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Politics In advance of the debate on the Omnibus Law, governors of Together for Change ratified the unity of the coalition - Infobae


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In advance of the debate on the Omnibus Law, governors of Together for Change ratified the unity of the coalition - Infobae


January 09, 2024

The provincial leaders held a virtual meeting in which they “analyzed the economic and institutional situation” of the country. Support and expressions of solidarity for Maximiliano Pullaro after the drug threats to him and his family.

File photo of a past meeting of governors of Together for Change. This Monday the meeting was through a meet

The governors of Together for Change held a meeting this Monday in which they analyzed the situation in the country, talked about the differences within the coalition and expressed their solidarity with Maximiliano Pullaro after the new threats from drug trafficking against him and his family.

The meeting was held virtually less than 24 hours before the extensive Omnibus Law begins to be discussed in the Chamber of Deputies which, due to its extension and the breadth of reforms it proposes, divides the waters into the different spaces.

Despite the fact that JxC has legislators who act as allies to the Government of Javier Milei and others who remain firm as opponents, the leaders The provincial authorities signed it to ensure that there is no risk of rupture.

“The governors of Together for Change meet today to once again ratify the unity of our space and to analyze the economic and institutional situation in this complex situation that the country is going through”< a i=1>, they summarized in a brief statement that they released late last night. “We reaffirm our commitment to an agenda of change and transformation that is in line with the staunch defense of federalism”, they added.

This Tuesday at 2 p.m. the debate will begin in the Lower House in the three committees through which the extensive project will pass: General Legislation, Constitutional Affairs and Budget and Finance. It is estimated that the interventions will last until 8 p.m. The three will operate in parallel in the House annex.

On Wednesday and Thursday the treatment in commission will begin at 9 in the morning. On all three days there will be the presence of first and second line national officials. The agenda put together by the ruling party - which can be modified as a consequence of the responsibilities of each of them - indicates that this Tuesday the Secretary of Energy will be present, Eduardo Rodríguez Chirillo between 2 and 5 p.m., and the Minister of Justice, Mariano Cúneo Libarona, from 5 to 8 p.m.


The ministers are scheduled to arrive at Annex C on Wednesday Guillermo Francos (Interior), Patricia Bullrich (Security) and Guillermo Ferraro (Infrastructure). On Thursday, meanwhile, Sandra Pettovello (Human Capital) is expected to be present along with the majority of her secretaries. Neither the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, nor the head of the Economy, Luis, are on the list of ministers. “Toto” Caputo.

The JxC statement was signed by the head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Jorge Macri; and the governors .Leandro Zdero (Chaco), Ignacio Torres (Chubut), Gustavo Valdés (Corrientes), Rogelio Frigerio (Entre Ríos), Carlos Sadir (Jujuy), Alfredo Cornejo (Mendoza), Marcelo Orrego (San Juan), Claudio Poggi (San Luis), and Maximiliano Pullaro (Santa Fe)

Regarding the man from Santa Fe, the provincial leaders expressed their solidarity "in the face of the threats that his family received from drug traffickers whom he is facing with unwavering courage."

Outside the statement, Cornejo said through a tweet that he conveyed his solidarity to Pullaro and emphasized: “That Argentina must disappear once and for all.”

The governor of Santa Fe was once again the victim of a threat this Monday, days after announcing that he had to move his family to preserve your safety. On this occasion, the provincial leader received an intimidating message in a central office in Rosario, through which they again warned him about a possible attack against him, his wife and two children.

“We are going to continue on this path of fighting crime, we are going to continue keeping high-profile prisoners in special wards, which is what bothers them the most.< /span>, said Pullaro.We are not going to be intimidated” We are going to improve the levels of violence and security.

Although he preferred not to provide details about the threat, he did say that the intimidating message was directed at his family.