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Food & Drink Happening Restaurant - Costanera


I just had a nice lunch with a close friend and my architect in Buenos Aires. Prices definitely seem like they have gone up in peso prices since I was here 2 months ago. Back when I was here in November I got 1,000 pesos to $1 USD at the cuevas. It's about the same now. I got 1,060 pesos to $1USD the other day at the cueva.

We had 2 Tira de Asado Centro, french fries, salad, water, Aperol Spritz, Coke Zero, Chorizo appetizer, 2 cubiertos of bread, and a coffee and it was 78,200 pesos. I was charge to my USA Visa card $76.84 US dollars for this 78,200 pesos for an effective rate of 1,017.70 pesos to $1 USD.

You can see the receipt below for how much each individual item cost. We went to Happening in Costanera by the water. This place has been around forever. I haven't been in many years but the food is good and the service is excellent here. They have valet parking if you have a car. My friend drove. The asado was perfectly cooked and was great. Around $23 USD for each steak. The waiters are always really attentive here.

Happening Costanera · Av. Costanera Rafael Obligado 7030, C1428 CABA, Argentinien

★★★★☆ · Restaurant

I went with my friends to the location in Puerto Madero. I'm not sure if it is the same owner. But you're right the service was over the top friendly. Most places I don't find the service too great but this place was great. Prices weren't the cheapest but food was good. We had some vegetarians in the group and they were even able to find stuff on the menu.
