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Real Estate News How much does it cost to build a house in a country? - La Nacion Propiedades



How much does it cost to build a house in a country? - La Nacion Propiedades​



June 20, 2024

Building a house in a private neighborhood is four times more expensive in pesos than a year ago and 70% more expensive in dollars

By Fernando Torres Ullmer


How much does it cost to build a house in a gated community?

After the pandemic, interest in having a house in a gated community deepened : a home larger than an apartment and surrounded by greenery or even with access to a lagoon. The demand for these properties that are located in the peripheral areas of the city and satisfy the need of those seeking to live in less urbanized spaces . But, in reality, it is increasingly expensive to build one.

Not only did the pandemic influence this exodus , but technology did as well. “The strong advances in technology have allowed a person to go live outside the city and not depend on being tied to the city to be able to work or study. Now, with the arrival of Starlink, people can go to Patagonia and work from there,” explained Germán Gómez Picasso, founder of Reporte Inmobiliario.


The cost of construction in country houses registered a record, according to Real Estate Report

Although this phenomenon is growing, the price per square meter in this type of housing also increases . How much was the cost of building a country house last year? The price per square meter in May 2023 was US$1,232, 70 % lower than in May 2024.


In May 2024 the construction cost in dollars is 70% more expensive than in May 2023

The last available record, which was from May 2024, indicated that the m² in a country home cost US$2,112 . Such is the case that the founder of Reporte Inmobiliario told LA NACION : “The value is a record, such a high cost has never been reached. The highest had been in 2018 , when it had been approximately US$1800/m² ″.

To build this type of housing, the report analyzes houses with a total size of 315 m² , therefore, the price in dollars recorded in May was US$665,573.


The square meter cost US$2,112 in May 2024

If we talk about weights, a record was reached. The square meter cost $2,600,000 and the 315 m² cost $818,655,125 , the highest value recorded . In fact, the price in pesos quadrupled in one year .

The reasons behind the increase

The reason why the price per square meter in this type of housing increased 400% in pesos one year is because the dollar was “flat for eight months” and there was a sharp increase in costs in pesos . This meant that more and more dollars were needed to build the same square meter, according to Gómez Picasso.


In pesos, the increase in one year was 400%

What are the expectations for the future? Experts in the real estate and construction sector expect it to continue increasing , but not in the way it has risen recently. “The idea would be that in the coming months the costs in dollars do not increase in the way in which they have been increasing. This is because, although a stable dollar is estimated, construction costs in pesos would increase , but not to the extent that had been recorded,” he added.

Finally, Gómez Picasso concluded: “Even though costs in Argentina reached a record figure, prices are still below the world average.” Abroad there has been a lot of inflation in recent years, but despite this value, we are still one step below the world average.”
