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Economy Fuel tax increased: gasoline and diesel will suffer a new increase in September - Infobae

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Fuel tax increased: gasoline and diesel will suffer a new increase in September - Infobae



August 30, 2024

In August, the pumps in CABA registered two increases in less than two days, since YPF tried to equalize the values of the Buenos Aires pumps with those of the rest of the country.

The price of gasoline increases month by month (Maximiliano Luna)

In the context of the repeated increases in the prices of gasoline and diesel , the Government has once again increased the tax on fuel , which is directly transferred to the prices that users find at the points of sale throughout the country. As a result, prices will rise again starting in September .

This is a new increase in the tax on liquid fuels (ICL) and carbon dioxide (IDC) . In this way, the Ministry of the Economy put an end to the uncertainty about what would happen with this tax burden.

The measure was made official through decree 770/2024 and establishes that these amounts will be in effect throughout the month of September .

In the previous months, the Nation applied partial increases to try to mitigate the impact on general inflation, which has caused a delay in both tax burdens. According to the consulting firm Economía y Energía, if the entire delay that exists at the tax level were applied at once, fuel prices would rise by 19.5% . Thus, the liter of super gasoline would increase from $992 to $1.1190.10 in the City of Buenos Aires (CABA ).

In August, the increase was 3 percent, since this percentage included the 1 percent update and the 2 percent devaluation of the official dollar.

The priority of the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo , is to support the deceleration of inflation even if this means giving up revenue, within the framework of a fiscal situation that, he maintains, gives room to recalibrate the adjustment.

The Ministry of Economy delayed the planned increases and implemented a partial update model (REUTERS/Tomas Cuesta)

Just two days after this announcement, the price of gasoline suffered a new increase, since the state-owned oil company YPF applied an unexpected increase for service stations in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA) , in an attempt to bring prices closer to those of other pumps in the rest of the country. The increase was 5.4 percent.

In this context, fuel sales continue to decline throughout the country. A sharp drop in premium gasoline is observed due to a shift in demand to the super segment, which is cheaper. At the provincial level, border points are the most affected due to the recomposition of local prices compared to international prices since Milei took office.

A report by the consulting firm Politikon Chaco showed that, compared to June 2023, fuel sales showed a 12% decline, being the seventh consecutive month with declines and accelerating the fall against the previous month (it was 8% in May); in addition, compared to the previous month (May 2024) sales also showed declines (-6.6%).

"It is also worth noting that the volume traded in June was the second lowest so far this year, only above April (1.30 million) and in turn, the second lowest volume in the last three years," they added.

“Analyzing sales by fuel type, in June the largest sales volume was gasoline with 55% of the total sold against 45% for diesel. In reference to its performance, gasoline exhibited a 10.1% year-on-year drop with marked disparity according to the segment: super gasoline sales fell 6.4% year-on-year but premium gasoline sales fell by 20.6%. Regarding diesel, the overall result was a 14.3% year-on-year drop: within this, regular gasoline fell 16.7% and premium gasoline fell by 9%,” Politikon Chaco highlighted.

Other increases are also expected in September that will again affect people's pockets; among them, utilities (electricity, gas and water); rents; public transport after the elimination of the integrated ticket of the SUBE Network for the AMBA; private schools; and prepaid health plans .
