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Newcomer If I can only choose one, which is better: Santiago or Buenos Aires?


New member
I understand that this is a broad question, Santiago or Buenos Aires! We are a group of two couples traveling in January 2025, en route to Patagonia. We have a limited timeframe of 2-3 days and would like to explore one major city—either Buenos Aires or Santiago. Our focus is on immersive, local experiences, delving into culture and savoring authentic cuisine. We're open to venturing to the outskirts, surrounding areas, or even staying in a suburb or town nearby rather than being in the heart of the city. Our interests lie in beach experiences, historical sites, local culture, intriguing food, and connecting with people for unexpected encounters. Any suggestions for us to explore would be greatly appreciated! (I will also post this in the Santiago forum for additional insights). Thank you!
I've lived in both and I can tell you Buenos Aires x 10000 %

If you are from the USA just go to any boring crappy mid sized city with no culture and ugly miserable people if you want the Santiago experience
The most apparent choice would be Buenos Aires, and I assume that's where you'll likely go!

However, with just two or three days at your disposal, you might find yourself leaving Buenos Aires feeling somewhat frustrated, given the limited time to thoroughly explore its numerous neighborhoods. On the other hand, while you wouldn't have fully delved into Santiago either, you could arguably have a more satisfying experience within the given timeframe. Subsequently, you could always plan a return trip to Buenos Aires for a more extensive exploration.
The most apparent choice would be Buenos Aires, and I assume that's where you'll likely go!

However, with just two or three days at your disposal, you might find yourself leaving Buenos Aires feeling somewhat frustrated, given the limited time to thoroughly explore its numerous neighborhoods. On the other hand, while you wouldn't have fully delved into Santiago either, you could arguably have a more satisfying experience within the given timeframe. Subsequently, you could always plan a return trip to Buenos Aires for a more extensive exploration.

What would they do in Santiago for 2 or 3 days? Visit the Palacio de Moneda not bad I guess, that nice church in Plaza de Armas then the super high Costonara building. All fairly boring attractions that would take maybe 2 hours by taxi.

Visiting Santiago is a pointless exercise unless you have a reason to be there like love or business or visiting family whatever. From a purely tourism point of view it's a waste of time
Buenos Aires stands as a sprawling metropolis with numerous attractions, an abundance of excellent restaurants, and an ambiance reminiscent of a European city. The city boasts clear skies and delightful weather, offering everything you could desire.
Certainly, Buenos Aires.

It's an enchanting city renowned for its impressive architecture, delectable cuisine, and warm-hearted people. A few days there, and you'll undoubtedly be compelled to return for more.
I don't view travel in terms of choosing between this or that.

For me, it's a matter of when I'll visit a particular place, not if I will. Given the likelihood that you'll be traveling more, you'll eventually get to all the places on your list. It might be helpful to start by selecting one destination and then gradually working your way down the list.

Best of luck!