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Real Estate News How much does it cost to build a house today? - La Nacion Propiedades



How much does it cost to build a house today? - La Nacion Propiedades​



August 22, 2024

While the price in pesos hit a new record in June, in dollars it is cheaper today than two months ago

By Fernando Torres Ullmer


How much does it cost to build a house today?sculpies

Today, the option of buying your own home is more accessible due to favorable market measures such as: the possibility of money laundering or the boom in mortgage loans. In this context, many people are wondering how much it costs to build a house , a fact that was revealed through a recently published report.

While houses are increasingly expensive to build in pesos, in dollars the scenario changes. These homes reflected a drop in the cost of construction per square meter in the last two months, after reaching a historical record in April 2024, according to the latest country house report from Reporte Inmobiliario. “ A well-made house is equal to the cost of a country house , the concept is the same,” highlights Germán Gómez Picasso, founder of Reporte Inmobiliario.

The only difference between a country house and one in an open neighborhood is that in a country house, all four sides face outwards, while a house in an open neighborhood generally has dividing walls on both sides. That’s the only difference,” adds Gómez Picasso.

In June, to build this type of house, with a total measurement of 315 m² , US$644,514 was needed , according to the latest report from Reporte Inmobiliario. A construction value that increased almost 65% above the value of June 2023 , when it was at US$393,002 . However, the June figure was US$110,000 below the month of April 2024 , when it cost US$755,128 .

The value of the construction cost per square meter in country-type houses reached US$2,046 in June , below the month of April (record in dollars) when it was US$2,397/m² , that is, it fell by almost 15%.

But, if we analyze the market in pesos, the square meter had a value of $2,792,894 in June , which meant that to build a 315 m² house , $879,761,700 was required , a record figure in that currency that had never been reached .


Building a home PATRICIO PIDAL/AFV

The reason why it is now cheaper than in previous months

In pesos it is always more expensive , and it will even continue to rise, even though inflation has slowed down. However, a particular situation occurred, and when the dollar rose , this made construction cheaper for those who had the bills,” explains Gómez Picasso.

In other words, the rise in the dollar in the last weeks of June favored those who had dollars and wanted to build , since they had to use fewer bills to build the same square meter than if they had done so in May or April, when the value was, in dollars, more expensive than in June.


A house in an open neighborhood Procreate

On the contrary, what had happened in March and April , when a house cost around US$755,128 , was that the dollar had been “flat” for several months and the price in pesos had increased by a large scale. “So more dollars were needed to build a square meter than at present,” explains Gómez Picasso.

Finally, the specialist concludes: “Looking ahead, there is a greater chance that costs will rise in dollars or remain high, based on the policy of the current Government, which is more likely to have a low dollar according to the measures it has taken in recent months.”
