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Politics Francos confirmed that Federico Sturzenegger will enter the Cabinet as a minister - Infobae

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Francos confirmed that Federico Sturzenegger will enter the Cabinet as a minister - Infobae​



May 28, 2024

Guillermo Francos reported that he will work on “simplifying the State” although the new area still does not have a name

Sturzenegger arrives at the Government of Javier Milei (Adrián Escandar)

The new Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos , confirmed that Federico Sturzenegger will join the national cabinet as a minister . “ It will be in an area that has to do with the economic deregulation of the country ,” he reported in interviews given to Rivadavia and Miter radio stations.

Francos reported that the new Ministry still does not have a name. He will discuss it with President Javier Milei in the coming days, but the function is linked to the modernization of the State and economic deregulation.

“He has been studying this for a long time, he has worked a lot, he has analyzed the entire public administration and he knows that there are a number of regulations in Argentina that do not allow the economy to develop normally,” he pointed out. And he developed: “he did it during the initial period of the government with the preparation of the draft laws, he did it while working with Patricia Bullrich in the electoral campaign and he helps think about the cabinet as well; Someone who has that mind, in a cabinet, allows us all to develop and grow.”

Sturzenegger was president of the Central Bank between 2015 and 2018 , during the government of Mauricio Macri. He had previously been a national deputy and president of Banco Ciudad. He also held the Secretary of Economic Policy during the government of Fernando De La Rúa, in 2001. He resigned on November 20, a month before the crisis broke out. In the 90's, during the mandate of Carlos Menem, he had a position at YPF.

Although he accompanied Patricia Bullrich during her electoral career, at the end of last year he strengthened his bond with Milei and became the creator of several of the reforms promoted by the new government, including DNU 70/2023 on deregulation of the economy. . He also had an active participation in the drafting of the Bases Law that is still being discussed in the Senate.

His entry into the Government had been anticipated last week by Milei, although it had been subject to the approval of the Law in Congress. Finally, the head of state advanced the reorganization of his management team and announced several changes last night before traveling to the United States : Francos will leave the Ministry of the Interior to occupy the head of the Cabinet, which until yesterday was occupied by Nicolás Posse. The Ministry of the Interior will cease to exist as such and will be a secretariat headed by Lisandro Catalán.

Posse's departure caused the resignation of Silvestre Sívori from the Federal Intelligence Agency. Francos reported this morning that he has not yet defined who will be his replacement because there will be a change in structure. “ Milei's intention is for the AFI to become dependent on the Presidency ,” he anticipated.