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Real Estate News How much does it cost to rent an apartment in the city and how many are available neighborhood by neighborhood - La Nación Propiedades


How much does it cost to rent an apartment in the city and how many are available neighborhood by neighborhood - La Nación Propiedades



October 16, 2023

With an annual increase of 227% for all typologies, 3 bedroom units are available in only three neighborhoods in all of CABA.

Candelaria Reinoso Taccone

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In September, the supply of used studio to 3-bedroom apartments available for rent in Buenos Aires was drastically reduced to only 621 units.

Last month, the supply of used studio to 3-bedroom apartments available for rent in Buenos Aires was drastically reduced to only 621 units, which represents a decrease of 64.5% compared to the previous year, when there were 1,748 options. Although the supply was already scarce in 2022, the current amount is practically insignificant for a city as dynamic as Buenos Aires.

Throughout the month of September, those looking to rent or move found themselves with a limited supply: only 196 studio options, 314 1-bedrooms, 98 2-bedrooms and just 13 3-bedrooms, according to data compiled by Real Estate Report of traditional three-year rental offers.


Rents for apartments of all types increased by 227% year-on-year.

Added to the decrease in supply is a significant increase in prices. On average, apartment rents of all types increased by 152% since January and 227% year-on-year. This rapid increase generated concern among city residents, who find it increasingly difficult to access rental housing.

In the midst of this precarious situation, last Wednesday, October 11, the Chamber of Deputies approved the modifications to the recent rental law. “The need to change national legislation just over three years into effect is an explicit recognition of the failure of the intended objectives of improving the accessibility of tenants to rental housing,” commented Germán Gómez Picasso, one of the founders. of Real Estate Report. Along these lines, the expert warned that the changes introduced "are unlikely to change the course of a market with almost zero supply and increasingly high prices."

Neighborhood by neighborhood, how much it costs to rent an apartment and how many are available​


A 1-bedroom apartment had an average cost of $243,750 in September, in addition to being the type with the most apartments available in CABA.

Renting a studio apartment in CABA had an average value of $199,500 per month in September:
  • Supply: three apartments available, average rent of $170,000 per month.
  • Almagro: four apartments available, average rent of $220,000 per month.
  • Balvanera: four apartments available, average rent of $145,000 per month.
  • Barracas: four apartments available, average rent of $152,500 per month.
  • Barrio Norte: 15 apartments available, average rent of $172,000 per month.
  • Belgrano: 20 apartments available, average rent of $211,700 per month.
  • Caballito: 14 apartments available, average rent of $181,250 per month.
  • Microcentro: three apartments available, average rent of $140,000 per month.
  • Chacarita: three apartments available, average rent of $248,200 per month.
  • Flores: seven apartments available, average rent of $190,000 per month.
  • Monserrat: six apartments available, average rent of $255,500 per month.
  • Núñez: three apartments available, average rent of $230,000 per month.
  • Palermo: 62 apartments available, average rent of $220,000 per month.
  • Parque Chacabuco: four apartments available, average rent of $138,000 per month.
  • Recoleta: nine apartments available, average rent of $230,000 per month.
  • San Telmo: three apartments available, average rent of $155,000 per month.
  • Villa Crespo: 18 apartments available, average rent of $204,500 per month.
  • Villa del Parque: four apartments available, average rent of $199,500 per month.
  • Villa Urquiza: 10 apartments available, average rent of $200,000 per month


With an offer that tends to zero, in CABA there are only 196 studio apartment options left, 314 1-bedrooms, 98 2-bedrooms and just 13 3-bedrooms.

A 1-bedroom apartment had an average cost of $243,750 in September, in addition to being the typology with the most apartments available in CABA:
  • Supply: three apartments available, average rent of $190,000 per month.
  • Almagro: 11 apartments available, average rent of $250,000 per month.
  • Balvanera: seven apartments available, average rent of $170,000 per month.
  • Barrio Norte: 24 apartments available, average rent of $242,500 per month.
  • Belgrano: 49 apartments available, average rent of $280,000 per month.
  • Caballito: 31 apartments available, average rent of $255,500 per month.
  • Microcentro: four apartments available, average rent of $177,500 per month.
  • Colegiales: four apartments available, average rent of $314,250 per month.
  • Flores: 17 apartments available, average rent of $220,000 per month.
  • Floresta: five apartments available, average rent of $220,000 per month.
  • Monserrat: four apartments available, average rent of $175,000 per month.
  • Núñez: 8 apartments available, average rent of $276,000 per month.
  • Palermo: 59 apartments available, average rent of $290,000 per month.
  • Parque Chacabuco: three apartments available, average rent of $180,000 per month.
  • Recoleta: 21 apartments available, average rent of $255,500 per month.
  • Retirement: Eight apartments available, average rent $271,000 per month.
  • Saavedra: five apartments available, average rent of $220,000 per month.
  • San Telmo: six apartments available, average rent of $245,000 per month.
  • Villa Crespo: 11 apartments available, average rent of $240,000 per month.
  • Villa del Parque: six apartments available, average rent of $240,000 per month.
  • Villa Devoto: four apartments available, average rent of $315,000 per month.
  • Villa Urquiza: 24 apartments available, average rent of $260,000 per month.


The dome of Callao and Sarmiento is part of a 2-bedroom apartment.

Two-bedroom apartments reached an average value of $292,500 last month:
  • Almagro: seven apartments available, average rent of $280,000 per month.
  • Balvanera: three apartments available, average rent of $153,300 per month.
  • Barrio Norte: 10 apartments available, average rent of $345,000 per month.
  • Belgrano: 13 apartments available, average rent of $350,000 per month.
  • Caballito: 19 apartments available, average rent of $300,000 per month.
  • Flores: six apartments available, average rent of $312,500 per month.
  • Floresta: four apartments available, average rent of $235,000 per month.
  • Núñez: three apartments available, average rent of $320,000 per month.
  • Palermo: 15 apartments available, average rent of $343,100 per month.
  • Recoleta: six apartments available, average rent of $266,000 per month.
  • Villa Crespo: eight apartments available, average rent of $271,000 per month.
  • Villa del Parque: four apartments available, average rent of $285,000 per month.


The 3-bedroom units are available in only three neighborhoods in all of CABA.

Three-bedroom units cost an average of $300,000 in September, with only three neighborhoods in all of CABA sharing the scarce supply of this typology:
  • Balvanera: three apartments available, average rent of $300,000 per month.
  • Barrio Norte: three apartments available, average rent of $328,500 per month.
  • Flores: seven apartments available, average rent of $300,000 per month.

By Candelaria Reinoso Taccone
