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Homicide, robbery and petty theft on the rise in Greater Buenos Aires


Well-known member
This is what I say going to happen. When people have no money for food and desperate they have to go to crime. All the people I know have phone stolen. Some are getting homes robbed now. Many friend get car stolen now. That never happen before. Even murder rate going up.

Worst report in 20 years. It going to get worse under Milei.

I actually think BA for a big city is safe. I can still walk around without worrying. Sure you have to be careful with phones like any big city. Crime has gone up everywhere so this isn't saying a lot.
Yeah Buenos Aires is still safe. All good points about elevated crime levels in many areas. Is that really Paris? Which part? I haven't been there in a while. Surely it can't be that bad can it?
As for the second, the theft of mobile phones, Miglino stressed that it is one of the most common crimes. There can be as many as 10,000 snatched a day in the City, with 5,000 in Greater Buenos Aires. says the guy from the NGO


I never totally believe the scare stories published in the BA TIMES.
As for the second, the theft of mobile phones, Miglino stressed that it is one of the most common crimes. There can be as many as 10,000 snatched a day in the City, with 5,000 in Greater Buenos Aires. says the guy from the NGO


I never totally believe the scare stories published in the BA TIMES.
Why not? They post the truth.
That is Paris today, Vince. Migrants and two decades of socialist governments have made a total mess of that city.

Yeah Paris keeps going down hill. I was there last year and trash all piled up on the street. That city has gone downhill FAST. But things are a mess in the USA as well. Common sense and decency has left the building. Look at this the other day in congressional meeting. What a joke the USA is turning into.

As for the second, the theft of mobile phones, Miglino stressed that it is one of the most common crimes. There can be as many as 10,000 snatched a day in the City, with 5,000 in Greater Buenos Aires. says the guy from the NGO


I never totally believe the scare stories published in the BA TIMES.
Agree. It is amongst the worst media for Buenos Aires. Always posting leftist posts. Very bad journalism, IMHO.

That is Paris today, Vince. Migrants and two decades of socialist governments have made a total mess of that city.
Some parts of Paris are unrecognizable now. Truly sad. The migrant situation is uncontrollable there. It is almost as if the city has just given up. Much of the European Union is the same way now. And USA seems to be heading that way if they don't turn things around soon.

Yeah Paris keeps going down hill. I was there last year and trash all piled up on the street. That city has gone downhill FAST. But things are a mess in the USA as well. Common sense and decency has left the building. Look at this the other day in congressional meeting. What a joke the USA is turning into.
I saw that on the news the other day. It is embarrassing what is happening in the USA. And what is worse is watching all of this in real time and people seem to be letting it happen. That is why US government wants to ban Tik Tok.
As for the second, the theft of mobile phones, Miglino stressed that it is one of the most common crimes. There can be as many as 10,000 snatched a day in the City, with 5,000 in Greater Buenos Aires. says the guy from the NGO


I never totally believe the scare stories published in the BA TIMES.
Well it is impossible to get the exact figure so that is impossible. No one knows for sure. I think they do good reporting and say things that no one wants to say.
But if you quote figures , you have to give exact figures and quote your source, Not give approximate figures like BA Times often does and has done in this case
Is this different than the Buenos Aires Herald? My husband formally lived in Buenos Aires a while ago and he told me they used to have an English speaking newspaper. We looked for it when we were in town and it looks like it's no longer in publication. I agree about figures otherwise you can pull the numbers from the air.
How are there not riots in the street? I am coming next month for my first visit. I planned the trip a year ago when things were very cheap but I read there is 300% inflation since last year. I read about some strikes but I don't read about violence. Will my trip be ok? How are things so calm if there is 300% inflation in one year? I read inflation is slowing down but it's still over 100% a year.

Here in NYC there would be riots and things burning to the ground if we had 300% inflation in one year. I'm stumped how things can be so calm there?
How are there not riots in the street? I am coming next month for my first visit. I planned the trip a year ago when things were very cheap but I read there is 300% inflation since last year. I read about some strikes but I don't read about violence. Will my trip be ok? How are things so calm if there is 300% inflation in one year? I read inflation is slowing down but it's still over 100% a year.

Here in NYC there would be riots and things burning to the ground if we had 300% inflation in one year. I'm stumped how things can be so calm there?
You will be totally fine on your trip @reggie. It has been difficult with the inflation but you will find Argentines are very strong. You are right about other places having a complete breakdown if something similar happened but Argentina has had constant turmoil for many decades and that has desensitized many to the shocks of the inflation.

The new President, Javier Milei just started in December 2023 and since then things are improving with inflation. There is finally a sense of optimism for many people. It is true the poverty rates are high but many are hoping that quickly improves. It will be a difficult year but you shouldn't experience any issues next month. Just keep in mind sometimes there are strikes but they are typically one day and they typically announce them ahead of time. But rideshares like Uber are still widely available even during strikes and avoid the downtown area during a strike.
Is this different than the Buenos Aires Herald? My husband formally lived in Buenos Aires a while ago and he told me they used to have an English speaking newspaper. We looked for it when we were in town and it looks like it's no longer in publication. I agree about figures otherwise you can pull the numbers from the air.
Different company. One is located at

the other here

I don't find either one too great.
You will be totally fine on your trip @reggie. It has been difficult with the inflation but you will find Argentines are very strong. You are right about other places having a complete breakdown if something similar happened but Argentina has had constant turmoil for many decades and that has desensitized many to the shocks of the inflation.

The new President, Javier Milei just started in December 2023 and since then things are improving with inflation. There is finally a sense of optimism for many people. It is true the poverty rates are high but many are hoping that quickly improves. It will be a difficult year but you shouldn't experience any issues next month. Just keep in mind sometimes there are strikes but they are typically one day and they typically announce them ahead of time. But rideshares like Uber are still widely available even during strikes and avoid the downtown area during a strike.
Agree! NO other country could cope like Argentina. I am constantly amazed how safe it is here for as bad as the economy is. @reggie you will be fine here. If anything it keeps getting easier and easier for tourists to come here. And very easy to use your credit card. I think about my first visit to Argentina and then how difficult it was during trips with constant need to have cash. Now it is very simple. Inflation is high but spirits are improving.
You will be totally fine on your trip @reggie. It has been difficult with the inflation but you will find Argentines are very strong. You are right about other places having a complete breakdown if something similar happened but Argentina has had constant turmoil for many decades and that has desensitized many to the shocks of the inflation.

The new President, Javier Milei just started in December 2023 and since then things are improving with inflation. There is finally a sense of optimism for many people. It is true the poverty rates are high but many are hoping that quickly improves. It will be a difficult year but you shouldn't experience any issues next month. Just keep in mind sometimes there are strikes but they are typically one day and they typically announce them ahead of time. But rideshares like Uber are still widely available even during strikes and avoid the downtown area during a strike.
Thank you!! I have more reading to do. Argentina is so fascinating. I heard it used to be a rich country. I am going to research more and much some Youtube videos. What is the minimum wage like there? I have been to other countries in South America like Brazil with low wages but their inflation is nothing like Argentina. Appreciate your comment. I feel better about my trip.
Thank you!! I have more reading to do. Argentina is so fascinating. I heard it used to be a rich country. I am going to research more and much some Youtube videos. What is the minimum wage like there? I have been to other countries in South America like Brazil with low wages but their inflation is nothing like Argentina. Appreciate your comment. I feel better about my trip.
The minimum monthly wage in Argentina is not too different than Brazil. It is only 234,512 pesos which is only about $210 USD per month. In fact, I believe Brazil has an even lower median monthly salary vs. Argentina and cost of living there isn't cheap either.

How are there not riots in the street? I am coming next month for my first visit. I planned the trip a year ago when things were very cheap but I read there is 300% inflation since last year. I read about some strikes but I don't read about violence. Will my trip be ok? How are things so calm if there is 300% inflation in one year? I read inflation is slowing down but it's still over 100% a year.

Here in NYC there would be riots and things burning to the ground if we had 300% inflation in one year. I'm stumped how things can be so calm there?
Reggie take what you read on this forum with a grain of salt. Some are overly optimistic with this President. Most of these people on this forum probably have US dollar savings or income. They are out of touch with the typical local that is struggling. I would guess many don't venture away from Palermo or other rich areas.

It is a horrible time and there are more strikes and protests after a Presidential election than history. A majority of Argentines aren't happy with Milei. A good indicator of how good economy is doing is unemployment rates. Milei is terminating tens of thousands of public sector employees. And private sector employers are also laying off massive amount of employees. Argentina is in a recession and most likely will go into depression soon.

Restaurants and many small businesses are going out of business or soon will go bankrupt or close. Many companies can't make money under these conditions. Tourism is slowing down as Argentina gets more expensive. You will see more and more businesses closed probably even before you arrive. I agree with others that say it will be safe so you will be fine on trip. But you will see more and more homeless. Many people don't have money to eat.

Just be aware and check ahead of time for national strikes which can paralyze the city. But things aren't optimistic like some pretend here or at least the reality is different for locals vs. expats with dollars or euros.

Also you will find that restaurants are probably not much less than what you will pay in the USA or Europe or many will be more expensive. Walk into supermarket and you will see it is probably the same price as back home. I don't want to spoil your trip but things here are not rosy.