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Economy How much is the subway ticket in May 2024, after the increase - Infobae

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How much is the subway ticket in May 2024, after the increase - Infobae​



May 22, 2024

Since May 17, a new tariff schedule began to be applied with updated values and discounts according to frequency of use.

By Juan Manuel Godoy

How much does the subway ticket cost in May 2024, after the increase (Twitter @basubte)

After several twists and turns, since last Friday, May 17, the new tariff schedule for Subway and Premetro services in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires began to take effect . This adjustment was ratified after the precautionary measure imposed by Judge Elena Liberatori was annulled.

Despite the implementation of the increase, the litigation has not definitively concluded , since Judge Liberatori still has the power to decide on the precautionary measure requested to suspend this increase in the price of the ticket.

According to the resolution published on May 9 in the Official Gazette of the city of Buenos Aires, with the aim of minimizing the impact on users' pockets, the implementation of the new values will continue to increase in the coming months until May 1 August.

How much is the subway ticket in May 2024, after the new increase?​

The Subway and Premetro fare table that came into effect from May 17 to June 1, establishes that the value of the tickets is $574 and $200.90, respectively.

Retirees, pensioners, people with disabilities, transplant recipients, and primary and secondary students will continue to have the social rate and frequent passenger discounts.

Until before the increase, each trip had a cost of 125 pesos for the Subway and 43.75 pesos for the Premetro.

The Subway fare increase in Buenos Aires came into force on May 17.
Additionally, as we mentioned previously, according to the number of trips users make, they will receive a discount for being “frequent travelers” under the following scheme:

  • 1 to 20 trips: $574.
  • 21 to 30 trips: $459.20.
  • 31 to 40 trips: $401.80.
  • From 41 trips: $344.40.

How much will the subway increase in June 2024​

The second increase established by Subterráneos de Buenos Aires SE (SBASE) will be impacted starting June 1 and will remain in force until August , where the third section of the increase will be implemented.

In this way, the second section will begin to take effect on June 1 and will be $650 for the Subway and $227.5 for the Premetro . The first section implies an increase of almost 360%.

Starting with the third tranche, a differentiated rate will be established for unnominalized SUBE. Thus, those who have a registered card will pay $757 for the Subway and $264.95 for the Premetro. Otherwise, they will pay $859.07 and $300.67.

The second rate increase will be applied from June 1, 2024.

Since June 1st. Number of monthly trips:​

  • 1 to 20 trips: $650.
  • 21 to 30 trips: $520.
  • 31 to 40 trips: $455.
  • From 41 trips: $390.

Since August 1st. Number of monthly trips:​

  • 1 to 20 trips: $757 / $859.07 (UPLOAD without registration).
  • 21 to 30 trips: $605.60 / $687.25 (UPLOAD without registration).
  • 31 to 40 trips: $529.90 / $601.35 (UPLOAD without registration).
  • From 31 trips: $454.20 / $515.44 (UP without registering).

What is the negative balance of the SUBE Card?​

Public transport users who use the SUBE card have the option of a negative emergency balance. This balance allows passengers to continue their trip if their card runs out of charge. However, this benefit has a specific limit and, once reached, the user must recharge the card to continue using the transport.

The negative emergency balance on the SUBE card is 480 pesos.

In May 2024, the negative balance allowed on the SUBE card is 480 pesos , this amount is due to resolution 4/2021. The figure was outdated, since the figure does not allow traveling by subway without a balance.

How to register the SUBE Card​

The registration process makes it possible to consult or recover the balance in situations of loss or deterioration , as well as view the associated movements and discounts . Likewise, it provides the opportunity to receive information about public transportation and report SUBE points (commercial premises, train and subway stations, lottery agencies and post offices where it is possible to obtain or load the card).

In addition, registration enables procedures to be carried out through the SUBE website, with only a personal password , and facilitates access to the Social Rate for those who are included in the beneficiary groups.

Registering the SUBE card allows you to access the Social Rate and manage online movements. (NA)

How to register the SUBE in my name, step by step​

  • The first step to register the SUBE is to create an account on the argentina.gob.ar/SUBE website .
  • Subsequently, you must access the “Register it” section , where the following steps will be displayed. Within this section, there will be a form that will ask the user to complete their personal information and card number .
  • Once the information is entered, the user will be required to choose a four-digit password to establish the account.
  • Finally, after completing this process, the applicant will receive a confirmation email indicating that the registration has been completed successfully.