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Politics General strike of the CGT: the latest news of the union measure against the Milei government - Infobae


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General strike of the CGT: the latest news of the union measure against the Milei government - Infobae


January 24, 2024

The protest was called by the General Confederation of Labor against the modifications to labor legislation that include the DNU and the Omnibus Law project. What other sectors joined?

By Fderico Etienot

09:24 hs TODAY
Strike of the CGT and drag of the crisis: a terrible mirror for the union leaders and the main test for Milei

Increasing poverty records constitute the greatest indicator of economic and social deterioration. The Cegetista leaders prefer to avoid the fact that it is a process, because they ignored it in the previous government. The new management will also be measured by the results in that field

By Eduardo Aulicino

Héctor Daer and other union leaders, in the plenary session of commissions for the omnibus law

The most dramatic consequence of the crisis - the growing level of poverty and indigence - was not at the center of the last campaign, did not appear as an axis in the initial speeches of Javier Milei 's administration and did not provoke concrete responses from the CGT, less during the Peronist/Kirchnerist government. The strike planned for this Wednesday does not place the real focus on that area , but on the political dispute that is writing its first chapter in Congress. It is, to say the least, striking: it is a terrible mirror for union leaders and the main economic and social test for the Government.

09:11 hs TODAY
Gerardo Martínez: “We did not have the opportunity to be heard; "We need dialogue, not confrontation."

Gerardo Martínez, leader of the CGT and head of the UOCRA 1920

In advance of the 12-hour national strike organized by the CGT , the general secretary of the UOCRA, Gerardo Martínez , assured that the decision to strike is to “support Parliament” in the discussion over the omnibus law and the DNU , At the same time, he assured that they were not summoned at any time by the Government and warned about the need for a “dialogue . ”
Circumstances and extreme positions led us to this situation. At no time did we have the institutional opportunity to be heard or at least listen to the proposal that the Government was going to carry out,” Martínez said.
During an interview with Radio Miter , the trade unionist said that he is respectful of the electoral result that brought Javier Milei to the Casa Rosada, although he maintained that the strike is not “whimsical” , since the changes in labor matters promoted by the Executive Branch “ breaks the social contract ”.
I applaud the negotiation , the dialogue that can take place in Parliament. Now, that same relationship was not had in the socio-labor structure and other sectors,” he said.
“Unfortunately, institutionally we were never called to any conversation to find out what our opinion is or we know what the Government's opinion is. There was a conversation at the time with Minister Francos , but at the moment of truth, after having reached a certain agreement, we observed that there was no continuity between what we had been talking about and what had been manifesting in the facts. Then, we both realized that we could be in a situation where we were just talking without solving anything,” Martínez added.
Finally, he insisted that " the idea is not to confront, the idea is to dialogue " in order to get out of "this disastrous equation that Argentina is experiencing."

08:48 hsTODAY
The Truckers Union is already in Congress Square

Truckers already said they were present in front of the National Congress (Capture @CardosoClaudio9)

From early on, representatives of the Truckers Union, which joined the general strike called by the CGT , are already in the square in front of the National Congress , waiting for what will be the act against the DNU and the Omnibus Law project of the Government of Javier Milei .
“On January 24 we all met in the National Congress, I am going to lead the way, as I have always done. Let no one have any doubts, neither insiders nor outsiders, that the January 24 Truckers' strike will be present because it is a struggle of the people ," Hugo Moyano, Truckers' representative, said a few days ago.

08:44 hsTODAY
Andrés Rodríguez: “Tomorrow's photo will be Argentina mobilized”

Andrés Rodríguez, head of UPCN and leader of the CGT

The deputy secretary of the CGT and general secretary of UPCN, Andrés Rodríguez, spoke this Wednesday about the force measure called by the General Confederation of Labor and the impact it can generate on society.
Tomorrow's photo is going to be that of a mobilized Argentina . We expect a massive march. Argentina needs macroeconomic stability , yes, but this cannot be achieved by taking away rights,” said the union leader in communication with AM 750.
And he added: “ We intend to ask all legislators to analyze this omnibus law and the DNU because it generates harm to vast sectors of society.”
Likewise, he referred to the need to search for reorganization of the opposition. “ We must reorganize and restructure the Justicialist Party ,” he stated.

08:29 hsTODAY
Due to the CGT strike, Aerolíneas and JetSmart suspended their flights for today and more than 22,000 passengers will not travel

The flag line canceled 267 flights. The low cost company reported that the union measures “prevent employees and suppliers from carrying out their functions.” What should those who bought tickets do?

The low-cost airline claims that it had to cancel its operations due to the union measure. EFE/Mario Ruiz

The airline company JetSmart reported that it had to suspend all its flights scheduled for today due to the strike announced by the CGT and that for this reason 5,000 passengers with flights scheduled to different destinations will be affected.

07:54 hsTODAY
Eduardo Belliboni: “We are facing a very regressive government”


Eduardo Belliboni, reference of the Polo Obrero

The piquetero movement made the decision to join the strike and mobilization this Wednesday, against the DNU and the Omnibus Law of the Government of Javier Milei, but with the formation of an independent column. The representative of the Polo Obrero, Eduardo Belliboni, made reference to this .
“We are facing a very regressive government , we had to march, as soon as the DNU was announced, now it is in force, it violates the rights achieved without having passed through parliament. The strike is going to be very large, we will discuss how we give continuity to this fighting plan ,” said the union leader in communication with radio Splendid .
Furthermore, he maintained: “ We must defeat the DNU, we cannot continue like this, it says that the wallet of the Ministry of Human Capital 'is open' but food is not reaching the canteens, it has set priorities that it has set for other sectors such as cinema and it is a lie, neither cinema nor food.”
In 45 days, a policy was carried out that some cannot do in 45 years , devaluation that destroys salaries and pensions, privatization of public companies, asking for permission to gather in public spaces, they want to take away our right to protest, all unconstitutional ,” he added.
And he revealed: “ We received a document letter asking to pay for the police operation which, being a public service , is paid for with taxes, the police would not have to intervene directly, but Minister Bullrich all she does is frighten the people, justice itself "He had to stop."

07:36 hsTODAY
Protesters begin to arrive at Congress Square


The first protesters are already in front of the National Congress

Around 7 in the morning, the first protesters who will participate in the march called by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT)
for this Wednesday were present .
The event itself will begin at 2:30 p.m. with the reading of a document in which the decision to call the strike will be justified, warning about the first measures of the Milei Government and their social and economic consequences. There will only be two speakers: Héctor Daer and Pablo Moyano .
The CGT event will be in the Plaza de los Dos Congresos , so the streets near the Legislative Palace will be blocked. In addition, the arrival of the protesters will affect the circulation of Avenida de Mayo and 9 de Julio.

07:34 hsTODAY
First general strike of the CGT against Milei: what unionism is at stake and why it is betting on mass mobilization

With the presence of different political and social sectors, the measure of force will have as its axis a rally before Congress. Transportation will stop from 7 p.m. so that protesters can participate in the event.

The CGT will carry out today the fastest general strike since the return of democracy in 1983

The CGT will carry out its first general strike this Wednesday against Javier Milei, just 45 days after taking office and after 4 years of passivity during the administration of Alberto Fernández. Strictly speaking, it will be a half-day strike (from 12 to 00 hours) to allow a mobilization of Congress, where legislators will be asked to stop the DNU - which includes the labor reform - and the Omnibus Law.

07:26 hsTODAY
Where and at what time is the CGT event


CGT and picketers already demonstrated in Court against Milei's DNU, on December 27

The measure of force, which involves a mobilization towards the National Congress , will begin at 12 noon and will end at midnight, affecting the normal functioning of various activities and services in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires.
The event itself will begin at 2:30 p.m. with the reading of a document in which the decision to call the strike will be justified, warning about the first measures of the Milei Government and their social and economic consequences. There will only be two speakers: Héctor Daer and Pablo Moyano .
The CGT event will be in the Plaza de los Dos Congresos , so the streets near the Legislative Palace will be blocked. In addition, the arrival of the protesters will affect the circulation of Avenida de Mayo and 9 de Julio.
In fact, Avenida de Mayo will be the main entrance for the protesters who will head towards Congress. In addition, it was organized that there be secondary entrances: these will be through Hipólito Yrigoyen and Rivadavia avenues; and Sáenz Peña, Paraná, Virrey Ceballos, Montevideo, Solís and R. Peña streets. There will also be ambulances located on Entre Ríos and Callao avenues .
In turn, there will be two streets completely closed, that is, those located on the sides of the National Congress. They are: Avenida Rivadavia between Avenida Callao and Riobamba; and Avenida Rivadavia between Avenida Entre Ríos and Combate de los Pozos .
Beyond having the presence of ambulances, there will also be a Red Cross post and a hydration station that will be available for protesters.
