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Politics In advance of the debate on the Omnibus Law, the UCR ratifies the “will to accompany” the Government - Infobae


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In advance of the debate on the Omnibus Law, the UCR ratifies the “will to accompany” the Government: “We are not going to lead any rejection of anything”
- Infobae


January 09, 2024

The president of the radical bloc in the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo De Loredo, stated that the Executive Branch must be given “reasonable time,” although he warned that they will not hand over “a blank check” either.

Rodrigo De Loredo, president of the UCR block in the Chamber of Deputies.

While the discussion of the Omnibus Law in the Congressional committees begins, and waiting for the formation of the bicameral that deals with it , despite the fact that they raised some objections to the proposals and anticipated that they will not give “a blank check.”the willingness to accompany the Governmenta few days after assuming the presidency, which includes a broad economic reform, the Radical Civic Union ratified the DNU that Javier Milei signed.

The president of the radicalism bloc in the Chamber of Deputies, the man from Córdoba Rodrigo De Loredo, was forceful in stating that this force, key For the Executive when it comes to gathering votes to approve the proposals, “it will not lead any rejection process.”

Today, at 2 p.m., the parliamentary debate on the so-called Omnibus Law begins in the three commissions through which the extensive project will pass: General Legislation, Constitutional Affairs and Budget and Finance.

On Wednesday and Thursday, the treatment of the project will begin at 9 in the morning and, according to what the ruling party expects, it will last throughout the afternoon. This Tuesday the Secretary of Energy, Eduardo Rodríguez Chirillo will be present among the 14 and 17, and the Minister of Justice, Mariano Cúneo Libarona, from 17 to 20.

De Loredo assured that the UCR agrees “with many reforms” that President Javier Milei proposes, although he focused on the ways, particularly, speaking of the Decree of Necessity and Urgency of economic deregulation that the Government presented in December.

In dialogue with journalist Ernesto Tenembaun on Radio Con Vos, the Córdoba legislator said that his party wants to “apply common sense” to the discussion of the ruling party's proposals.

“Although we agree on many of the reforms, it seems paradoxical to us that, in the name of shrinking the State, a person requests the accumulation of powers and powers of the State”, he warned.

De Loredo affirmed that the Government has “subjective powers to declare an emergency context” since the situation “is extremely serious, which is inherited from erratic policies, from the silver plan most brutal and monumental that Argentine economic history has ever recorded, which cost 2 points of GDP.”

Beyond the Omnibus Law, De Loredo was also consulted about the DNU, which has not yet begun to be discussed in Congress and which has already suffered some measures.

Congress begins to discuss the Omnibus Law. EFE/David Fernández
precautionary measures from Justice that stopped the implementation of some of the points.

“We believe that the DNU can be opened, in different ways, even with the current legislation made by Cristina's administration,” said De Loredo. In that sense, he warned that “if your reform processes, in addition to being profound, are nourished by a DNU, delegated powers, emergency laws and extended budgets, you generate a context of institutional precariousness that begins to judicially weaken the actions.”

There he was consulted about what the UCR's position will be regarding the DNU, and De Loredo was forceful: “We are not going to lead any rejection process.”

“This Government assumes an economic setup that is brutal, it has a truly extraordinary situation. We are not the ones who are going to lead any rejection of anything. We have a constructive will to accompany, but don't ask us for blank checks either, we are not going to give them to anyone. They will bitch us one and the other,” he added.

“We are going to do what corresponds to the DNU, we are going to study it, analyze it, we are going to try to disaggregate it. We are waiting for the bicameral commission to be established. Meanwhile, since December 29, it is already taking effect. This all or nothing logic that is proposed by the Government, which makes me doubt. The reforms are already happening. We do not suddenly block it, we do not reject it in limine, we integrate the bicameral commission, we will study it and give the Government reasonable time”, insisted the deputy Cordoban.