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Politics Ignacio Torres seeks to show power in the conflict with Milei and will bring together the Patagonian governors in the Senate - Infobae


Ignacio Torres seeks to show power in the conflict with Milei and will bring together the Patagonian governors in the Senate - Infobae



February 27, 2024

The president of Chubut will appear alongside Alberto Weretilneck (Río Negro), Claudio Vidal (Santa Cruz), Sergio Ziliotto (La Pampa), Rolando Figueroa (Neuquén) and Gustavo Melella (Tierra del Fuego) and will give a press conference

By Mariano Casal

The governor of Chubut, Ignacio Torres (Maximiliano Luna)

A group of Patagonian governors will hold a press conference tomorrow in the Blue Room of the Senate, in the midst of the strong dispute between Javier Milei and the Chubut president, Ignacio Torres , over the retention of co-participation funds and warnings about possible brakes on the sending of Petroleum.

According to sources from the Upper House confided to Infobae , the meeting will be at 5 p.m. and not only Torres will be there, but also Alberto Weretilneck (Río Negro), Claudio Vidal (Santa Cruz), Sergio Ziliotto (La Pampa), Rolando Figueroa (Neuquén) and Gustavo Melella (Tierra del Fuego).

Although from the Casa Rosada they continued in the last hours with the strong accusations against Torres, the group of Patagonian leaders tries to explore some avenues of negotiation and show a common position to stop the consequences of an extended dispute with the Executive .

Regarding this point, Weretilneck assured: “Before producing measures from which there is no return, such as interrupting the supply of gas and oil to the entire country, there are many alternatives to explore, such as dialogue. Cutting off supply or paralyzing production is an extreme tool when all avenues are exhausted. First, we are going to talk, to dialogue, we will negotiate. Then, if it is not enough, we will go to Congress and then to Justice. There is much to do before such an extreme measure as stopping oil and gas production throughout the country .”

For his part, Figueroa said that “dialogue is the way, we have constitutional bodies that democracy gives us,” and added: “Dialogue, Congress and Justice, it seems to me that that is the way to go.” Beyond this, he made it clear that “ we never allow a comrade and colleague governor to drown in any way . ”

The governors of Río Negro and Neuquén, Alberto Weretilneck and Rolando Figueroa

The holding of the meeting in the Senate is not minor, since there the pressure increases day by day on the mega Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) that deregulates the economy. During today, a group of legislators from the anti-Kirchnerist opposition asked the head of the Corps, Victoria Villarruel , to call a session to debate this norm - without date, so that she defines according to the power given to her by the regulations. -, which needs the rejection of both Chambers to be deactivated.

The request in question was signed last Friday, when it was ratified by the Senate authorities, and formally presented this Monday. The main promoters were the dissident Peronists Edgardo Kueider (Entre Ríos), Carlos Espínola (Corrientes) and Alejandra Vigo (Córdoba), from Unidad Federal; and the provincial wild ones of Federal Innovation Mónica Silva (Together We Are Río Negro, Weretilneck party) and the renewal missionaries Carlos Arce and Sonia Rojas Decut .

The six legislators were joined by Santa Cruz residents José María Carambia and Natalia Gadano - they respond to Vidal, although the first generates distrust due to his own game in his province and in the upper house - and the surprise of the request to Villarruel, who was the radical Pablo Blanco (Tierra del Fuego).

In reality, the senator from the centenary party had already told his colleagues on the bench for many weeks that he wanted to reject the mega DNU as soon as possible . That motivated some anger in a bloc that juggles between the need to unite as a political force and the statements of leaders who try to monopolize all the attention of the political and media campaign.

While the rejection against the mega DNU grows, the blocks of the Upper House are waiting for the Legislative Assembly next Friday and the opening of ordinary sessions that Milei must hold, with a speech that will look not only at politics, but also at market.