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Newcomer How much does it cost to live well in Buenos Aires?

And look... I tell you about me: I live alone in the center of Morón. Good location, everything close by and the area is quiet. I pay 240k for a 2 amb + 30k expenses + 20k garage. Going out to a barbecue for 2 people costs 25k. Filling the tank of the car (50L approx) costs 45k approx. I estimate that you live quietly with 1300usd. But obviously, if you have to get by, you do it with nothing! Greetings
A rent of two rooms in a good area ranges between 300 and 500k adding monthly expenses of building expenses and utilities add about 200/150k plus monthly food expenses the same approx and well the issue of the outputs you can handle you but it is an important expense tmb with 800k per month you can give you the freedom to do that ....
I am thinking about moving out on my own too, I earn in usd and I am worried about the issue that the dollar is going down, if it keeps going down once I move out, I may not be able to afford all the cost of living on my own..... It always was and always will be the equivalent of about 1000 usd.(alone)
I think that with a thousand dollars you can live well, 1/3 is spent in a normal rent, and with 700 dollars you can live comfortably, not exaggeratedly but if you manage well you can go out 2 or 3 times a week and not worry too much. Now to live well in a good apartment probably 2000 usd, a nice apartment for 1 person in a good area is around 700usd.
It seems like there are some locals and some expats. I assume the prices locals get by on are much much lower. My friend has been living there the past few months and she said she is spending about $2,500 USD per month but that includes a little travel too. And she is eating out at restaurants a lot.
I recommend you to read this article that tells you the best expat places in latin america.

Buenos Aires, Argentina​

Insider Monkey Score: 25

GPI Score: 1.837

Cost of Living: $1,800

According to the Global Peace Index report, Argentina ranks second in the list of safest countries in South America and 54th rank in the overall GPI index. Buenos Aires, in particular, is a relatively safe capital for expats that boasts a low cost of living, tasty food, and a good quality of life. Expats get to witness its lively nightlife, intimate sidewalk cafes, and mesmerizing architecture. Plenty of neighborhoods in the city are safe for expats, but individuals must do their homework to see which suits them best. Indeed, the “Paris of America” is one of the best places to retire in Argentina.

Córdoba, Argentina​

Insider Monkey Score: 27

GPI Score: 1.837

Cost of Living: $995

Next on our list of safe and affordable cities in South America for expats is Córdoba. Nestled in the heart of Argentina, this city is popular amongst expats for its vibrant cultural scene, educational institutions, and historic architecture. There are many theaters, art galleries, museums, and music venues to explore and engage in. A single individual can manage living here easily under $1,000 a month. According to Inter Nations, life in the city is usually trouble-free, but exercising common sense can be beneficial.

Mendoza, Argentina​

Insider Monkey Score: 30

GPI Score: 1.837

Cost of Living: $900

Embraced by stunning natural scenery, Mendoza is the ultimate safe and affordable city in South America for expats on our list. Expats in the city can enjoy a good quality of life at reasonable costs. The locals are quite friendly and welcoming, making your time here enjoyable. One Life Passport recommends the downtown area, Chacras de Coria, and Godoy Cruz/Guaymallén as some of the best areas for expats to live within the city. Godoy Cruz, in particular, is known for its vibrant nightlife, great restaurants, and access to the city center.

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Every time this question is asked the answer is, it depends. Look at airbnbs or zonaprop or something similar to get an idea of rent which will be the largest expense. Then decide what type of eater you are, home cook vs going out everyday and if so what type and how often. Here on this forum we have one spending 4k a month, another 1.6k for 2 and his dog, and others could do it for even less. Different expenditures but they would say they're living well.
Every time this question is asked the answer is, it depends. Look at airbnbs or zonaprop or something similar to get an idea of rent which will be the largest expense. Then decide what type of eater you are, home cook vs going out everyday and if so what type and how often. Here on this forum we have one spending 4k a month, another 1.6k for 2 and his dog, and others could do it for even less. Different expenditures but they would say they're living well.
This is a good answer and it will be different for each person. This has been asked and answered several times. It all depends on what type of place and location of the apartment or house that you have. Also, people that own have a much smaller monthly budget needed but they had a bigger upfront investment. No two answers are the same.
Can you live in Buenos Aires with 700 thousand pesos (2024)?
Is it possible to live in the city of Buenos Aires being single and renting in a nice place and living well with that money? What do you think.
The hard part is to find something "nice" between 200 and 300k. Many rents are starting high and adjusting by the price index. If your salary doesn't go along with it, you will end up eating noodles in a couple of months.
You would have to define what it means to live well. I think you can afford it but you can't afford any "luxury" and you will always be looking for offers and prices. An apartment in a good area costs over 300 thousand. Osde , a good social work , is over 80 thousand . You have already spent more than half of your salary on housing and health. You have 300 thousand left to eat and pay for electricity, water, gas, internet, cell phone. If you have vices, you're screwed.
In general terms, yes, it is enough, but I defined a nice place and how many rooms haha, because the numbers get smaller...

Basically the rent/expensas/taxes is what takes the big number... A car in CABA is another detail, they will charge you more for garage, insurance (risk) but you didn't mention that, so I'm just telling you to give you an idea.