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Economy Historic dengue outbreak: it was confirmed when the imported repellents arrive on the shelves - Infobae

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Historic dengue outbreak: it was confirmed when the imported repellents arrive on the shelves - Infobae​



April 09, 2024

The company that controls 80% of the local market expects to have 120 thousand units from Poland in stores by next week

The company assures that imported products will arrive without price increases (NA)
The multinational that owns 80% of the local mosquito repellent market estimates that on Tuesday of next week the repellents imported from Poland will begin to be marketed and intend to enter the country in the next few hours. These are about 120,000 units that will arrive in Argentina in two different shipments and that can be found on the shelves starting next week.

Sources from SC Johnson, the owner of OFF!, Fuyí and Raid, told this medium that since the 30-day window to enter repellents without going through the usual controls of the National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Technology began to apply ( ANMAT ), the mechanisms were activated to bring into the country the product that is in short supply in supermarkets, warehouses and self-service stores.

Yesterday the first shipment arrived , but it was not destined for businesses. It was a donation of 22,320 units made directly by the company that, along with another similar shipment, will be made available to Cáritas Argentina in order to be distributed free of charge among the needy population in different parts of the country.

It is almost impossible to find repellent in stores (Reuters)

The largest shipments, which will go to supermarkets and other businesses, are expected in the last days of this week. The shipment from Poland, company sources explained, is the orange version of the product, which has the lowest concentration of the DEET component . It differs from the green version in its duration: the application needs to be renewed every two hours.

Another detail that they specified from the company is that there will be no price increases . Stores will offer them at a suggested price of between $3,000 and $4,000 per unit. That, of course, does not mean that a particular trader can try higher values if demand remains intense.

Given the peak in demand and insufficient local supply, the Executive hopes that the arrival of repellents from abroad will alleviate the problem in the coming weeks, the last of high temperatures during this season and in which infectious disease specialists expect a peak in cases. of dengue .

The import seeks to respond to the demand for repellents in the midst of a historic dengue outbreak that has already caused at least 161 deaths and more than 230,000 infections throughout the country .

“With the aim of maximizing production even more, in an exceptional way we are importing inputs by air, managing to more quickly bring those assets used for the manufacturing of OFF!, Fuyi and Raid . Furthermore, in a measure that requires enormous efforts, and to provide repellents to Argentines, we are importing products from Poland, among other markets, which will be arriving soon," the company had notified in a statement .

Yesterday the 30-day period established by the Government began to take effect in which customs controls will be relaxed to allow the importation of repellents and supplies for the production of repellents.

It is estimated that there have already been 161 deaths and more than 230,000 infections in the country
On April 4, the Government decided to suspend for 30 days the intervention of the National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology (Anmat) in the importation of mosquito repellents . The measure will apply to aerosol, cream, spray and gel.

Likewise, as reported to Infobae, Anmat decided to exempt – for a period of 30 days – its necessary intervention to import the following products:

  • Insect repellent spray.
  • Insect repellent cream.
  • Insect repellent spray.
  • Insect repellent gel.
In that sense, they indicated that "this exception will apply to both the general regime -importers with local offices- and the particular regime so that people who want to buy said products abroad will be able to do so through the courier service (door to door). door) without the need to carry out additional procedures before Anmat.”

In addition, they indicated to Infobae that “the importation of repellents and their supplies was simplified from the beginning of this management with multiple measures. In addition to the elimination of the SIRA, the Non-Automatic Licenses and the CEF, which covered all imports, a reduction in the payment term was established for these products (from the 4-installment scheme to 30, 60, 90 and 120 days) to a single installment after 30 days.”

In turn, for the finished repellents, the suspension of the collection of additional VAT (20%) and the withholding of income tax (6% ) was ordered,” they added.