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Medical Have any female expats had breast augmentation done in Buenos Aires? Any good referrals for good doctors for boob job in Argentina? Price?

I have always thought about getting a breast augmentation. My boyfriend has been hassling me for years telling me I would look better and now I think I am finally ready for it. It seems like many girls here in Argentina have boob jobs. Can anyone tell me how much the procedure costs? Any good recommendations on good doctors?

I'm just starting the process and I heard in Latin America it's cheaper than in USA or Europe but I don't know how the quality is. I also heard it is really good in Colombia but I'm not planning to go there.

I have always thought about getting a breast augmentation. My boyfriend has been hassling me for years telling me I would look better and now I think I am finally ready for it. It seems like many girls here in Argentina have boob jobs. Can anyone tell me how much the procedure costs? Any good recommendations on good doctors?

I'm just starting the process and I heard in Latin America it's cheaper than in USA or Europe but I don't know how the quality is. I also heard it is really good in Colombia but I'm not planning to go there.

My wife had it done here in Buenos Aires many years ago. Her doctor retired but she is very happy with them. She put in 400 cc and I believe she paid about $5,000 USD.
I think breast augmentation is very normal here. Many of the higher insurance plans even pay for this cosmetic surgery. I remember when I had a big office here and I was paying for coverage and many of my employees had it done. Many of my female friends here all have had it done. Prices are all over the place as @GraceH mentioned. I asked a few friends and they said around $5,000 USD is probably normal range.
I asked my friend that did it here and the doctor that she recommended charged about $6,000 USD for it but that included a night in the hospital too. I was going to do it but he was backed out to about 2.5 months. The recovery time sounds about like 5 days or so. She said I shouldn't do any exercise or fly out until at least a week.
I think breast augmentation is very normal here. Many of the higher insurance plans even pay for this cosmetic surgery. I remember when I had a big office here and I was paying for coverage and many of my employees had it done. Many of my female friends here all have had it done. Prices are all over the place as @GraceH mentioned. I asked a few friends and they said around $5,000 USD is probably normal range.
Wow! Insurance plan paying for it? Maybe that is why I see so many girls that look like they had it. I noticed it everywhere. If insurance is paying for it then that makes sense. I always wanted to get it done but it is too expensive in the USA.

I will research this as well here. Thank you all.