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I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell the name of the country Argentina right.


Well-known member
I keep seeing comments from people criticizing Milei's oversea trips, even from those who generally support his policies. Let's not forget that one of Milei's objectives is to make Argentina business friendly for international investors. All the changes in the world won't help if no one knows about it or the business community is not talking about it. Milei got elected in large part due to his ability to get people to talk about him, and yes, in part due to some of his crazy antics and controversial statements about things that never actually became a priority for his administration. There's a method in his madness...

"I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell the name of the country Argentina right." -Javier Milei (ok, ok, I'm saying it on his behalf)
Going to talk to potential investors is absolutely fine.

To go and pick up semi-dodgy prizes and medals from political allies using taxpayers' cash is not really sensible when we all know that "no hay plate"
I agree that it is good to get investments but at what point is it too many trips for you @TonyTigre? I don't think it's wrong to criticize some of the things he is doing. I like most of the things he is doing but no President does 100% of the things right. I think people have to be careful not to blindly follow everything he does and say it's correct. I see the same thing with Trump supporters in the USA the last Presidential cycle.

I'm sorry but going to Europe and accepting medals from Zelensky is semi dodgy. I agree with @GlasgowJohn completely on this one.
Why semi-dodgy?

No hay plata para que se la roben los chorros. Sí hay plata para relaciones públicas internacionales que el país necesita (y los premios son parte de ello).
But two wrongs don't make a right. On one hand people complain about the waste of taxpayers funds by the Peronists. Then they say Milei can waste money going to accept awards every few weeks. I see it as a distraction more than anything. There are real problems in Argentina to figure out. These things make the 50% that hate Milei hate him even more. And I doubt it helps the Milei supporters. You can see from even some die hard Milei defenders on this board or at least people that support him are speaking against this. This should be a clear sign this is hurting him not helping him.
Going to talk to potential investors is absolutely fine.

To go and pick up semi-dodgy prizes and medals from political allies using taxpayers' cash is not really sensible when we all know that "no hay plate"
I'm a Milei supporter and have defended him but I just think it's a mistake to go on so many trips for semi-dodgy causes. I'm not sure how anyone can support the rhetoric with Ukraine. @TonyTigre are you saying you agree to get more involved with Ukraine and Israel? Do you think that is a good idea and a good use of funds? Russia has come out and said if Argentina supplies weapons or planes to Ukraine they are going to regret it.
Going to talk to potential investors is absolutely fine.

To go and pick up semi-dodgy prizes and medals from political allies using taxpayers' cash is not really sensible when we all know that "no hay plate"
Gracias hermano. I respect people more when they are smart enough not to blindly follow everything a leader says. I respect some of you more reading this thread and other. Getting Argentina involved in the middle of worldwide threats and violence doesn't make sense. Forget about money part. No hay plata but why turn Argentina into target.

@TonyTigre you have it wrong. Milei isn't using them. They are using him for their marketing of whatever they are selling. Giving a strange award is to get support for the people giving. Are you blind not to see it?
Look I am all for President Milei meeting with Apple and Google and Elon Musk and anyone else that will give Argentina $$$ or help Argentina.

I agree a certain amount of trips for worthwhile causes helps Argentina. But remember that many Argentines (my girlfriend and her family included) have had to flee Argentina because conditions are so bad there and the economy is a mess. So seeing him fly to EU to accept awards from Zelensky does not give warm and fuzzies. Flying to meet with a Governor when you were just in the EU 2 weeks prior is not a good use of $$$.

If the economy doesn't improve, many people will say he was distracted by all of this nonsense. And it will probably be the beginning of the end. He has to be smarter.
I just think Milei needs to take care of business first in Argentina. Companies are probably not going to invest until they see big changes in Argentina. The country is still as messed up as ever only now it's much more expensive vs. last year. I know many people that have moved out of Argentina or going to just since the elections. I'm starting to see some of my friends that voted for Milei regret it now.
I keep seeing comments from people criticizing Milei's oversea trips, even from those who generally support his policies. Let's not forget that one of Milei's objectives is to make Argentina business friendly for international investors. All the changes in the world won't help if no one knows about it or the business community is not talking about it. Milei got elected in large part due to his ability to get people to talk about him, and yes, in part due to some of his crazy antics and controversial statements about things that never actually became a priority for his administration. There's a method in his madness...

"I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell the name of the country Argentina right." -Javier Milei (ok, ok, I'm saying it on his behalf)
Right on @TonyTigre. The man has a plan. Prior to this, no one knew anything about Argentina other than it was an economic mess. No one around the world could name the current Argentine President. Now, the name and face recognition of Milei is crazy. You can walk down the street and ask strangers in NYC and many know who he is. I saw some videos where everyone including hotdog cart vender knew who he was.

He understands the importance of social media. Take a look in Madrid the camera angles and photographers. It's all carefully orchestrated. He knows what he is doing.

On one point I do agree he has to be more careful about selecting and choosing which events to go to. He got talked out of meeting with Zelensky and then decided to go again. I don't think anyone in Argentina supports getting entangled in a mess over Ukraine.

But don't discount his plan. He did the impossible getting elected.
But who is doing that here? @TonyTiger's comment is not about that.

Why? And what do you actually know about his meeting with Zelensky.
@Sunny I'm no expert on Argentina and don't claim to be. Still learning each day about it. But I like to look at things on a risk/reward basis. What reward or benefit does Argentina get from pledging support or weapons for the Ukraine? I honestly want to know as all my Argentine friends that even supported Milei don't agree with this move so I'm trying to understand it.
@TonyTigre you nailed it! People who might not understand Argentina very well might not understand all the nuances of what he is doing or his strategy. I don't think he is doing everything right and I have posted since before office what I thought he was doing wrong. My company was one of the only ones to correctly forecast that he would win in a landslide.

Javier Milei is a very intelligent man. He may come off as crazy to a lot of people but he has a strategy. This article does a good job of mentioning this. Milei is attempting to position himself as a leader of the global far-right. To some it may seem like he is distracted and not focusing on Argentina. I do agree he has to be careful with too many of these types of trips.

But there is a method to what he is doing. He sees this as a Global Movement and so do other people around the world. It's all carefully thought out and orchestrated. If he is successful in Argentina, you should see a change in many other countries. But I agree first things first fixing Argentina.

And President Milei IS attempting to drum up support and investments in Spain. Many people don't know this but Spain is #2 behind the United States as biggest foreign investors in Argentina.

Why semi-dodgy?

No hay plata para que se la roben los chorros. Sí hay plata para relaciones públicas internacionales que el país necesita (y los premios son parte de ello).

It is semi-dodgy because it is not a real prize or medal

It is from a right-wing leader of the Comunidad de Madrid to a right-wing President.

There is no merit involved here - if he was left-wing, he would not get this prize.

The medal in Germany is more of the same, a right-wing economics foundation gives a medal to a right-wing President

These badges don't add one little thing to Argentinas reputation in the world
And President Milei IS attempting to drum up support and investments in Spain. Many people don't know this but Spain is #2 behind the United States as biggest foreign investors in Argentina.


You are correct but he should avoid playing party politics, Unfortunately, there are no investor meetings on the agenda this time.

By all means, talk to the investors but try and avoid narcissistic prizes.
It is semi-dodgy because it is not a real prize or medal

It is from a right-wing leader of the Comunidad de Madrid to a right-wing President.

There is no merit involved here - if he was left-wing, he would not get this prize.

The medal in Germany is more of the same, a right-wing economics foundation gives a medal to a right-wing President

These badges don't add one little thing to Argentinas reputation in the world
Yes, but there is a method to what they are trying to accomplish. I posted about it above. Milei has quickly become the head of the global leader of the right. He is respected and revered in a very very short amount of time. He is scaling back his Germany visit.

It is semi-dodgy because it is not a real prize or medal

It is from a right-wing leader of the Comunidad de Madrid to a right-wing President.

There is no merit involved here - if he was left-wing, he would not get this prize.

The medal in Germany is more of the same, a right-wing economics foundation gives a medal to a right-wing President

These badges don't add one little thing to Argentinas reputation in the world
Yes fake prizes. He doesn't care about Argentina's reputation in the world. Just his. He keeps antagonizing Sanchez.

John, you are confusing me. In your previous comment you said "to go and pick up semi-dodgy prizes and medals" but now you say it is not a real prize or medal. He was presented with a real honorary medal.

Yes, and what's so dodgy/dishonest about it?

Of course there is merit! And of course he wouldn't be celebrated like he is if he were a left-wing president.

I'm amazed that you see it that way.


The award from the Community of Madrid was given by the right-wing president of the community – it is politically motivated and the principal reason is to annoy the Country’s center-left President – This can only be described as semi-dodgy. With all due respect, this is not a real award – if Milei had been left of center he would not have got it.

The medal from the German Economics Foundation cannot be described as a true award either. OK, a real physical medal exists but it is based on his right-wing credentials, nothing else.

Milei and his team claim they are genuine awards but I am not convinced/ He is only celebrated by his fellow right-wingers in the countries he is visiting.

When the Nobel Foundation comes calling, I will admit that this award is a good one!

Also, the video in the Puerta del Sol in Madrid has been skilfully edited and you can only see part of the square- this square is always busy / it certainly wasn’t any busier than I have seen it in the past

The award from the Community of Madrid was given by the right-wing president of the community – it is politically motivated and the principal reason is to annoy the Country’s center-left President – This can only be described as semi-dodgy. With all due respect, this is not a real award – if Milei had been left of center he would not have got it.

The medal from the German Economics Foundation cannot be described as a true award either. OK, a real physical medal exists but it is based on his right-wing credentials, nothing else.

Milei and his team claim they are genuine awards but I am not convinced/ He is only celebrated by his fellow right-wingers in the countries he is visiting.

When the Nobel Foundation comes calling, I will admit that this award is a good one!

Also, the video in the Puerta del Sol in Madrid has been skilfully edited and you can only see part of the square- this square is always busy / it certainly wasn’t any busier than I have seen it in the past
Thank you @GlasgowJohn for keeping it real and telling like it is. If Milei wins the Nobel prize then I will give him a pass. But meeting to win semi-fake awards for political opponents and spending taxpayer money is not good. Like you said if it is a genuine award it ok. I am not convinced these trips will help Argentina's plight of people. It is good you can support Milei and still be objective.

I see same problem in USA with Trump. Many seem blind and will support him no matter what he says. I have some American friend they tell me they don't agree everything with Trump and tell me the thing they no like.