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Politics Guillermo Francos led the Cabinet meeting at Casa Rosada and stated: “We have to reorganize the structure of the Government” - Infobae

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Guillermo Francos led the Cabinet meeting at Casa Rosada and stated: “We have to reorganize the structure of the Government” - Infobae​



May 28, 2024

The brand new coordinating minister was meeting in the Eva Perón room with the rest of the ministers of the national government. The outgoing official also participated in the meeting. He then gave a press conference where he announced that there may be “changes in the management”

By Eduardo Menegazzi

Guillermo Francos during the first meeting as Chief of Staff.

Guillermo Francos led a meeting this morning with the rest of the ministers of Javier Milei's Government. There he presented himself as the new Chief of Staff in the Casa Rosada, the day after the shock that the Government suffered after the departure of Nicolás Posse as coordinating minister.

Although he is no longer in office, Posse arrived at the Government House at 9:14 a.m. because he agreed to be part of “an orderly transition as the good professional that he is,” according to reports from those around him. Francos just did it at 9:25 in a gray van in which he usually travels, without making any statements to the press.

Although a Cabinet meeting was scheduled like every Tuesday and Thursday (it was going to start at 8:30), the tone was more informal , as Infobae was able to find out . “It was almost a coffee between the ministers ,” a spokesperson at Balcarce 50 jokingly said. On this first day after Posse's displacement, the movements were incessant in the corridors and offices of La Rosada.

The first of the officials to arrive at this meeting - which did not include President Javier Milei, the Minister of Economy Luis Caputo and the Secretary General of the Presidency Karina Milei, who last night left for the United States on a tour that will extend until Sunday - was the president of the Central Bank, Santiago Bausili. But the start, in the Eva Perón Hall, was delayed because Francos gave some radio interviews.

Franco Fafasuli

In those interviews, Francos confirmed that the economist Federico Sturzenegger will soon join the Cabinet in a new ministry that does not yet have a name. He will discuss it with President Javier Milei in the coming days, but the function will be linked to the modernization of the State and economic deregulation..

In addition to Bausili, the ministers Diana Mondino (Foreign Relations), Patricia Bullrich (Security), Luis Petri (Defense), Mariano Cúneo Libarona (Justice), Mario Russo (Health) and Sandra Pettovello (Human Capital) participated, as well as the Secretary of Legal and Technical, Javier Herrera Bravo, the Secretary of Finance, Pablo Quirno, who replaces Caputo, who traveled with the President to participate in a technological summit in San Francisco, the Deputy Chief of Staff, José Rolandi -reconfirmed in his position- and presidential advisor Santiago Caputo.

“We have to reorganize the structure of the Government”​

At 10:30, Francos held a press conference in the Héroes de Malvinas room on the ground floor of Balcarce 50, only a few meters from where he previously had his office at the Ministry of the Interior. Although at one point there was speculation that Posse would accompany him, finally at the side of the new Chief of Staff was the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni.

During the conference, Francos announced that there may be more changes in the Cabinet and, also, within the area that he heads from today.

“What we have learned in this experience is that we have to reorganize the structure of the Government, we have to lighten it. The Chief of Staff is a Cabinet coordinator. Perhaps because of the way we took office, coming from a force that had no history, no institutional scaffolding, too many tasks were concentrated in the Chief of Staff that I believe should be distributed in the rest of the ministries,” Francos stated.

Guillermo Francos with spokesman Manuel Adorni, during the first press conference of the new Chief of Staff

In another part of the conference, the coordinating minister also did not rule out changes within the structure he heads, although he stated that he has not yet decided.

In addition, he confirmed that Posse will continue within the Executive: “ He is a valuable person and can fulfill other functions for the Government in the area that we agree with him,” he assured.

Francos also flatly denied that his management as head of the Chief of Staff is subject only to the Base Law, which after the half-sanction in the Deputy, the Senate is still debating: “ The President has not marked that for me, I do not think it would be appropriate.” , I just took office. “I cannot set a limit with something that is so close,” he said.

The swearing-in of his new role will occur upon the return of the president of the United States. “He is already in office, the appointment was published in the Official Gazette ,” government officials acknowledged.

Due to this activity by Francos, the conference that the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, usually gives every day, from Monday to Friday, was suspended.

His place, now with the ministry converted into a secretariat, will be taken by Lisandro Catalán, who served as his second in the Interior. The official was in La Rosada almost at the same time as the former Minister of the Interior.

For today at 13 Francs, before the removal took place in the Chief of Staff, a meeting had been scheduled with legislators from the Senate of the dialogue wing in the National Congress. He was going to do it with the company of the head of the Upper House, Vice President Victoria Villarruel. For the moment that meeting is still on.

Milei, meanwhile, will arrive after noon on American soil, after a stopover in Lima, Peru, where he will hold meetings with the main representatives of technology companies and on Thursday he will go to Silicon Valley. She will then travel to El Salvador for the inauguration of Nayib Bukele for a new term, in the Central American country.