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Politics Francos spoke about the government's fight with Chubut and showed documentation of the province's debt with the Nation - Infobae


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Francos spoke about the government's fight with Chubut and showed documentation of the province's debt with the Nation - Infobae



February 25, 2024

The Minister of the Interior presented evidence about the situation that generated a withholding of co-participation funds that, in turn, triggered a war between the district and the Casa Rosada

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos (Télam)

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos , got involved this Sunday in the fight between Javier Milei and the governor of Chubut, Ignacio Torres , and showed documentation about the debt that the Patagonian province has with the Nation. This situation generated a withholding of co-participation funds that, in turn, triggered a war between the district and the Casa Rosada, with strong verbal exchanges and threats about possible brakes on oil shipments.

Through social networks, Francos explained: “On February 22, the Minister of Economy of Chubut sent me a note requesting a new debt operation consisting of the issuance of a bond intended entirely for the cancellation of the balance of the debt it maintains. the province with the FFDP.” The official wanted to refer, in that sense, to the Trust Fund for Provincial Development.

The note that Francos published on the social network X bears the signature of the Minister of Economy of Chubut, Facundo Ball . There, the provincial official requested: “The authorization referred to in article 25 of the Fiscal Responsibility Law 25,917, regulated by article 25 of decree 1731/02, for a new debt operation consisting of the issuance of a bond, with a term between three and five years, intended entirely for the cancellation of the balance of debt that the Province maintains with the FFDP , by virtue of the agreements signed on March 16, 2023, May 5, 2023 and May 9, 2023. November 2023″. That is, due to actions carried out by the previous management of Mariano Arcioni .

In the letter, Ball added: “Said instrument may be issued at the Badlar, dual or linked dollar rate, according to the conditions prevailing in the market at the time of issuance, guaranteeing it with the Federal Tax Co-participation resources that it correspond to the Province or with Hydrocarbon Royalties , for which the figure of a Guarantee Trust could be used.”

The letter sent by the Government of Chubut to the Nation to cancel debt

“Contrary to what the deputy governor - the radical Gustavo Menna - said, we responded with an email on February 23, requiring the necessary documentation to move forward with the requested issuance operation, in accordance with current regulations. We are waiting for the response . Once they respond, we will analyze it and send it to the Ministry of Economy accordingly. Attached for greater clarity is the exchange of notes,” Francos summarized.
The person who asked Chubut for the documentation in question was Pablo Arévalo , from the Subnational Financing Analysis Directorate, belonging to the Undersecretary of Relations with the Provinces of the Ministry of the Interior of the Nation.


The Nation's response to Chubut to activate a new debt operation
In the last few hours, the dispute between Milei and Torres escalated and captured the attention of most of national politics. “Nachito -for Torres- does not see it, he is a poor boy who could not read even a contract, he has a very great intellectual precariousness ,” launched the head of state.

And he added: “ The province took on debt against a co-participation guarantee .” So, when the operation is put together, when the co-participation is deposited, which is done continuously, the part affected by the debt is extracted and the remainder arrives . "It's not my fault that the boy can't read a text and understand it."

On this point, the provincial leader responded: “ We were never unaware of that debt, which was taken irresponsibly .” We put all our willingness to pay and good faith, but they put us in undesirable territory, even a few days before starting a school year with all that it means.”

Torres also assured in statements to the Télam news agency : "The national government wants to take over the province of Chubut thinking that we are a small district, far from the Capital, but it did not calculate that, despite our size, we know defend ".

The vice-governor of Chubut confirmed that they will go to court​

For his part, the vice-governor of the province, Gustavo Menna , denied that his Minister of Economy had received the email from Francos with the requirements to issue the debt and confirmed that he will go to court to claim the co-shareable funds that the Nation withheld from them.

“The province of Chubut is going to do everything it has to do as a State that owns its resources, by Constitution. He has carried out judicial actions, he has coordinated the actions with the other governors and we should not be so wrong because we have the support of almost all the governors of Argentina,” he explained.

In statements to TN , Nacho Torres' running mate considered that “retaliations began to come” against his management because “the province raised and won a court case for the illegal withdrawal of the Transportation Subsidy Fund . ”

“This is money from the province, it is not from the national government. Our management, of course, is making the adjustment: it has rescinded the appointment of personnel, it even took charge of the teacher incentive fund. It is not that there is waste or money spent on recitals or on strange things, expenses are even being assumed that should be carried out by the Nation. What is being claimed is its own resource ,” he added.