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Newcomer How can this keep happening? Train collision in Palermo

Most likely when this government gets a chance to get the country to a level where investment is feasible.
True. The government is so broke but I agree they have to prioritize expenses. I'd say the money is much better spent on things like improving public transportation safety vs. spending $600 million on used older jets for the military. It's all about priorities.
True. The government is so broke but I agree they have to prioritize expenses. I'd say the money is much better spent on things like improving public transportation safety vs. spending $600 million on used older jets for the military. It's all about priorities.
They have not yet spent a penny on those jets, and they won't for a long while.
The railway system should be privatized ASAP, no government money should go into that.
They have not yet spent a penny on those jets, and they won't for a long while.
The railway system should be privatized ASAP, no government money should go into that.
It is doubtful that any private company would want to take ownership when rates are so low. It's the chicken and the egg. I doubt any one would be interested at the super low rates we see and any attempt to increase rates will just make people fraudulently not pay. It's not an easy solution.

Rumors spreading that the accident was caused by Faulty signals / the cables had been robbed apparently.
Thieves probably are stealing copper cables and wires.
They have not yet spent a penny on those jets, and they won't for a long while.
The railway system should be privatized ASAP, no government money should go into that.
Privatization is NOT the solution. Milei and his administration want to privatize everything! And all the locals will be stuck and unprotected.
Privatization is NOT the solution. Milei and his administration want to privatize everything! And all the locals will be stuck and unprotected.

Why not? Apparently the majority of Argentina disagree with you and other Peronists. After all, President Milei won. All of these public companies are operated horribly. Most of them are losing staggering amounts of money each and every year. Look at all the drastic austerity measures and cost of living and people suffering and they are STILL supporting Milei. Why do you think that is? Do you think things were going so well with previous administrations?

How are people protected when these companies can't make money and became a drain to the system? People want to find some long term solution to this problem.
Privatization is NOT the solution. Milei and his administration want to privatize everything! And all the locals will be stuck and unprotected.
Privatisation , not the solution?

So we stay with the current model of public ownership Years of under investment . ancient rolling stock, customer satisfaction at record.... lows. That doesn't make a lot of sense.

What is your solution?
Privatisation , not the solution?

So we stay with the current model of public ownership Years of under investment . ancient rolling stock, customer satisfaction at record.... lows. That doesn't make a lot of sense.

What is your solution?
100 this. Privatization won't fix everything but it's the best solution. Nobody knows how, how much, or when exactly, but privatization allows for iteration over different ways to seek improvement where as the current model stagnates along at its current state.

@Larry if not privatization? then what? or are you quick to criticize w/o offering a better solution
Privatisation , not the solution?

So we stay with the current model of public ownership Years of under investment . ancient rolling stock, customer satisfaction at record.... lows. That doesn't make a lot of sense.

What is your solution?
I don't have solution but I don't think current method of terminating all the employees and raising all the prices is going to solve anything. Many industries in Argentina shouldn't be focused necessarily on making money. Many are for the public good of society and probably will never make money. I think you need to look at things like that sometimes. Without good public transportation that is affordable you can't get employees to jobs, etc. Not everything should be about dollars and cents.