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Travel Help! Is there a bag storage at AEP or EZE airport? Can I store luggage anywhere for a fee in Buenos Aires?


Active member
My best friend is in Buenos Aires now. Oh, dear heavens! Aerolineas Argentina just cancelled their flight and now it's leaving 12 hours later. They need to leave their Airbnb at 8 AM instead. That was the condition that they agreed to when they booked it and they agreed as their flight was leaving very early but now they don't have any where to put their bags and the. Airbnb said they can't store it as the other guests are coming. Now, they find themselves with a whopping 12 hours to kill in the chaotic wonderland that is Buenos Aires before they are herded onto the next flight from EZE.

Quick question for the frantic minds of the internet: Is there, by any stroke of luck, a magical place at AEP or maybe the bus station near Puerto Madero – you know, the one with a front-row view of Casa Rosada – where they'll take pity on weary souls like my friends and let them stash their bags for a fee? Because, let's be real, the last thing they need is to drag their suitcases through the hustle and bustle of this South American metropolis. It's practically a suitcase nightmare waiting to happen! And they want to enjoy another 12 hours in the city before they leave.

So, here they are, yearning to explore the streets of Baires during this unplanned layover but desperately in need of a bag-sitting miracle. Any wise souls out there with the golden information, please, save them from the luggage chaos! 🛄😱
I haven't personally used this service but I talked to my friend that was in Buenos Aires a few weeks ago and had a similar type of incident and they used this website and were very pleased. Apparently there are locations all around the city and you input your day/time and they tell you how much it is. Seems like a great service. Just probably have a high quality lock on the suitcase! After all it's Argentina!

Also, Tienda Leon opposite the Retiro train station used to store bags many years ago but I'm not sure if they still do. You may want to check.
I haven't personally used this service but I talked to my friend that was in Buenos Aires a few weeks ago and had a similar type of incident and they used this website and were very pleased. Apparently there are locations all around the city and you input your day/time and they tell you how much it is. Seems like a great service. Just probably have a high quality lock on the suitcase! After all it's Argentina!

Also, Tienda Leon opposite the Retiro train station used to store bags many years ago but I'm not sure if they still do. You may want to check.
Thanks @Bobbie Burgers ! No Tienda Leon closed down that luggage storage a few years ago.

Here is another website that you can check in addition to the one above:
