else dizzy from the riddles?
Not sure. I tell my wife I'm as smart as a computer. She disagrees!
Exactly! It's a travesty to justice just how much the Kirchner's stole from Argentina. I have a friend from the South that grew up with her kids. He said they didn't have much money growing up. It's a miracle that some how their family got so wealthy in a relatively short amount of time after they became President. It's a wonder she isn't in jail for all her crimes against Argentina.
Agreed. She probably should be in jail but politicians like this never end up in jail. And if Milei fails, who knows, she and her pals could end up as President for the end of time. People were fed up and willing to try change but if Milei fails people will just go back to these thugs.
Argentina has never had a communist or socialist President.

Alberto Fernández assumed the presidency as a representative of the Peronist ideology, a political paradigm tracing its origins to European Fascism and Latin American Corporatism, constituting a unique "third way." Notably, Argentina has never elected a president subscribing to socialist or communist principles, a fact that is likely already within your purview.
we've already debunked these idiotic claims here in the other thread where i said "Peronism is easily defined as one more sect of Totalitarianism - the flavor is a little different, but individual liberty and free markets are rejected. Peron insisted it was an alternative to Communism and Capitalism, but he just made that up."

Milei echoed this yesterday at the WEF; collectivism is the opposite of liberty.

hopefully @GlasgowJohn makes the Peronism post today, so @Avocado can read something other than commie literature for once in their life.

Avocado and the other commie zealots think Peronism is different than Communism/collectivism, yet when pushed for any evidence, the only answer is: 'welp, it has a different name, so it must be different!'

the only source for the "Third Way" made-up claim is Peron himself. literally not based on anything factual. it would be like me saying my apartment isn't an apartment or a PH or a house or a townhouse, it's a "Fifth Way" of living - when questioned, i would just say that i don't think it's an apartment. when compared on-paper and in a video, showing it looks and operates just like an apartment, i would channel my inner dumbass Avocado and double-down, saying that the person who sold it to me said it wasn't an apartment.
