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FYI - The Government increased the prices for Argentina's 11 National Parks 300% for Argentines and 150% more for tourists

Yet another move where the middle class will suffer. Most people can't afford to leave Argentina now for vacation and limited to Argentina and they are going to raise the fee on everything. Very sad.
Wow that is a hefty increase. 3X the normal price. Hopefully this doesn't make it out of reach for many Argentines that want to visit these places. Does anyone know where I can find the prices? I see the 11 listed on this page but I don't see the prices anywhere.

Tourism will probably continue to fall as Argentina keeps getting more expensive. And locals will not be able to afford to even go to their National Parks. That is a huge jump up for someone that makes a local salary. If you add 2 adults and 2 kids all of this adds up.
Yes, I just read comments by the president of the Asociación de Parques Nacionales. It seems the new government has found the parks in terrible shape. It will probably cost a fortune to fix installations that haven't been maintained in years. BTW, I edited my previous comments with a price list I found.
Those prices still look reasonable even accounting for the price increase. Many national parks around the world are really expensive for entrance. I've found that many places have raised their fees quite a bit over the past few years.
Like many things in Argentina, unfortunately, they aren't charging enough to even support the actual costs. Makes sense that they would raise prices to at least cover costs. Hopefully they will now cover their operating expenses.
What was the price before and what is it now?

ETA: Never mind, I found this price list:View attachment 6130

Considering the prices charged in other countries, the new prices for foreigners don't seem too expensive. National Parks everywhere cost quite a bit of money to maintain. If what they charge does, indeed, go to maintenance and staff, then it's okay, I guess.
I just saw your price list @Sunny. Is this posted price already with the 300% increase?? Or will they change it. If they already raised it and it's 300% higher and locals are only paying 10,000 pesos it means that prices were crazy cheap before. I am curious if this is already with the new prices? Anyone know?