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Politics Governors of the PJ and the CGT criticized Javier Milei and stood up against the Omnibus Law - Infobae


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Governors of the PJ and the CGT criticized Javier Milei and stood up against the Omnibus Law - Infobae


January 18, 2024

They met this afternoon to agree on a strategy to stop the official initiative in Congress. According to the Cegetista co-owner Héctor Daer, the Casa Rosada “tries to minimize” the protest on the 24th by announcing the day's discount to those who adhere to the strike.

By Ricardo Carpena

The governors Gustavo Melella, Ricardo Quintela and Axel Kicillof and the co-head of the CGT Pablo Moyano, at the meeting this afternoon

United against Javier Milei. This was the synthesis of the meeting held this afternoon between the CGT and the governors of Unión por la Patria, in which legislators and leaders of the piqueteros participated, with the idea of reaching a consensus on a strategy to stop the Omnibus Law and the DNU 70 in Congress.

Even so, in a press conference held after the meeting, the head of the Unión por la Patria bloc of senators, José Mayans, assured that they want to dialogue and that they are “willing to discuss law by law” the reforms promoted by the Government in Parliament, after considering that it is an “abuse of power” that so many issues are intended to be approved through a DNU.

Even so, in a press conference held after the meeting, the head of the Unión por la Patria bloc of senators, José Mayans, assured that they want to dialogue and that they are “willing to discuss law by law” the reforms promoted by the Government in Parliament, after considering that it is an “abuse of power” that so many issues are intended to be approved through a DNU.

The co-head of the CGT Héctor Daer (Health) considered that the Government's decision to discount the day for state employees who adhere to the general strike on Wednesday the 24th is “part of a series of slogans to try to minimize what is going to be a mobilization of the Argentine people, showing that they are not in favor in accordance with what is established in the Omnibus Law project or in the DNU.”

The final photo of the meeting, with governors, CGT leaders, legislators and picketers

“We are going to mobilize here; it is not an issue of cost but rather it is the defense of labor rights, of the rights of so many sectors that are affected and the rights, in short, of the country,” said the trade unionist.

The meeting, which was held at the House of the Province of Buenos Aires, on 235 Callao Avenue, was chaired by the governor Axel Kicillof, who in a press conference, after almost 3 hours of deliberations, reported that “a survey of the situation of the social situation had been carried out and economic of Argentina” after the Government's measures and highlighted that Buenos Aires mayors joined in to determine “if some type of solidarity and response can be articulated ” in the face of these “very harsh policies that did not have any type of compensation for those who suffer the most.”
After highlighting the price increases in the health sector, Kicillof asked national officials to “reflect and have a little sensitivity< a i=2> and knowledge of the situation that the people are going through”, while showing willing to discuss changes in the Omnibus Law, but He asked “what discussion is there, where, if it is by decree or by law, if they want to approve it in record time and if it is not known who wrote this law, although it is known who it benefits.”

The CGT met for almost three hours with the PJ governors

For the Buenos Aires governor, “it is the first time that there is an adjustment plan of these characteristics, which has < a i=3>absolute insensitivity about what is happening to the popular sectors, the workers, the middle sectors, without compensation of any kind, but quite the opposite.”

He also highlighted that the government of the province of Buenos Aires could join in some way to the CGT mobilization next Wednesday : “There is a very strong will to mobilize in all sectors, throughout the country, but this will be seen as the days go by,” he stated.

Kicillof, the host of the meeting, also acted as the main spokesman at the press conference in which Daer and Mayans also spoke. Other participants in the deliberations were the governors Ricardo Quintela (La Rioja), Gustavo Melella (Tierra del Fuego) and, by videoconference, Sergio Ziliotto (La Pampa), Gerardo Zamora (Santiago del Estero) and Raúl Jalil (Catamarca); the Cegetista leaders Pablo Moyano (Truckers), Andrés Rodríguez (UPCN), José Luis Lingeri (Sanitary Works) and Abel Furlán (UOM); the heads of the Autonomous CTA, Hugo Godoy, and the Workers' CTA, Hugo Yasky, and the leaders of social movements Emilio Pérsico and Juan Grabois.

Also present, among others, was the head of the Unión por la Patria block of deputies, Germán Martínez; the legislators of that space Victoria Tolosa Paz, Natalia Zaracho and Eduardo Valdés; the vice governor of Buenos Aires, Verónica Magario; the provincial ministers Carlos Bianco, Walter Correa, Gabriel Katopodis and Andrés Larroque, and the mayors Jorge Ferraresi (Avellaneda), Lucas Ghi (Morón), Mariel Fernández (Moreno), Gustavo Menéndez (Merlo) and Andrés Watson (Florencio Varela).