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Economy Hot Sale: the number of users grew by 30% and consumption trends changed - Infobae

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Hot Sale: the number of users grew by 30% and consumption trends changed - Infobae​



May 16, 2024

Buyers logged on at different times than usual and were much more focused on financing. Which products led the 2024 edition of the e-commerce event

Footwear, washing machines and notebooks were the most searched products in the 2024 edition. (Illustrative image Infobae)

More than 3 million users entered the official Hot Sale page during the first 48 hours, which represents a growth of 30% compared to the last year.

As explained by the Argentine Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CACE) , the behavior of users was different from last year. “In previous editions, it was expected that the highest number of visits to the Hot Sale website would occur at midnight on Monday, since users wanted to quickly take advantage of the first hours of the offers. However, during the first 48 hours of this year's event, the majority of the chamber's member companies reported that there was more stable interest throughout the day," they commented.

“The greatest flow of visits and sales has occurred in the time range of 10 am and 1 pm on a stable basis. This is an indicator of a high permanence in searches and sales, which speaks of more analytical and strategic consumers with their purchasing decisions,” they added.

According to the data collected, the most searched items were sneakers, washing machines, notebooks, refrigerators and cell phones , in that order. At the moment, the details of the amount of sales or the total turnover achieved by the companies have not been released, but to have an idea of the magnitude of the event, it can be remembered that in the 2023 edition the participating firms managed to invoice $86 billion.

User behavior​

Different companies participating in the 2024 edition of Hot Sale shared their reading regarding what the event left and the behavior of users. In this regard, Tiendanube commented: “In this new edition of the Hot Sale we noticed a very strengthened relationship between electronic commerce and consumers. People waited for the best promotions and financing options, we saw this in our sales peaks with 30 thousand average products sold per hour, with 79% of purchases made with credit cards.”

Many companies participating in the event offered free shipping to their customers. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

“An important fact that speaks of the growth of the sector is that in these 2 days we have more than 66 thousand new consumers, who join electronic commerce and bet on entrepreneurs, SMEs and large brands,” explains Franco Radavero , Country Manager of Tiendanube Argentina.

Another piece of information provided by CACE members is that financing has been key for this year's Hot Sale and the credit card has been the payment method par excellence. “Internet users are making ingenious purchases, carefully evaluating the proposals of official stores that offer different opportunities, such as installments, banking benefits, refunds from virtual wallets and 2x1-3x2 type promotions,” they commented.

In this regard, from Facturante, Lorena Comino , CEO of the brand, commented “At Facturante we recommend that the buyer take precautions against potential fraud. Among the main ones, we suggest entering the event from its official website. In addition, it is important to keep in mind that each site complies with the HTTPS protocol as it provides security in transactions and uploading card data. To recognize it, just see a “lock” in the browser next to the website url. In the case of businesses, the QR helps to validate the invoice as their own and gives greater transparency and reliability to the buyer.”

Some companies surpassed their historical sales records.

On the other hand, logistics and product deliveries play a leading role when it comes to electronic commerce. In this regard, Gisela Greco , Director of the CACE Logistics Commission, explains that an event with great adhesion is observed, the brands request a greater number of services for cargo delivery, which generates great expectations, "we know the responsibility we have from the sector to meet the experiences that brands seek to offer for this event and they will count on that.”
But a lot of these "hot sales" are fake. Many times places are advertising things as 50% off but then they mark up the original price. Case in point I bought a mattress 4 months ago and they are advertising it as 50% off but it's the same price as I paid more or less. It was never 2,751,000 pesos as they are trying to claim or 53% off.

WhatsApp Image 2024-05-16 at 14.40.09.jpeg
True. I never trust the original asking prices that they claim they usually charge. I've seen the same thing in these hot sales.